Chapter 10: Battle for the Shield of God (Part 1)

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South side of the city's borders

The infiltration team is watching as the devil army under the command of Sirzechs and Serafall begins to advance into the city. As planned they are intercepted by a large number of fallen angels along with mages and devils from the Khaos Brigade. Seeing the right moment to begin moving forward the group begins to advance into the city.

As they proceed into the city they meet no resistance. As planned it seems that the whole army of the fallen angels and Khaos Brigade are distracted by the attacks from the forces of Heaven on the north and the devil army on the south. Rias mentions to the group that they should split up into smaller units to try and locate the shield. (F/N) comments, "While that may help us move more stealthy and also allow us to cover more ground it could be problematic if we run into any resistance." Ravel says, "I agree with (F/N) although I do admit that the faster we can find the shield the less chance of resistance as well." Ultimately the group follows Rias's plan. They split into the following groups: Irina and (F/N) are group one; group two is Issei, Akeno, and Koneko; group three is Xenovia and Rossweisse; group four is Rias and Asia; and group five is Kiba and Ravel. The plan is for groups one through three to search the city for the shield while groups four and five stay in a safe location and travel to each group as needed to provide medical support.

(F/N) and Irina head toward the church since both of them are not weak to holy attacks giving them an advantage over the devils against any fallen angels that may be gathered there. When they draw near to the church (F/N) spots a devil he never hoped to see again. Roderick waiting by a fallen angel. (F/N) notices that Roderick now has a prosthetic arm to replace the one he lost to (F/N). Before (F/N) has time to react Irina charges forward to kill Roderick. She near catches him off guard as he was not paying close attention. However, he dodges at the last second. Seeing that conflict is unavoidable (F/N) rushes in to aid Irina. He is stopped by the fallen angel. While Irina and Roderick fight (F/N) and the fallen angel enter combat.

Meanwhile Issei, Akeno and Koneko are heading towards one of Azazel's known favorite hang out spots. They don't make it far before they run into enemies as well. The White Dragon Emperor Vali, along with his subordinates Kuroku and Bikou. They enter combat quickly with Issei and Vali fighting in the skies above with the two Nekomata sisters Kuroku and Koneko fight each other on the ground. Bikou and Akeno also begin fighting. Group three runs into similar resistance as they are traveling namely Arthur Pendragon and Le Fay Pendragon two more members of Vali's team in the Khaos Brigade.

In all three of these battles that have broken out both sides are fairly evenly matched to begin with. However, that quickly changes. Irina begins to lose against Roderick as she cannot deflect all twelve knives he is manipulating with his magic. She suffers several cuts on her arms and legs slowing her movements further. (F/N) tries to offer her support, but cannot get past the fallen angel he is battling who is equipped with anti-magic weapons stopping most of (F/N)'s strongest attacks. Issei and Vali are evenly matched in the skies while Kuroko quickly overpowers Koneko. However, Akeno steps in and blasts her with lightning knocking her back before she can do any real damage. Meanwhile Rossweisse and Xenovia are completely overpowered by Arther and Le Fay forcing them to retreat back to the position that groups four and five are at.

Rias sends a message out to everyone via a communication device they distributed earlier to fall back to her position and regroup. (F/N) manages to get Irina safely away from Roderick as they slowly back up towards Rias's position still fighting their opponents. Issei is unable to make any headway against Vali and the two remain battling where they are being separated from the rest of those fighting. Akeno takes Koneko back to the base while avoiding attacks from both Kuroko and Bikou. With the teams now repositioned together Asia begins healing those that she can while Ravel administers Phenex tears to Koneko and Xenovia who are in the worst shape. The battle continues to go poorly for Rias and company. The group is forced to keep moving backwards towards the southern boundary of the city along with where the largest of the conflicts is taking place.

On the north side of the city the armies of Heaven are struggling to hold off the enemy. They were expecting heavy resistance, but found themselves up against Cao Cao and the rest of the Hero Faction. The warriors of the Hero Faction pride themselves on becoming strong enough to even kill gods. This might is on strong display as the forces of Heaven are all, but forced to retreat, getting nearly wiped out. After being continually forced backwards, Lord Michael, fighting against Cao Cao, Perseus, and two unnamed members of the Hero Faction manages to kill Perseus, and the two unnamed members. However, being forced to fight four powerful foes at the same time Michael fails to block an attack from Cao Cao and is seriously wounded. Fearing for their leader's safety the forces of Heaven are forced to retreat. A small group of them remain to hold of the enemy while the rest make it safely back to Heaven via special transportation circles. Once they have successfully repelled the forces along the north Cao Cao and the remaining forces in the north begin advancing south.

Meanwhile on the southern side of the battle field with both Sierzechs and Serafall fighting at their full strength the forces of the fallen angels and Khaos Brigade are losing group. They are pushed towards the center of the city. All three groups that started out separate end up being pushed together near the center of the city as the northern forces join their comrades from the south in fighting the devil army and Rias's team retreat to this area as well.

In all of the confusion of so many people fighting in the same area the fallen angel that has been fighting (F/N) fails to notice an incoming magic attack from (F/N). It has a paralyzing effect leaving the fallen angel wipe open to a fatal blow from (F/N). Now with this enemy vanquished, (F/N) looks around to help Irina with Roderick. He is unable to find either one of them. However, he contacts Rias and lets her know what has happened. She tells him while everyone is distracted to go and find the shield.

(F/N) separates himself from the rest of the group and begins to head towards the church once again. Unsure why he feels that the shield must be located there. Before making it too far he is nearly skewered by a spear. Do to quick reflexes it barely cuts his left side. (F/N) turns to see Cao Cao with his Sacred Gear the True Longinus advancing towards him. Cao Cao pauses and says, "I hear that you are quite the powerful human. It would be a shame for you to die here. While don't you join us in the Khaos Brigade. With our help you can become even stronger." (F/N) replies, "From what I understand the Khaos Brigade wants only to become stronger by constantly starting battles that no one is looking for. I could never join such a group." Cao Cao sighs saying, "So be it. I guess I will have to kill you here then." He begins attacking (F/N). (F/N) is quickly stabbed several times and is about to be killed when a spear of light comes flying at Cao Cao. He dodges it and looks up. Coming down from the sky is Azazel. He lands by (F/N) and hands him a vial of Phenex tears. You better get moving, don't worry I will take care of this guy for you.

Gratefully accepting the Phenex tears (F/N) uses them to recover and continues moving toward the church. When he gets to the front door he sees Roderick waiting there. Roderick says, "I knew you would come back here, so as soon as I dealt with that annoying angel, I rushed back. I have been wanting to kill you for a while now." (F/N) says with a smile on his face, "If that is so why is it that whenever we fight you run away with your tail between your legs before I can kill you." "That is what we call a tactical retreat my boy," Roderick says clearly annoyed by (F/N)'s comment. "Don't worry though that will not be necessary this time."

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