Chapter 3: First Day of School

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The next morning

As usual (F/N) wakes up early in the morning. He noticed that it looked like they had a ton of books in one of the rooms, so he figured he would go check them out after showering. As he is about to walk into the bathroom, the idea runs through his head, "There are a lot of girls living here. Even though it is early I probably should knock before I just walk in." After doing so determines no one is in the bathroom and goes into shower.

After finishing getting dressed, he walks into the large open room with a ton of books. The room is Rias's office where she manages the house while not in the clubhouse at the school. (F/N) starts looking through the shelves to see if there are any good books. Before he finds any Rias walks in. "You see anything that interests you," Rias asks. (F/N) turns smiling and says, "No not yet. You do sure have a lot of books here though." Rias asks, "What kinds of books do you generally read?" "Mostly books on magic, sword fighting, and military tactics. I try to learn as much as I can to be helpful," (F/N) responds. "Well I will see if I can find some books on those topics for you to read," Rias says back. "However, it is time for breakfast now and then to be off to the academy. We still have to register you as a student at the academy." (F/N) responds with surprises in his voice, "Wait I am not registered, and yet you plan on me starting today." "Don't worry my father is on the school board, so they will let you in," Rias responds.

Once they finish eating breakfast, (F/N) and Rias head to the school. When they get there two black haired girls in glasses see then and say hello to Rias. "Rias, who is the new guy,'' one of them inquires. I didn't think you had any pieces left," one of the girls asks. "Rias responds, "Hello, Sona. No, I don't have any pieces left. He is a human staying with me for the time being. (F/N) this is Sona the student body president and her vice president Tsubaki." "Nice to meet you," (F/N) says while bowing his head. "Wow he is certainly polite. That is pretty rare around here. Why the sudden interest in a human Rias?" Sona asks. Rias says, "He was a slave to Roderick that we recently freed. If it wasn't for him we probably would have all died as Roderick was beating us. However, as soon as the spell on (F/N) here was broken he charged at Roderick forcing him to retreat." "He must be pretty strong to cause Roderick to feel," Sona states clearly impressed. "I would say so he managed to take down Koneko, Irina, and wounded Issei by himself," Rias states. "He actually hurt the Red Dragon Emperor. Now that is interesting. I am going to keep my eye on him," Sona says as she and Tsubaki walk off.

Now that her business with Sona was concluded, Rias led (F/N) to the main office to get all set for classes. He is put into class 3-B upon Rias's request. When (F/N) walks in he figures out why she wanted him in that class when he sees Issei, Irina, Xenovia, and Asia all in the room. The teacher introduces him to the class then has him go take a seat by Issei. Before class starts two guys who were talking to Issei come up to (F/N). "Hey man it is nice to meet you. Issei told us you were one of his childhood friends. Want to come over to my place to watch a show after school," one of them asks. "What type of show?" (F/N) asks curiously. "Oh just like the best kind of show ever, it's a porno," the other guy happily chimes in. (F/N), stunned by the bluntness of his answer says, "I have no interest in such things. I believe that it is a man's responsibility to show respect towards women. Such a show is surely disrespectful to all women. You should be ashamed that you are even considering doing something like that." Several of the girls in the class overhear this.

Girl 1: "Wait a second he is not a total pervert and sorta cute. That is so unheard of here."

Girl 2: "Wow he is almost as cool as Kiba."

Time skip to lunch time.

(F/N) gets swarmed by several girls from the class wanting to eat lunch with him. A red faced Irina walks up and says, "Leave him alone. He has already agreed to eat lunch with me." Before (F/N) gets a word in, Irina grabs his hand and drags him out of the room. "Hey Irina, are you alright. That was rather rude and not like you," asks (F/N). "I don't want you spending time with girls like that. They only are trying to get close to you because you are not a pervert like most of the guys at this school," Irina huffs. "It didn't seem that way to me, but then again I don't really understand women at all, so you would know better than me" (F/N) responds. Asia and Xenovia catch up to the two of them and the four all go and eat lunch together.

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