Chapter 9: A New Alliance

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Moments after Rias teleports (F/N) and herself to Hell

As soon as (F/N) appears Irina, Koneko, and Ravel run over to see him. "I was so worried, I thought for sure that you were going to die," Irina says her eyes red from crying. "Have a little more faith in me than that. I don't plan on dying anytime soon," (F/N) responds. "What really amazes me is that you all managed to make it out of there safely. Based on what Rias told me, that is a miracle." Ravel responds, "We didn't exactly make it out unscathed. Most of us got pretty beaten up. Luckily I happened to have some Phenex tears with me. Between those and Asia's healing we were able to stabilize everyone. To be honest Issei got the brunt of the attack as he was trying to protect everyone. It took quite a bit of effort to heal him back up. He is still recovering his stamina from the attack." "I wish I had been there to help," (F/N) says. "Don't be. It's not your fault you were gone when they attacked," Rias says.

(F/N) then goes over and checks on the others. Realizing he doesn't know where they are he asks. Rias says, "We are in one of my family's mansions in Hell. It seemed like one of the safest places to take everyone until we figure out what is going on." Kiba then explains, "We are just waiting on Sirzechs and Serafall to get in contact with Azazel to figure out what is going on." Issei, clearly annoyed, says, "I already know what is going on. Azazel turned on us and sent his minions to get rid of us." "Now Issei, we don't know that for sure," Rias says. "There are many other possible explanations as well." Realizing he is still carrying the huge chocolate bar (F/N) invites the others to have some. They all happily agree and start eating it.

After about an hour of waiting around, Sirzechs comes out from one of the rooms. "We believe we have an idea of what is going on. Will you all please join us in the dining room?" The group walks in to find the other three Great Satans sitting at the long table along with several other high ranking devils. Sirzechs begins to explain, "We have been trying to contact Azazel for the past several hours and have not got any word. So we decided to send out familiars to try and locate him. We sent them all over the city. As Azazel rarely leaves the city it seemed likely we would find him there. None of the familiars have been able to find him. However, we have determined a large number of fallen angels and Khaos Brigade members are in the city. One of the familiars managed to see a meeting between two leader class fallen angels along with Vali and Cao Cao of the Khaos Brigade. It is with this information that we have determined that the fallen angels for whatever reason have joined the Khaos Brigade. We are still not sure if Azazel is leading them, or someone else has taken over." (F/N) with concern asks, "Do you know what happened to that shield? Azazel said he was sending it to some fallen angel facility for protection." Sirzechs answers, "We are not certain of it, but we suspect that the shield is now in the hands of the Khaos Brigade. For this reason we are going to be meeting with Lord Michael to decide what course of action to take in order to get it back. Regardless of what is decided, my guess is that we are going to be going to war against the fallen angels. Retrieving that shield as soon as possible must be our top priority." One of the other Great Satans says, "It is best that we wait until we have at least heard from Lord Michael. We are going to need all the help we can get to retrieve this shield." Rias asks, "How do we even know the shield is still in the city?" Sirzechs replies, "We don't know for sure, however there are dramatically more fallen angels than usual in the city right now. It is reasonable to believe this is to help protect the shield while the Khaos Brigade tries to do something with it. We don't have any other leads at the moment so this is our best option."

The meeting then disperses with the agreement that if they don't hear back from Lord Michael within a day they will dispatch forces to retake the shield. As he is leaving the meeting Serafall runs up to (F/N), "So have you decided who your girlfriend is going to be yet." (F/N) starts to reply, "I think that until this whole thing is over we ---" Before he can finish Rias steps in, "Actually Lady Leviathan we are going to have another contest between the four top contestants that (F/N) picked from the swimsuit contest to see who can impress him most in the upcoming battle. The winner will be his girlfriend." "Oh that is great I better take this serious," Serafall says and walks off. (F/N) then asks Rias, "When was this decided I don't remember ever agreeing to it." "Since you took Issei's suggestion on the swimsuit contest I figured you would be happy to hold another contest that I came up with," Rias responds. "Now you better pick which four are going to be competing in this contest by tomorrow morning." "This doesn't seem like the best thing to be worrying about right now," (F/N) says. Rias answers with a smile, "On the contrary it is giving Lady Leviathan motivation to fight her hardest. We can really use her at full strength for this fight." Akeno pipes in, "Also when girls are fighting over a guy they have a tendency to let jealousy get to them causing them to be even more powerful." (F/N) responds, "Alright I will start picking who is going to compete then, I guess."

Later that night

As (F/N) is in one of the guest rooms thinking about the upcoming battle, he hears a knock on the door. Koneko walks in and says, "You seemed kind of stressed about the battle and everything, so I thought I would come and check on you." "Yeah I guess I am. Part of me feels that it is all my fault since if I had not given the shield over to Azazel none of this would have happened," (F/N) comments. Konkeo responds, "That is not necessarily true, who is to say what would have happened. It may help if you go and talk to Issei he has made some pretty big screw ups so he may have some advice."

(F/N) walks over to Issei's room to ask him for some advice. When he knocks on the door he hears a decent amount of commotion and then Issei says he can come in. (F/N) walks in to find Rias, Akeno, Xenovia, Asia along with Issei all sitting on his bed. The girls have clearly put on clothes quickly as they are rather out of place. Akeno teasingly says, "Oh have you come to join us. That will be something new having two guys in the bed." (F/N) quickly responds, "No I am not here for that at all. Koneko recommended I come and talk to Issei to help calm my nerves. I can see that you are clearly busy though so we can talk later." Issei responds, "We can talk now if you want. I am not sure I will be all that helpful to you though." (F/N) responds, "No it is fine I don't want to interrupt. Although you have already helped me with one of the things I was trying to figure out." Before explaining more Koneko shows up and says, "Actually I didn't finish. I was going to tell you that Issei tends to have a full bed so you may not want to go tonight. I see you already figured it out though." (F/N) responds, "That's alright I think coming to talk to him did help a little." (F/N) then walks off. Akeno then asks Koneko, "Are you planning on joining us tonight?" "Why would I want to do that? I am trying to impress (F/N) and I don't imagine he is too fond of the idea of a girl he may be dating in the future sleeping with another man naked," she responds. A light bulb goes off in Xenovia's head, "Wait a second you sent him here on purpose so he would see us all with Issei. Issei wouldn't have any good advice to give him." "Hey! I could have good advice," Issei responds. Rias smiles and says, "Maybe, but I don't see why Koneko would bring this up now. She could have told him a lot earlier in the day. Did you try to set them up?" Koneko responds, "It's their own faults for making it so easy. I mean they were practically begging me to do this by sleeping with Issei tonight." Akeno responds, "Oh so we are fighting dirty now are we. I hope you are ready for that." Koneko says, "Suck it." and walks off.

The next morning (F/N) reports that girls that will be competing in the battle competitions are Ravel, Koneko, Serafall, and Irina. Rias asks, "Did your advice from Issei have anything to do with this decision?" (F/N) admits, "It made the decision quick a bit easier to be honest." "Now how exactly are you planning on this contest working." Rias responds, "It is simple the girls will all be taking part in the battle to get the shield back. Whoever impresses you the most will be the one who wins." Ravel comments, "This doesn't seem quite fair, Serafall is a devil king so of course she is going to be stronger in battle." Rias replies to this, "I said most impressive not the one who defeats the most enemies. (F/N) is a big fan of military tactics, so I imagine if a certain someone were to give good orders to her soldiers that leads to us winning that would be pretty impressive to him." Ravel taking the hint leaves to go and plan a strategy.

Around the middle of the day, they hear word from Heaven. Sirzechs reports, "Michael is planning on sending an attack force to attack the city on the north side. While their forces engage the north the main force for the devil army under my command is going to attack the south. With the enemy split between these two areas, a small strike force will try to sneak into the city to find the shield. This small strike force will consist of Rias and all of her peerage, Ravel, Irina, and (F/N)." Rias then says, "So our objective is to find the shield, grab it and get out while the majority of the enemy is distracted, correct." Sirzechs replies, "That is the plan. I realize it is risky, but we have to make sure the enemy is well distracted at the borders, so they won't notice." Everyone agrees to the plan and gets ready for the battle.

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