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corbyn found his way to jonah's bedroom and stumbled into his room. he pretended to slur his words when greeting jonah and sat on his bed next to him.

jonah assumed corbyn was drunk and tried ushering him out. "hey man, you're drunk and in the wrong room. here, i'll help you out."

jonah went to stand up before corbyn stopped him. "you know, i always found you cute."

jonah blushed at corbyn's words but shook his head. i'm straight, that fling with zach was just an experiment. right?

jonah chuckled nervously. "thanks, corbyn. now let me help you up."

corbyn placed the two drinks down on jonah's night stand. he let jonah pull him up before corbyn pushed jonah down back onto the bed, startling him.

corbyn laid very close to the brunette and leaned over him, jonah sweating nervously.

"corbyn? what are you doing?" jonah asked.

corbyn chuckled and twirled a piece of jonah's hair around his finger. "what do you think i'm doing?" corbyn whispered seductively into his ear.

jonah hated to admit it but he was in fact turned on. he let corbyn place faint pecks on his neck and he closed his eyes.

he leaned up closer to corbyn's lips but the blonde boy stopped him.

"what?" jonah complained, getting up on his elbows.

corbyn reached over for the drinks on the nightstand, he handed the laced cup to jonah.

"let's have a drink first," he smiled.

jonah smiled before downing the drink in the red solo cup, throwing it across his room. corbyn did the same and watched jonah begin to lean in.

he stopped abruptly and started coughing. corbyn stood up from the bed and watched as jonah gripped the sheets and coughed more.

he gripped his own throat and could practically hear his own wheezing over the booming music coming from the party below.

"what-what did you do?" jonah choked out, looking at corbyn.

corbyn shrugged his shoulders and jonah fell back on his bed. his coughing came to a halt and his chest stopped heaving up and down. white foam began falling out of jonah's mouth, pleasing corbyn.

"see jonah, this is why you should never accept a drink from other people," corbyn told the lifeless brunette.

corbyn rolled up his sleeves and went to the bedroom door and locked it. he approached jonah's computer that was sitting on the desk next to jonah's bed. corbyn pulled out the chair and saw a pair of winter gloves sitting on the table. he grabbed them and put them on then began to open jonah's computer. a password was needed to open it.

"mind telling me what your password is?" corbyn asked the obviously deceased jonah.

corbyn chuckled and looked around his room. there were a lot of baseball stuff, pictures of his family, and pictures of his friends.

he typed in baseball, rothfrantzich, 123456, and 6161998. they all led him to dead ends. corbyn's eyes laid upon the picture of him, jack, and zach on his desk.

j-a-c-k-a-v-e-r-y password declined 1 try left.

corbyn rolled his eyes and hoped for the best on his last attempt.

z-a-c-h-h-e-r-r-o-n password accepted.

corbyn wondered why his password was zach's name then brushed it off. he opened google docs and began typing a suicide note. corbyn decided to make it direct and simple before printing it out and laying it next to jonah.

corbyn then left jonah's bedroom and closed the door behind him. he took off the gloves and placed them in his pocket, making sure to dispose of them later.

he went downstairs to find maisie and daniel. he found the two downing some water together. the drugs must've worn off already, corbyn thought.

"hey you two good?" corbyn asked.

"yeah. we both have headaches for some reason," maisie replied.

all of a sudden, zach and jack came running down the stairs and yelled out to get everyone's attention.


everyone laughed and resumed partying before jack held up a piece of paper. "HE FUCKING KILLED HIMSELF. CALL THE DAMN NUMBER!"

jack began to hysterically cry on the steps. no one had ever seen jack avery cry and they knew it was real. zach broke down next to jack.

everyone became scared and began pulling out their phones. corbyn grabbed maisie and daniel and took them outside.

"why are we leaving? shouldn't we stay until the police come?" daniel asked.

"they'll question everyone. no one can know we were here," corbyn replied.

the two nodded and they all got into daniel's car, driving away as they heard ambulances and saw police cars pull up to jonah's home.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝘤𝘮𝘣Where stories live. Discover now