Chapter 7: The Contest

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The next morning

The group all gathers around the table for breakfast. Xenovia, Koneko, Irina, and Akeno start fighting over who gets to sit next to (F/N) who is sitting on one of the edges of the table. Rias says, "Well it looks like a second harem is forming in the house. I mean it is natural with so many girls, although are you alright sharing several of your girls with (F/N), Issei?" Issei, confused (being oblivious to the fact he has a harem) says, "(F/N) told me he is against having a harem. He just wants one girl to spend the rest of his life with." "Oh is that so, well you better pick fast (F/N) before they start killing each other over you." (F/N) is about to respond when Issei pipes up, "Actually (F/N) told me that he was alright with me holding a contest to decide which girl he would date." "Is that true (F/N)?" Irina asks. (F/N) says, "It is. Issei said he had a good method figured out and I figured I may as well give it a try." "That was dumb. He is a massive pervert," Koneko responds. (F/N) just realizing this says, "Well I did agree to whatever his plan is, so I will hear him out. Ultimately the decision is going to be mine regardless of what he has planned." Issei says, "Thanks man. Now the plan is to hold a swimsuit contest." "What, how is that a good plan?" (F/N) says. Rias chimes in, "Actually that is a great idea. We still have exclusive access to the pool for the rest of the week. I say we use this chance to hold the contest. Obviously, (F/N) doesn't have to choose anyone. However, this could be fun. Let us hold it on our day of classes this week." (F/N) shakes his head saying, "What have I gotten myself into?" "Don't worry man it is not just so you can see them in their swimsuits, although that should be reason enough. Each girl will also explain to you why they are the best choice for your girlfriend," Issei says. (F/N) looks up saying, "Well I guess that would be somewhat helpful."

Time skip to school

(F/N) notices that during lunch Issei is going over to all the girls he can find. Usually they seem to always be disgusted when talking to him, however today they appear to be interested. At least some of them are. Curious what is going on (F/N) asks Issei. Issei responds, "I am just inviting them to the swimsuit contest. A whole bunch of girls seem to be in to you so I figured we should give as many a chance as possible to be with you." "Issei, this contest is going to take forever with some many attending," (F/N) sighs. "Don't worry buddy, I am going to filter out those that I don't meet the standards to date one of my friends," Issei responds with a grin. (F/N) looks at him saying, "Why do I get the feeling you are just trying to see as many girls in a swimsuit as possible?" Issei says with a grin, "Probably because that is exactly what I am doing."

The day of the event at the pool

"Wow there are really a lot of girls here," Rias says. "I guess you must be pretty popular." (F/N), surprised by how many came, says, "I don't know that this is a good idea." Issei replies clearly excited to see so many girls in swimsuits, "Relax those that don't make the finals will not even get to speak with you. Also to avoid overcrowding the pool we are only letting the finalists use it along with house members while they wait for your decision." "That wasn't really my concern, but alright," (F/N) sighs.

Issei heads out to begin directing the traffic of the girls. During this time (F/N), Kiba, and Rias are using the pool. Not exactly sure where everyone else is at. Issei finally comes back and says, "We have got the finalists. I have done a thorough job going through everyone, so don't worry these are the best candidates. Get ready. I am going to send them in one by one. Remember contestants you are to try and convince (F/N) why you are the best choice for his girlfriend."

Issei: "First up is Rossweisse."


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