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"come on, daniel!" maisie yelled while she waited for daniel at the door.

daniel ran down the stairs only to see maisie taking off and straight to his car. daniel laughed and followed after her, getting in the driver seat.

"i still can't believe you dragged me into this," he rolled his eyes.

"whatever, you came so that's all that matters," maisie smiled.

daniel turned on the ignition and headed for jonah's place. he parked his car outside his house and entered the large home.

the pungent smell of weed, alcohol, and sweaty bodies lingered through the house. maisie and daniel walked in together, catching the eyes of two boys.

jonah saw the two boys walk up to him and smirked. "is she here?"

"she just walked in, she's with daniel," jack replied.

jonah nodded and the boys dismissed themselves. jonah eyed maisie and her plus one while devising a plan on how to separate the two. he placed his drink down on a random table and headed over to the brunette.

corbyn eyed jonah as he made his way over to maisie and daniel. he held his cup up to his mouth so a part of his face was covered from them.

"hey maisie, glad you came," jonah smiled.

maisie took a sip of her drink to cover her slight smile. "hey, jo. thanks for the invite."

"no problem." jonah averted his gaze to daniel who walked into the bathroom. "wanna dance with me?"

maisie felt skeptical. "uh, no thanks. sorry. jonah."

corbyn smiled slightly at maisie, seeing that whatever she said made jonah walk away.

jonah accepted her decline and walked over to find zach. he was dancing with two other girls before jonah pulled him aside and into the laundry room.

"did you bring the them?" jonah asked.

zach nodded and gave two small pills to jonah who held it in his fist. "the pink one is for maisie, she'll be under it in just five minutes and will last for an hour. she won't remember anything when it wears off. the red one is for daniel, he'll act drunk and stupid but eventually it'll wear off in twenty minutes. that should give you enough time."

jonah smirked as he thanked zach and headed over to find maisie. he found her talking with daniel, standing in the same spot as before.

corbyn followed jonah into the kitchen and kept a safe distance. he watched jonah pour two drinks and drop two mysterious pills into each cup.

jonah poured some soda into a red solo cup and strategically dropped the pink pill in it. he poured another cup with the same soda but with the red pill. thinking no one saw him, he walked over to maisie and daniel.

"i saw you two didn't have any drinks. it's just soda, i didn't know if y'all wanted alcohol or not," jonah lied.

daniel and maisie fell obliviously to jonah's offer. he gave both of them the drinks that had their pills in it.

jonah walked back to the dance floor and joined the large group. just as zach had promised, daniel was playing beer pong outside with some random guys and maisie was dancing on the dance floor.

he walked over to maisie and held her against him as they danced. maisie didn't seem to mind and kept going, catching corbyn's attention.

corbyn felt his fist tighten as he watched jonah grab maisie's waist. he whispered something into maisie's ear which made her giggle.

"come up to my room in five minutes, okay?" jonah asked

maisie giggled and nodded, jonah unexpectedly placed a long kiss on her lips but since maisie had been drugged, she went along with it.

jonah left with maisie wanting more. instead of waiting five minutes, she started heading her way once she said jonah disappear upstairs.

maisie made her way to the bottom of the stairs before she was stopped by a familiar someone.

"corbyn? oh my goshhhh," she slurred as she loosely hugged him.

corbyn hugged her back and laughed at her. "why you going upstairs?"

maisie giggled, "me and jobear are gonna fuck all night longgg."

maisie turned on her heel to head up but corbyn stopped her again. "i heard daniel looking for you, he seemed a bit scared that he couldn't find you," he lied.

maisie nodded her head and she stumbled slightly, trying to find daniel who was supposedly looking for her. corbyn watched as she went into the kitchen. he made his way upstairs.

corbyn searched through all the rooms before peaking in at the last room all the way at the end of the hall. through the crack of the door, he saw a shirtless jonah laying on the bed, going through his phone while waiting for maisie.

corbyn chuckled at him before heading back downstairs to the kitchen. once he'd gotten there, he poured two cups of beer. in his pocket, he took out a small container. making sure no one was looking, which gladly for him no one was, he poured the liquid from the small container into the cup on his right. corbyn placed the container back in his pocket and picked up both cups, making sure the laced drink was in his right hand.

corbyn walked by everyone with his drinks and headed upstairs, walking straight for jonah's bedroom.

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