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after a few seconds, maisie pulled away from corbyn. she did not know why she just kissed him but she felt the need to for some reason. she studied corbyn's facial features, worried what he was about to say.

corbyn looked back at maisie, only wanting to pull her back in again and kiss her. suddenly, he wondered why his thoughts were making him feel that way. he quickly pushed them aside.

"i-i'm so, so sorry," she apologized, separating herself from corbyn farther away.

corbyn watched her scoot away and couldn't help but feel a little hurt, however he ignored the feeling. "it's okay, it's fine. do you wanna go home now or...?"

maisie sighed and scooted closer to corbyn who brought her around his arm and held her close. "do you mind if i stay a bit longer?" she whispered.

corbyn nodded and grabbed the remote. he went to netflix and put on a random movie, trying to distract themselves from the kiss they just shared not too long ago.

about 45 minutes into the movie, maisie yawned and laid her head on corbyn's shoulder. he smiled at her actions and ran his hand through her hair.

"it's been a long day, want me to take you home now?" corbyn asked.

maisie nodded and they both left. they walked together side by side before maisie gathered up the courage to hold corbyn's hand. she brushed her fingers against his before taking it in her small grasp, a smile appearing on the boy's face.

once they approached the seavey's household, daniel immediately ran out and hugged maisie. maisie hugged him back and corbyn gave a slight nod to daniel to which he returned.

"i was waiting for you all night, i was worried something happened," daniel said.

maisie shook her head. "no, i'm okay now. you don't have to worry anymore."

daniel led maisie inside the house. she turned around and gave corbyn one small wave before the two parted ways.

as corbyn walked home, he couldn't help but think about his kiss with maisie.

it was nothing, stop overthinking.

no, it meant something and you know it.

it was just a kiss it meant nothing.

then why are you talking to yourself about it?

if you're thinking about it, it's obvious that it meant something.

it means nothing.

then why do you have the urge to do it again?

his subconscious and the voices argued with one another and corbyn tried to shake away the thoughts. he couldn't possibly have feelings for her, he shouldn't have in the first place. but, what if he does?

sorry it was short, i'll post a longer chapter tmrw :)

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝘤𝘮𝘣Where stories live. Discover now