Chapter 6: The Shield

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Several days later

While all those at the Hyoudou residence are having breakfast Rias announces, "It has been decided that the three factions leaders will be meeting tomorrow in the student council room. They have asked (F/N), Akeno, Irina, and myself to attend. While we are at the meeting the rest of you are to be on guard in case the Khaos Brigade or Roderick try to pull anything. Issei asks, "Do you really think that the shield (F/N) has warrants calling all of the leaders together like this?" "If it is what I think it is, then yes discussing what to do with it is something we need to have all the leaders present for," Rias responds. "We will explain more after the meeting once we know for sure what the shield is and what is going to happen." (F/N) says, "I didn't mean to cause all this trouble. Honestly I am not sure how I even made it to appear in the first place. My parents told me I could put something in my own personal dimension space, but that is the first time I have ever really pulled anything out." "Don't worry about it, the fact that we know where the shield is actually is a good thing," Irina says.

Time skip to the following day in the Student Council Room

Rias, Akeno, (F/N) and Irina all enter the room for the meetings. When they arrive they see four people sitting at a round table. Two of them (F/N) recognizes as Sirzechs and Azazel. One of them stands up having blonde hair and a slight glow to him saying, "You must be (F/N). Irina has told me all about you. I am Michael, leader of Heaven." (F/N) asks, "Isn't God the leader of Heaven?" "He was at one time however during the last great war he perished ever since then I have been the one leading Heaven. In fact this event is part of what we need to discuss today." Michael states. Following this introduction a black hair girl at the table turns behind her looking at Sona and says, "You didn't tell me the human boy was so cute. You really need to give more details." She then turns to (F/N) and says, "Nice to meet you I am Serafall Leviathan. I am one of the Four Great Satans along with Sirzechs."

Before Serafall can continue Azazel stands up and says, "Let us start discussing the reason we are all here. (F/N), can you show us that shield." (F/N) responds, "I would love to, but I am not exactly sure how to pull it out of the dimensional pocket that I keep it in. I only really know how to put things in it." Surprised by this answer Azazel says, "My guess is that it would be easier with things that you have a connection to. Something that is tied to yourself like a Sacred Gear. For something like that shield I recommend thinking of how you got it and wanting to see it." (F/N) tries this and the shield materializes on his arm.

As soon as Michael sees the shield he says, "Your suspicions were right Sirzechs that is most definitely the Shield of God."

(F/N): "Wait a second this shield belonged to God."

Michael: "Yes it did. In fact that shield is a weapon that in the correct hands is more powerful than any Sacred Gear or holy sword. Not only that, but its safety is crucial to the survival of this world."

(F/N): "What do you mean it is crucial to the survival of this world?"

Michael: "That shield is a key of sorts that unlocks a prison that God created to imprison a monster that would destroy this world. It was as a result of Him expending most of His energy to do this that He was even able to fall in battle." "If that shield were to somehow be used to unlock that prison it could spell the end of this world."

(F/N): "If it is so important why did my parents have it?"

Michael: "Your parents were two of the very best exorcists that the church had. However, they decided to retire when you were born to raise you. It was agreed upon that if they took the shield it would be unlikely for someone to figure out they had it. Also it was believed they could protect it if need be."

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