Chapter 12: Rebirth

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Main battlefield site

Sirzechs and Serafall are about to leave to go and search for survivors when Azazel walks up. "Wow, quite the mess here isn't it," Azazel says. Serafall prepares to attack him on site thinking he is an enemy. "Cool your jets. I don't think that is the proper way to treat someone that saved your boyfriend's life," Azazel says. Serafall's demeanor quickly changes, "Wait you saw where (F/N) was. Where is he?" Azazel responds, "I cannot be sure, but I think he was heading to the church. I got wrapped up in a battle saving him, so I don't know if he is still there." Serafall prepares to leave, but Sirzechs stops her. "Wait Serafall, I want you to debrief Azazel and find out what exactly is going on. I will go to the church to get (F/N)." Serafall responds angrily, "No you take care of Azazel I need to go find (F/N)! He could be hurt!" Sirzechs responds calmly, "That is exactly why I want you to stay here. You could overreact and make things worse if something bad has happened. Don't worry I will do everything in my power to bring him back here. I know you don't like this idea, but I don't want your emotions getting the best of you and causing any issues. As soon as I find him I will contact you." "Alright fine, but you better be quick about it," Serafall huffs. "And you better hope he is alright," she says glaring at Azazel.

Sirzechs head towards the church. When he arrives he finds (F/N)'s body in a pool of blood. He rushes over to check for a pulse. He finds that someone despite having suffered wounds beyond what a human should be able to survive, that (F/N) is still alive but only just. Sirzechs thinks, "I probably should contact Serafall to let her know what has happened. It is clear that (F/N) will not survive for much longer. We are going to need to use an evil piece on him to bring him back." Sirzechs pulls out an evil piece that he has been keeping stored away. He has managed, with the help of his friend Ajuka Beelzebub, to separate one of the two bishop pieces he used when he originally got his bishop. He now begins to perform a ritual to bring (F/N) back as one of his evil pieces. The bishop is completely rejected. Sirzechs also notices a weird aura coming from (F/N) when he tries to do the ritual. Knowing that Serafall will go crazy if (F/N) dies, Sirzechs resorts to his final option. He pulls out a special evil piece that no one knows the existence of. It is a mutated king piece. "While (F/N) will not be his servant, at least he may survive," Sirzechs thinks as he tries to use the king piece on (F/N). As soon as he does the weird aura about (F/N) intensifies, further mutating the piece and then it is absorbed. Sirzechs then picks (F/N) up and begins to head back to where Serafall is located.

Meanwhile Rias makes it to the alley where Kiba and Rossweisse are located. He gets there to see Kiba sitting next to a lifeless Rossweisse. "What happened here Kiba? You said that she was not in that bad of condition," she asks. Kiba explains how after he called they found that one of the spears of light had somehow fragmented inside Rossweisse. They tried to remove it, but couldn't. This essentially was the same as Rossweisse being poisoned. Kiba then says, "Knowing that she was going to die anyway, Rossweisse decided to pull this out," He then shows Rias a rook piece. Rias gasps, "Kiba you know if that is removed it will kill her. How could you let her do that?" "I didn't have much of a choice. She said that her fate was sealed, but with this maybe there was a chance to save Irina," Kiba replies. Rias responds, still angry, "You know that Irina would never be alright with us bringing her back as a devil. Plus with a Brave Saint card in her, an evil piece will do nothing." Kiba sighs, "I know that. However, she is not alive anymore to stop us. I checked early and her plus has stopped. We could remove the Brave Saint card and then resurrect her as a devil. It is about the best idea I have right now." Rias sighs, "Alright I guess if she is dead she cannot stop us at least." Rias proceeds to the ritual to make Irina one of her devils.

Several hours later in the Underworld

While those of Rias's peerage left are discussing what exactly to do now, Irina sits up with a bolt. "Oh so you are awake now," Rias says. Irina looks around. "How did I get here? I didn't think you could teleport angels to Hell without their consent." Xenvoia responds with a grin, "That is simple you are not an angel anymore. You died and Rias resurrected you as a devil." "YOU DID WHAT?" Irina screams. She then puts out her wings to find that indeed they are not the wings of an angel, but those of a devil. Irina begins to cry, "No, no, no. I can't serve Lord Michael like this." Akeno says, "Sorry to make your day even worse, but Lord Michael got really hurt in the battle. He is not dead, but due to his injuries inflicted by the True Longinus he cannot leave Heaven again for a while. As of now Gabriel is taking over his duties as the representative in the three factions for him." This upsets Irina even more. Xenovia trying to cheer Irina up says, "Hey on the plus side I hear (F/N) survived the battle too. You don't have to worry about falling if you want to kiss him or do something more now." Irina looks up, "I guess you are right. Do you think he will be alright with me being a devil?" Issei responds, "Are you kidding? No matter what you are (F/N) is always going to be your friend. Plus all of us are going to be right by your side as you adjust." Irina says, "I guess that is good. Where is (F/N) at though?" All of their expressions turn dark. Finally Rias says, "Well like Xenovia said he is not dead. However, he has not woken up since the battle. He was in way worse condition than even you were. My brother found him on the verge of death and used an evil piece on him so he won't die." Irina says, "Oh I guess I failed him huh. Which of your pieces am I? I mean I guess you still had a bishop from when Gaspar died, but that doesn't seem like the right fit for me." Rias says, "Actually I didn't have a bishop from Gaspar. When a devil is exorcised the evil piece gets destroyed along with them. However, during the battle Rossweisse got poisoned. We couldn't save her, so you gave up her piece for us to give you."

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