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maisie dreaded going back home to ohio. it was their last day in new york city and she wanted to stay longer. it had also been four days since the two made their relationship official. every day maisie and corbyn spent together in the city was magical and they felt as thought life were perfect.

unfortunately, reality hit and the two would have to leave their vacation and head back home and back to school.

"i want to go to college here. i love the city and everything here," maisie said as she looked out the window. "but definitely not in this crowded area, maybe somewhere less crowded like the lower east side."

corbyn looked over at maisie. he hadn't thought about college, he didn't plan on it either. "yeah, same." he lied.

maisie's eyes lit up. "oh my god, we could get a little studio together and walk to school everyday. that would be so cute," she smiled.

corbyn faked smiled back, but maisie didn't catch it. the two finished packing and got into corbyn's car and he started driving back home. maisie decided to take a nap and her mind wandered off.

maisie sat up from the ground and looked around her. she was yet again in a dark room. she began to panic. a blunt force came to her head and she fell to the ground again. she looked around and found no one. to her right, she spotted a gun. she picked it up and held it in the air, aiming it at basically nothing. she heard a shuffle. she shot. she heard another shuffle. she shot again. the gun was knocked out of her hands. though nothing was there, the gun started to float and it rested on her forehead. "no! please!"

"no!" maisie yelled.

corbyn was waiting for the gas to fill up the car when she looked to her side and heard maisie scream. she was jerking around in the seat and quietly whimpering. he frantically shook her body, hoping she'd wake up.

"maisie? maisie, wake up!" corbyn said as he kept shaking her.

maisie felt someone shaking her and flinched away. corbyn quickly let go of his hands from her and tried to look at maisie. her hair covered the side of her face as he watched her steady her breath. she looked over to corbyn and hugged him over the console.

"thank you, thank you, thank you," she whispered as she tightly gripped him.

"it's okay, it was just a dream," corbyn comforted. "do you wanna talk about it?"

before maisie could answer, she tried to think about what she dreamt of. she tried to remember the dream she had just had but couldn't remember it. "i don't remember, i just remember feeling scared but i don't know why."

corbyn nodded and held maisie's hand. "it's okay, it's normal to forget your dreams when you wake up. at least it was just a dream and you're okay now."

by the time the two had gotten home, it was already 2am and maisie didn't want to disrupt the seavey's sleep. she sent them a text in their group chat for them to see in the morning when they wake up.


maisie woke up to a text from daniel.


hey what time r u coming home?

um, im staying with corbyn for the rest of break. he lives alone and i just want to give him company

okay...i'll tell my parents

corbyn looked up and saw maisie on her phone. he poked her side, making her jump.

"don't do that," she giggled, hitting corbyn.

corbyn smiled and sat up. "who you texting?"

"daniel. so i kinda sorta told him i would be staying with you for the rest of spring break, is that cool with you?"

"that's completely fine with me. wanna go out? i don't wanna be stuck in here," corbyn said as he got up.

maisie flopped back down on the bed. "we literally just got home like ten hours ago from new york city, i'm so tired."

"fine, guess i'll go by myself, without my dear lovely girlfriend," he teased.

maisie gave in and corbyn smiled. they both got ready and went to the mall and shopped for a bit. maisie didn't need anything so she followed corbyn in whatever store he went to and helped him pick out stuff.

now they were at the food court, eating since they'd been shopping for almost two hours now. a couple feet away sat jack and zach. they were earing as well until jack saw corbyn and maisie.

"are they a thing?" zach asked, observing the two.

"maybe, did you see their story all last week? they went to new york city together," jack replied, taking a sip of his drink.

corbyn stood up and began walking to the restroom. the two boys looked at one another before they both stood up and headed to maisie's table. maisie saw the two approaching her and put her phone down.

"hey," she said casually.

the three weren't the closest of friends. they talked at school whenever they had to work together on assignments or in general during the beginning of classes they had with one another.

"hey, maisie. how was new york city?" jack asked, trying to make small talk.

"oh my god, it was so much fun. it was nice to leave ohio for a bit," she commented.

zach and jack nodded at her response before an awkward silence overtook. "so what are you do doing here?"

"shopping," zach replied.

"no, i meant sitting here with me."

zach went to say something before jack interrupted. "are you and corbyn a thing? i've always seen you two at school together and i always thought you two would make a cute couple," jack lied, smiling though as his statement seemed somewhat believable.

maisie smiled. "yeah, we are actually."

"aw, that's so romantic," zach said. "so that's how corbyn got to jonah's party, with you. jonah didn't invite him and we were just curious."

"i mean a lot of people snuck into jonah's parties all the time," maisie said. "and corbyn and i weren't dating at the time. he asked me out when we were in the city."

jack and zach looked at each other before seeing corbyn walking towards them.

"bye maisie, we'll see you at school," the two waved and walked off.

maisie mumbled a small goodbye to them too. corbyn saw zach and jack walking away and debated on approaching them to ask why he was talking with her. corbyn decided against it and sat down with maisie back at their table.

"why were zach and jack here?" he asked, watching the two get their things from their table and walking towards the pacsun right next to the food court.

"we were just talking," maisie replied.

corbyn wanted to ask more but decided not to and continued eating.

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