Chapter 8: Making a Decision

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At the chocolate company

(F/N) walks into the building and informs the owner why he is there. The manager responds, "Glad to have you. I need your help making chocolates to sell at a big event tomorrow." Nicolas responds, "I have no idea how to make chocolate. I can't imagine there are many devils that could help with that and I am mostly a substitute." "Oh that's alright you will get the hang of it before too long. After all, I need a lot of chocolates made for tomorrow. We are having a special sell." The owner leads (F/N) to the back room and they get started.

Owner: "You know it will help pass the time if we talk. So tell me about yourself."

(F/N) trying to avoid his past responds: "There is not much to tell. I lived in this town when I was little, but moved away when I was seven. Then a few months ago I moved back and am living with one of my friends now."

Owner: "Well that is not all that interesting. I am more interested in romance, that is part of why I opened a chocolate company. I like to make special chocolates for someone after I know about their relationship. Do you have a girlfriend?"

(F/N): "No I don't, although there are a bunch of girls that are fighting over me."

Owner: "Well we have a ladies man here. How is that working out for you?"

(F/N): "Not very well they want me to pick one of them to start dating. They are all really nice, but I don't want to hurt any of their feelings. Then my friend I live with told me he had a great idea to help me decide. He said we should hold a swimsuit contest."

Owner: "I am not sure that is the best way to decide who you are going to date."

(F/N): "I agree, but I agreed to it before he told me what his plan was. In hind sight it was dumb of me to think he actually had a good idea."

Owner: "Well when are you having said contest?"

(F/N): "We actually held it earlier today. I got out of having to pick since you put in this request to have someone come help. Although I am not a devil the leader of the family is a friend of mine and could tell I was not ready to tell the girls who I had picked."

Owner: "Well have you decided on someone."

(F/N): "Sort of. I mean the obvious choice would be my best friend who I have known practically my whole life. I am sure that dating her would work out well. However, there are circumstances that make dating her hard."

Owner: "If your best friend was one of the girls and you still are not fully decided then whatever those circumstances are must be pretty serious."

(F/N): "They are. Also it doesn't help that all of the other girls have been really nice to me as well. Also I was gone for ten years and didn't see, or hear from my best friend all that time. I know she cares about me, but all of the other girls seem to as well."

Owner: "Well I am sure you will make the right call. It sounds like you have a pretty good life."

(F/N): "Yeah I guess I do."

After this discussion they go on working for several more hours. When they are finally finished (F/N) looks at the clock. It is 2am. "Wow we have been here a long time," (F/N) says. The owner laughs and says, "It's pretty late isn't it. Well I appreciate the help." (F/N) responds, "I am grateful for all the advice you gave me. Talking to you has really helped me clear my head." The owner then turns to (F/N) and says, "Well it is about time I give you your payment. (F/N) notices they have made huge chocolate bars. He says, "Don't we still have to break these up. I mean they are gigantic. I figured we made them so big and then were going to break them apart into smaller pieces. I can help with that if you want." "Not eager to get home I see. Worried the girls are all there waiting for your answer," the owner asks. "Yeah they probably are and since it is so late I imagine they are not in the best of moods right now," (F/N) responds. "Well good luck with that. Actually to answer your question, this is the size we sell them at. I told you we were having a special event. It is our annual ten pound chocolate bar day today," the owner responds. "I didn't know that was a thing, but alright." The owner hands (F/N) two of the ten pound chocolate bars along with a big heart shaped box of chocolates. "The two big bars are for you as payment since I kept you so long. The heart box is for you to give to that girl that you pick. These are my very best chocolates, even if she is mad at you it won't last long after she has one of these." (F/N) takes his reward and leaves.

Along the road between the chocolate company and Hyoudou residence

(F/N) is about to teleport back to the manor when he decides instead to walk so he has more time to think. Along the way (F/N) is thinking about how ridiculous it is to be given two giant candy bars as payment. Also he is starting to regret his decision of walking as they are rather heavy. He is about to teleport when he notices a small black haired girl standing on the side of the street staring at one of the buildings. He walks up to her, "Are you lost? It is really late for you to be out alone, you know." The girl answers flatly, "I am fine." She then sees the chocolate (F/N) is carrying and asks, "Why do you have so much chocolate?" (F/N) explains how he was helping out the local chocolate company. Seeing the girl's interest in the candy and wanting to get rid of one of them he asks, "You would like one of these big bars. The owner gave me way more than I could ever hope to eat." The girl quickly grabs one of them and says, "Yes I would." She then turns away from him and starts walking toward the building she was staring at.

After this bizarre exchange (F/N) is glad to have less weight to carry the rest of the way back to the manor. When he arrives he finds it torn to shreds both inside and out. Rias is sitting on the sidewalk in front of the manor, so (F/N) runs up to see what happened. Rias sees him and begins crying. After several minutes she composes herself and explains, "While you were gone we all decided to come back here and wait for you to get back. The girls were really excited to hear who you choose. We were talking and joking around when it happened. A giant explosion shook the manor as something blew up one of the walls. We ran outside to see hundreds of fallen angels. They all rushed forward and attacked us. I am not sure what was going on. For safety I decided that we should retreat. I had everyone teleport to Hell. After a while I realized that they probably would lie in wait to attack you. So I rushed back here with some soldiers my brother lent me to try and rescue you. When I got back here about ten minutes ago the fallen angels were all gone. I looked around the manor and it was torn to pieces. They have destroyed nearly everything. I was so worried that you had gotten killed." "As you can see I am perfectly fine. The chocolate guy had me working for hours and it took forever. Then I decided to walk home as I was not ready to answer who I had chosen and knew everyone would be waiting," (F/N) answers. Rias stunned, "That is like an hour walk from here. Why on earth would you walk instead of teleport?" (F/N) sighs, "I figured I could use the alone time to figure out what I should do. Although I guess it doesn't really matter now. Ironically, it may have saved my life not teleporting back as who knows when the fallen angels left." Rias replies, "I guess you are right, anyway everyone is waiting for us in Hell. They are going to be thrilled to see you." Rias then teleports them both to Hell. 

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