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Nardarion18: I hope you all enjoy this story. I am still somewhat new at writing fan-fiction so I am sorry if I don't do a good job. I would appreciate any comments that anyone has to offer for how I can improve as this is only volume one of several that I plan on writing for this story. Any suggestions for things you would like to see in the story would also be appreciated as I have only worked out the main plot so far.

(F/N) (L/N) was a normal child for the first six years of his life. He had two close friends named Irina Shidou and Issei Hyoudou. He had played with Irina practically everyday since he could remember as their parents were close friends. He and Issei also got along rather well and lived close by so they would play together often. To (F/N) his two friends were his whole world and he would do anything he could for them. He would often say he wanted them to stay friends for their whole lives. This happy life that he was living came to a dramatic end on his seventh birthday.

(L/N) Family Home

As per usual (F/N) woke up at 5am on his birthday like he did everyday. Usually he was the only one up for about an hour or so. During this time he would read books and various things that you could find. He was always trying to learn as much as he could. When his dad woke up at about 6am he came out into the family room to find his son sitting on the couch reading.

(F/N)'s dad walks into the room saying, "Happy birthday son." Looking at his son he notices that he didn't hear him, so he walks over and pulls the book away. "Haven't you read this book before." Looking up (F/N) responds, "No, this is book 5 of the series, all the covers just look the same. It is a good series about a hero that becomes friends with a dragon. I hope that I can have a life like that someday." With a somewhat concerned look on his face his father says, "You know that dragons don't exist right?" "Yeah, but is it still fun to dream about them and on going on wild adventures with my friends," (F/N) responds. His dad smiles and says, "Well we have quite the day planned for you for your birthday, so go get dressed." "I will get ready later. Can I have my book back, I know mom won't be up for several hours still since she is off work today?" (F/N) questions. Handing the book back, his dad responds, "Okay, but be ready to leave by 8."

Time Skip

For (F/N)'s birthday, his parents take him, Irina, and Issei out to (F/N)'s favorite restaurant. They then go to an arcade and play games there for several hours. After spending all day with his friends, eating cake, and then opening presents (F/N) was really happy. He and his parents then said farewell to his friends as they headed back home.

Once they get home (F/N) dad looks over at (F/N) and says, "We have one more special present to give you today." "Really, what is it?" (F/N) inquires. "Well you will just have to wait, while I go and grab it," his dad responds as he is walking into the family's pantry. His dad lifts up a false floor board and pulls out a shield that shines as if it was made of light itself.

Bringing the shield back, he hands it to (F/N) saying, "This is a very special item, that your mother and I were given by the church to protect

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Bringing the shield back, he hands it to (F/N) saying, "This is a very special item, that your mother and I were given by the church to protect. It is yours now, so make sure you take good care of it." "If it is so important, why are you giving it to me," (F/N) inquires. "Well, you see several people we are supposed to be keeping the shield safe from have figured out that we have it, so we figured it was best that you hold on to it for us," his mother responds. "That doesn't make much sense, won't they figure out that I have it," (F/N) responds. "No they won't, because you see son you possess a very rare form of magic," His father responds. "WHAT?" (F/N) yells. "Magic is not real, you have told this to me my whole life!" "Well son, we lied," his mother responds. "To prove it, say hide while looking at the shield." Obeying his mother's order, (F/N) does so. As soon as he does the shield vanishes. "What just happened!" (F/N) exclaims. "Well son, you have a very unique power that allows you to teleport things to another dimension that only you can access. When you want that shield to reappear all you simply have to do is think about it and the shield will appear," his mother explains. "How did you find out that I could do this," (F/N) asks. His dad looks at him and says, "A lot of things went missing when you were a baby and then some would randomly show back up. Once I saw you make your crib disappear (not a safe thing for a baby to do) and realized what was happening. Now it is late go get some rest."

After (F/N) leaves the room his parents start to pull weapons that (F/N) thought were decorations down from the walls. "We have to protect our son when they attack tonight," his dad states. "I know everything is resting on him now," his mother exhales.

Less than five minutes later a large bang is heard. Five men rush in, to the house and attack (F/N)'s parents. Being skilled exorcists, the church had given the special mission to protect the shield, they easily take down three of these men. Then a man well over seven feet tall walks into the room saying, "If you tell us where the shield is we may leave one of you alive." Both parents rush the man and he cuts them down with ease. Walking in behind him comes a well dressed man, who says, "Well done Solon. I knew I could count on you. Now go find that shield." Tearing the house apart the remaining men try to find the shield, while the well dressed man begins to play with the dead bodies spreading blood everywhere.

Solon walks into (F/N)'s room and sees a bundle trembling on the floor under a blanket. Pulling the blanket up Solon sees (F/N). "Well now little boy do you happen to know where I can find a big glowing shield." (F/N) who has never lied before replies, "I am not sure what you are talking about. The only shield in the house is downstairs over the fireplace. However, I don't think it glows. It would be kind of weird if it did. Why would my parents put a glowing shield over a fireplace which already gives off light?" Solon stands there for a second laughing and then says, "You know what I like you kid." He picks (F/N) up, throws him over his shoulder and walks downstairs, all the while (F/N) is wiggling trying to get free. "Hey boss, I think we should keep this kid. He may be useful. I already found out he knows nothing about the shield." When (F/N) gets carried into the front room, he sees the scene that has happened. He begins to cry. The well dressed man smiles getting up from the pool of blood he was playing in and walks up to the boy. "Don't worry as long as you are useful, I won't kill you like your parents. You are my property now so you better behave," the man says as he smirks. One of the men finds the false floor in the pantry. He goes and reports what he finds to saying, "Hey boss it looks like it is not here anymore." They must have given it to someone." The well dressed man turns to (F/N) and asks, "You have any idea who your parents may have given a glowing shield to." (F/N) nervously lies, "I am not sure they have had a lot of people from the church coming over the past few days. The man sighs and orders everyone to leave. The group then all leave dragging (F/N) along. The well dressed man is disappointed that he was unable to find the shield, but figures that at least he got a new servant out of it.

Time skip to the next day

The next day Irina goes over to (F/N)'s house to see if he can play that day. When she gets there she sees the scene that could be pulled straight out of a horror movie and runs home crying. She runs to her mom and cries. Her mom tries to comfort her and find out what happened. All that she is able to make out from Irina's sobbing, is there was lots of blood. Stunned by hearing this, Irina's mom calls in her husband and sends him over to see what happened. When he returns he says clearly upset, "It appears like someone broke into their house last night and murdered them." A police report is filed, but no suspect is ever found. Irina remains traumatized by this event, and her parents decide it would be best if they move to get away from the town. They pack up all their things and move to England within a month of the attack. 

The Birth of a Hero (High School DxD x Male Reader) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now