Chapter 2: The Beginning of a New Life

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Hyoudou residence several days after the battle.

(F/N) finally awakes from his unconscious state resulting from the battle. He wakes to find a girl with twin tails staring at him and his hands being bound. Seeing him awake, Irina runs over and hugs him. (F/N) confusingly rattles off many questions all at once, "Where I am? What happened to Roderick? Why are my hands bound? Who are you and why are you hugging me? Irina backs up looking hurt and says, "You don't remember who I am." (F/N) now feeling bad says, "To be fair I don't remember much from before Roderick kidnapped me, and am guessing we knew each other before that since no one that knew me after that would want to hug me." (F/N) then stares at Irina for several seconds and then it clicks. "Irina, is that you?" he asks. Irina smiles saying "Oh, good you haven't forgotten me." Now on to your other questions, we are in Issei's home. Roderick got away although you did pierce his leg with a spear of light so we probably won't be doing much for a while. As for why your hands are bound, this was the only way I could get Rias to agree to take you with us." (F/N) inquires, "Who is Rias? Also since when does Issei live in such a large house." Before, Irina can answer Rias walks in, saying "I am Rias, and my father built this house for my servant Issei and all of us to live in." She then turns to Irina and says, "Leave so I can question him." "He just woke up. He is in no condition to answer any of your questions," Irina exclaims. Rias looks at her coldly and says, "Relax I am not going to hurt your boyfriend here. I just want to ask him what he can remember." Irina now seriously blushing says, "He is not my boyfriend. We were best friends when we were kids and I thought he was dead. So I am just trying to look out for him now that I know he is alive." She then leaves the room, knowing that Rias is not going to stop wanting to question (F/N).

After Irina is gone Rias turns to (F/N) and says, "Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Rias Gremory, I am a devil." (F/N) looks up at her nervously and says, "Are you a devil anything like Roderick, because if so can you just kill me now?" Rias looks at him and says, "Just answer my questions." "How did you end up in the service of Roderick? Also why did you turn on him so quickly once those bands were gone." (F/N) answers trying to retell the story of his parents' death from what he can remember. Afterwards (F/N) says, "As for why I attacked Roderick, I've been wanting to kill him since that day. However, the bands on my wrists made me essentially his puppet. I could not do anything to harm him or that was against his wishes. Also I could not really remember how I had met him, just that I hated him." Rias, somewhat satisfied with this answer, asks, "What are you going to do now?" (F/N) responds saying, "I am not really sure. I don't have any family and I am pretty sure I tried to kill the only friends I had several days ago." Rias smiles, "Even trying to kill Irina was not enough to get her to stop caring for you. She didn't leave your side the entire time you were asleep." With a puzzled look (F/N) responds, "Why would she do that, it is not like I could go anywhere with my hands bound anyway." Rias thinks, "Wow this boy is really clueless. Can't he figure out that Irina is way into him." Then she turns to (F/N) and says, "I am not sure why, maybe you should ask her." Afterwards she reaches down and removes his bands. "You can stay with us for the time being, but be on your best behavior."

(F/N) is escorted downstairs by Rias. All of Rias peerage along with Irina are in the dining room eating lunch. Rias says to all of them, "This is (F/N) (L/N). He is going to be living with us for the time being. As you know he was originally working with Roderick, however I have confirmed that he was doing so against his will. Roderick killed his parents, so he has nowhere else to go. Be nice to him." The group then begins to introduce themselves.

Issei: "Hey man it has been awhile. I thought you were dead. You remember me right, I am Issei."

(F/N) nods that he remembers.

Asia: "Nice to meet you. I am Asia, I helped you up after you got stabbed by Roderick."

(F/N): "Thank you. I am surprised that you would help me after all I did."

Asia: "Oh, it was no problem. Once Irina explained what was going on I knew you must not be that bad of a guy."

Koneko: "Sup, I am Koneko."

Rossweisse: "I am Rossweisse. I am a teacher at Kuoh Academy where you will be attending."

(F/N) turns to Rias and says, "I don't recall saying I was going to school." Rias responds, "Well you have to do something while you are here. Do you have a problem with it." "No not really, I actually look forward to being able to go to school again," (F/N) says.

Xenovia: "Hi, I am Xenovia, one of Irina's friends. She told me all about you while we were working together."

Kiba: "Hi I am Kiba. Thanks for killing that Solon guy. He really got the better of me."

(F/N): "Not a problem. I am fairly sure he is the one that killed my parents, so I was really just trying to get revenge."

Akeno: "Nice to meet you I am Akeno."

After hearing all of them introduce themselves (F/N) is stunned and asks them, "Why are all of you being so nice to me? I did try to kill you just a few days ago." Rossweisee explains, "We looked into those bands that you had on your wrists. From this we determined that you were really more like a puppet then yourself while they were on. So the person we fought and you aren't really the same guy." "It also helps that Irina won't shut up about how great of a guy you really are," Xenovia pipes in. (F/N) turns to Irina saying, "I am glad to hear you think so highly of me, but I am really not all the great. I have done some truly horrible stuff even if I was not really in control of myself."

Before the conversation can continue Rias interrupts, not wanting to dwell on the past, and explains there is another member named Gaspar hiding in the box by the table. Rias then proceeds to explain to (F/N) that everyone there but Irina is a devil in her service. (F/N) pipes in, "Does that me I am a devil serving you now too." "No" Rias responds. "I didn't have any pieces left to make you a servant. You are still very much a human, although an oddly strong one." "Well I didn't really have much choice in that. I had to either get strong, or die while I was a slave to Roderick." After this short exchange she then tells him about the Occult Research Club. She is about to keep going, but gets interrupted as Issei's parents walk in.

Rias turns to them and says, "This is (F/N) (L/N). I was hoping that you would be willing to let him live here as well." She thinks, "Although if you say no I guess I will just manipulate you into thinking you agreed to it." It does not come to that. Realizing who (F/N) is, the Hyoudou's rush forward hugging him. Together they exclaim, "Thank goodness you are alive. We thought that you had died that terrible day when your parents got killed. Of course you can live here with us, after all we have always thought of you as a second son."

Several hours later.

Akeno: "Rias are you sure it is a good idea to let him stay with us."

Rias: "I do. He seems like a kind boy. He is a bit naive being completely oblivious to how Irina feels about him."

Akeno giggles and says, "Well I can help fix that if you want." "NO, I don't want you corrupting anyone else!" Rias yells. "Relax, Rias I was kidding mostly," Akeno replies. "Although I do have to admit, the fact that he could fight against devils so well and be only human is rather impressive. Even more so he doesn't appear to have a sacred gear." "I know I am as shocked by it as you are. My guess is that he is hiding something, but he probably will open up eventually. I mean he did just meet most of us, and recover from being a slave to a psychopath," Rias states. Akeno then says "Well I hope he stays around for a while, I look forward to having some fun with him while finding out more about him." 

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