Chapter 4: Starting to Adjust

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The next morning

Once again (F/N) is up early. This time though Rias is already up along with Akeno. He asks them, "What is going on? Why are you both up so early?" Rias responds, "Well I figured since you already get up early in the morning this would be a good time to get an idea of what kind of magic you can do. Akeno here is going to help train you, as she is the expert in my peerage with magic." Akeno smiles, "That's right sweetie, I am going to teach you everything I know." (F/N), taken back by his new nickname, says, "I am not quite alright with being called sweetie. Also what kinds of magic do you use? Akeno says, "I excel in using lightning and thunder magics." (F/N) says, "That is great I would love to learn more about those. I am currently only good with fire, ice, water, earth, wind, invisibility, light, and dark magics." Rias nearly choking on the bagel she was eating, "Only?" (F/N) says not sure why Rias is stunned, "Yes. I would like to learn as much magic as possible. I think it is really cool to be able to do magic."

For the next hour Akeno shows (F/N) how lightning magic works. She explains the basic concepts and he gets that hang of it rather quickly. "Wow, you sure are a quick study," Akeno says. "Learning magic was one of the few things I enjoyed while I was a slave. Roderick thought it was good since I could make more money for him that way. I am guessing he kind of regrets letting me learn so much now though," (F/N) says. Akeno giggles, "Yeah he is gonna be in some real pain when you see him again. You are constantly getting stronger and already were strong enough to make him flee last time." (F/N) says, "Good I hope I get the chance to kill him soon. I still want to get revenge for my mom and dad." The two keep on talking for about a half hour before going and getting ready for classes that day.

Time skip to after school.

Similar to the previous day after classes are over the ORC members head to the old school house. This time Irina doesn't go with as she has some business to take care of for Lord Michael. After those with requests go out to take care of them Rias has (F/N) and Koneko go outside to practice sparring in hand to hand combat. Unlike the previous day (F/N) does not do so well against Koneko. Exhausted he says, "Let's take a break for a minute." While he is seated against a tree resting he notices Ravel standing in the shadows watching him. He says jokingly, "Didn't you get your fill of seeing me yesterday." Ravel responds in an irritated voice, "I am just trying to get an idea of what you can do. After seeing you today I have to say I was wrong, you actually are pretty good." (F/N) responds confused, "What do you mean I was doing better yesterday and you were saying how underwhelming I was?" Ravel responds, "While you may have done better yesterday, your swordplay movements are forces. They are somewhat predictable. While you are actually slightly faster than Kiba he is able to fight evenly with you since you are predictable. In contrast, today you are doing rather well. Although you may be losing more it appears like you are fighting more naturally. I bet with practice you would actually become better than Koneko." "Wow Fried Chicken, I didn't think you knew how to compliment someone," Koneko says as she walks over. "I will have you know I complement those that I think are worth being complemented. There are just not many such people in the world," Ravel huffs at Koneko. (F/N) next says, "Really all I got out of that is you are watching me way too much. I am starting to think you have a crush on me or something." Ravel blushes slightly and says, "In your dreams, like I would ever have a crush on someone like you" as she walks off.

After she leaves Koneko turns to (F/N) and says, "She is not wrong though. You actually are kinda good in hand to hand combat. Also since you are so skilled in magic mixing the two may allow you to become way stronger. I can help train you some more if you want." (F/N) happily agrees and they return to sparring with each other. This time Koneko gives him some more pointers to help him improve more.

The next morning.

(F/N) gets up to find Rossweisse in the dining room waiting for him. She says, "I thought today since it is a day off school would be a good chance for me to teach you some Nordic magic." (F/N) readily agrees, excited to learn some more magic as the two head to the training area. Once again (F/N) picks up the new kind of magic really quickly. This time Rossweisse says, "Wow you are a ridiculously fast learner. Not only that, but you seem to be actually altering the spells that you are using to make them even stronger." (F/N) replies, "I am just thinking of ways to make what I do have at my disposal even better, so I can be of even more use to Rias and all of you." Rossweisse asks, "Why do you care about being of use to us?" "I don't really have anyone else in my life who cares about me, so I want to make sure that I don't let any of you guys down is all. I want to be able to protect you all if I can," (F/N) responds.

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