Chapter 5: Roderick Strikes

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Seemingly abandoned building.

I hooded figure walks into the building and goes down into the basement. There he finds Roderick along with fifty other rogue devils in hiding. He says, "My lord, I have been following (F/N) from a distance as you requested. He is staying in a large mansion in the same city we first found him in. Also I overheard him talking to some girl. He knows who has the shield." Roderick looks over at the hooded figure, "Really did he say who." "No my lord, but if we attacked the mansion and tortured some people I am willing to guess he would talk," the man responds. Roderick, somewhat infuriated by the idea, says, "I have no interest in torturing them. I just want all of that Gremory filth dead. They ruined my slave business and stole my prized slave. I will make them pay." Then his face lightens up as he gets an idea. Speaking louder to all the devils present he says, "Soon we are going to get revenge against the Gremorys my brethren. You can kill and maim them all you want. Just leave that boy (F/N) to me. I am going to have some fun with him finding out where that shield is."

Several weeks later at the Hyoudou Residence

All of Rias's peerage, Irina, (F/N), and Issei's parents are sitting around the dining room having breakfast. They all discuss their plans for the day. (F/N) is going to spend the day training with Irina, Xenovia, and Kiba in sword fighting. The rest of Rias's peerage and her are going to clean the school's pool. They agreed to do it for the student council in exchange for free private use of it for a month. (F/N), Irina, Xenvia, and Kiba all volunteered to help, but Rias said she would prefer they all train instead. Issei's parents announce they will be gone for the next several weeks as they won a trip to Paris and are leaving that day. With their plans set in place they go their separate ways for the day.

Time skip to that night

(F/N) and those training decide to go out to dinner after exhausting themselves from training. Rias and her group are back at the manor when the door comes flying off its hinges. A horde of devils rush into the manor under the command of Roderick. Rias and company are caught off guard by this attack, not having time to react fast enough as the devils march in and attack Gaspar. Roderick has them tie him up and blindfold him to prevent him using his Balar vision. As this is happening Rias orders her servants to begin the attack. A full battle breaks out in the manor.

As the two groups of devils begin fighting Akeno quickly sends a message to Kiba telling them to get back there as soon as possible, that they were under attack. Kiba quickly relays the message to the other three and they all prepare to leave the restaurant. When this group arrives at the manor several minutes after the fight breaks out they see over 60 devils attacking the manor and begin helping as best they can. They however are on the opposite side of the enemy as Rias and her team having come from outside. They begin to attack the enemy's rear. Not expecting this, Kiba, (F/N), Xenovia, and Irina are able to make quick work of several enemies before they have time to react. The enemy then turns on them and splits their forces between attacking the two groups.

Being so vastly outnumbered the Rias's group is quickly forced to retreat up the stairs. While Rias tries to contact her brother Sirzechs the other members do their best to hold the forces off. Not sure what is going to happen to Gaspar who is still tied up on the main level but being ignored by the devils charging the Gremorys, Rossweisse and Akeno begin to clear a path for Koneko to go and grab him while Issei protects Rias from an onslaught of devils that are rushing at her. Despite their best efforts they are unable to push back downstairs. Then Roderick, laughing, says, "Allow me to introduce you all to my new toy." The hooded figure who had been following (F/N) steps forward and removes his cloak. He has bands like those that were on (F/N) on. He walks over to Gaspar and pulls out a vial dumping it on Gaspar. This results in Gaspar screaming in pain. The contents were holy water. Roderick laughs again and says, "I don't think any of you have had the opportunity of watching an exorcism before. Allow my friend to demonstrate one for you."

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