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corbyn parked his car in front of the seavey household, patiently waiting for maisie to step out.

peering outside the front window, daniel saw corbyn's vehicle and turned to maisie who came running down the stairs. "why's corbyn here?"

maisie paused and mentally skapped herself for forgetting to tell daniel. "he's gonna take me to school for now on."

daniel scoffed, making maisie furrow her eyebrows. "lately, everything's been 'corbyn this' or 'corbyn that.' are you forgetting that we, your family, literally exist? it's like you dropped us for your boyfriend. i thought you were better than that maisie."

maisie shook her head. "you're just jealous, seavey. i still love all of you but i'm a teenager, let me be me."

before daniel could say another word, maisie grabbed her things and left straight for the door.

maisie got in the car with corbyn and pecked him before sitting down in her seat and putting on her seat belt. corbyn glanced at the front door where he saw daniel standing there before sighing and going back in. he turned to maisie.

"is everything okay with daniel?" he asked.

"he's fine, can we go now please?"

corbyn nodded and started driving to school. maisie turned on the radio in the car and let the music play while she checked her phone. corbyn tried making conversation with maisie but he assumed she didn't want to talk from how distant she sounded since she left her house.

corbyn pulled up to the parking lot of their school and was about to pull the keys out of the ignition before maisie stopped him.

"corbyn look at this." she showed him her screen.

corbyn read the headline, sweet caroline murderer strikes again at local resturaunt.

below the headline was a picture of the resturaunt maisie and him went on a date to yesterday. the date where the waiter was hitting on maisie. the date where corbyn murdered the waiter who worked at that resturaunt.

maisie began to sniffle and corbyn looked over to her and quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"corbyn, we were there yesterday. the killer was there yesterday. we were so close, it could've been us. god, corbyn what if he had killed-

maisie broke into a loud sob and corbyn hugged her even tighter. "it's okay, maisie. please, just remember we're here. you're okay, i'm okay, that's all that matters."

maisie nodded. corbyn gestured maisie to hand him her phone and she obliged. he skimmed through the article.

at the very bottom of the article was a gofundme link to fund for the waiter's funeral. corbyn took a glance at the picture attached to the link. it was the man corbyn murdered.

maisie saw corbyn staring at her phone. she leaned over to see what he was looking at.

"corbyn that was the waiter who served us yesterday! the one who hit on me- oh my god, his final moments were with us. corbyn-

corbyn grabbed maisie again and hugged her. he let her cry in his arms as corbyn rubbed his hand along her arm. he stared about the parking lot, reminiscing on all the things the waiter had said about maisie before he killed him in cold blood.


lunch rolled around and pretty much everyone had already read the article. the students kept talking about it and wondered who the killer was and why he hadn't been caught yet.

maisie sat with daniel at lunch. they both pushed past what happened earlier that morning and ate their lunch in silence together. "where's corbyn?" maisie mumbled to herself.

on his way to the cafeteria, corbyn was stopped by zach and jack.

"hey, can we talk to you?" zach asked, the two stepping in front of corbyn, stopping him in his tracks.

"no, i got places to be," corbyn pushed past between the two.

jack gripped corbyn'a forearm and whispered tauntingly, "that wasn't the right answer."

corbyn looked at the two before letting Jack guide him into the boy's bathroom. jack shoved corbyn inside and zach looked around to make sure no one was in the other stalls.

"what do you want?"

"why were you at jonah's party?" zach asked.

corbyn scoffed. "maisie brought me with her and daniel," he said before beginning to walk away.

zach stepped in front of the blonde, he rolled his eyes.

"tell us the damn truth, besson. jonah had no clue who you were at that time and he never invites random people."

"people snuck in all the time, at least that's what maisie and daniel told me. i don't even know why you two are holding a grudge against it, it happened months ago. you're both being irrational, just drop it," corbyn spoke.

he left the bathroom, leaving jack and zach inside and staring at each other. "did you see him? he definitely had something to do with jonah's death," jack said.

zach pursed his lips and nodded. he looked down at his feet before beginning to walk out. jack placed an arm on his shoulder.

"look, i know you used to have feelings for him. but he's gone now. our only thing we can do to avenge him is find out what really happened that night. you know he wouldn't kill himself."

"i knew he wouldn't also be gay either," zach mumbled.

jack brought zach in for a hug and zach held him tight. "you don't know that, he obviously loved you. now come on, we have to find more evidence that besson had something to do with jo. that's what jonah would want us to do."

zach nodded and the two left the bathroom.

meanwhile, corbyn made his way to the library. he needed time to think to himself and couldn't be in the cafeteria with all the commotion.

they're onto you. you're in deep shit. the voice in his head said.

shut up, i have it handled. corbyn countered.

handled? what are you gonna do? kill them?

yes, what else did you think i was gonna say?

what about your promise to maisie? you swore you weren't going to kill anyone anymore. you were going to change.

this will be the last time. those two are on my back and i need to get rid of them.

corbyn blocked out the voice talking back to him. he slid down on the couch in the library and sighed deeply.

how are you gonna kill them? the voice asked eerily.

corbyn smiled and shook his head. "you'll see."

omg i've been procrasinating so much. school is almost over though so hopefully i can get some kind of schedule intact.

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