Chapter 11: Battle for the Shield of God (Part 2)

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With Roderick blocking his path to get inside the church (F/N) decides the best choice is to go through him. What is concerning (F/N) though is that Roderick claims he has dealt with Irina. Not knowing what he means by that, but fearing the worst (F/N) attacks in a somewhat blinded rage. This results in Roderick being able to quickly cut him with several of his knives. The pain from these cuts brings (F/N) back to reality and he decides to come up with a better plan than just rushing in blindly.

Meanwhile Issei and Vali are still fighting in the skies above the battlefield. However, Issei is beginning to tire. Ddraig warns him, "If we keep this up you are going to end up dead. We need to retreat." Issei responds to that, "No I cannot retreat now. I have to win this for Rias." Issei rushes forward and gets knocked back with his armor shattering. He falls to the ground hearing a cracking sound as several of his bones break. Vali floats down and says to Issei, "You are still not strong enough. However, I can see potential in you. One day I may just get the fight I am looking out of you. Don't get killed until then." Vali then flies off leaving Issei on the ground.

At the major battlefield in the center of the city Sirzechs is making quick work of the fallen angels and Khaos Brigade members in the vicinity. However, after fighting for such a prolonged amount of time he is growing weary. He goes to get Phenex tears to find that they have exhausted the massive supply of them that they had. Hoping his sister is alright, Sirzechs takes a small group of soldiers with him to go and locate her. He finds her and her peerage along with Ravel and Irina hiding in an alley. Seeing the injuries that they have all sustained and that Asia is growing weak from trying to heal everyone he says, "I think that it is best you retreat back to Hell." "No we are not leaving until (F/N) gets back with the shield," Rias responds. Besides with the injuries that Irina has sustained we cannot move her without putting her life at risk. Asia has tried to heal her, but as a result of all the others she has healed could only stabilize Irina's condition." Sirzechs replies with a sad voice, "I know that she is your friend, but I cannot bear losing you. I beg you to please retreat, in her condition and without any Phenex tears left I don't think there is anything we can do to save her. Those stab wounds look like they have punctured several vital organs. She is lucky to be alive as it is." Before they can continue arguing, Rias's familiar contacts her informing her that she has found Issei in bad shape. Rias turns to Sirzechs and says, "I am going to take Kiba, Akeno, and Asia to go and retrieve Issei. Please keep the others safe while I go and get him. Once I get back if we have not heard any word from (F/N) I will consent to leaving Irina behind, informing (F/N) where she is."

Rias takes off with Kiba, Akeno, and Asia to find Issei. Surprised to meet almost no resistance as they travel the group makes it to Issei very quickly. Asia begins to heal him with what power she has left saying that it is not safe to move him in his current condition. While they wait for Asia to heal Issei Kiba, Akeno, and Rias stand guard. It is not long before several fallen angels show up to keep them company while Asia works. Rias thinks as she is fighting, "I hope (F/N) can find that shield soon. We can not keep this fight up much longer."

Back at the church (F/N) and Roderick are exchanging blows. Despite the multiple cuts that (F/N) has received none of them were serious and he is still able to fight on even ground with Roderick. Having seen Roderick's fighting style enough times (F/N) decides as the knives move in to ignite a fire around himself. He does so, catching some of his clothes on fire, but as planned he succeeds in melting the knives. Irritated by this Roderick draws his sword and runs at (F/N). They begin fighting in sword combat. Roderick laughs, "Despite how good you are with a sword you were never good enough to beat me." (F/N) ignores the comment and summons a sword of light in his left hand. He swings this sword and Roderick's head. It fails to hit his head as Roderick blocks it with his sword. (F/N) takes this opportunity and cuts off Roderick's prosthetic arm. Before (F/N) can get a second swing with the sword of light off Roderick backs up. (F/N) proceeds to begin to launch various types of magic as Roderick.

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