twenty one

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"yes, maisie. i am the sweet caroline killer," corbyn confessed.

once maisie heard that sentence come out of his mouth, she let out a sob. she wondered how she could have been so blind, why she fell for his trap, and wondered if she'd be next. the tears did not stop falling both of their faces. maisie stepped closer to corbyn to which he stepped back in fear.

"i trusted you! i fucking trusted you, corbyn! and i-oh my god, i fucking fell in love with you! i can't even look at you. you're-you're a murderer!" she yelled at corbyn, who was now pleading for his life to maisie in his eyes.

"maisie, please, i'm changing! i'm changing for you! please understand that, i want to leave my past in the past!" corbyn countered, looking into maisie's eyes to see any hint of forgiveness.

there was none to be seen.

"that doesn't make up for all the people you killed! you killed innocent lives, innocent! they never did anything to you! how could i be so blind?" maisie yelled.

corbyn looked at maisie. he couldn't even bear to think of how much fear she must feel. all he wanted to do was hold maisie again and plead for her forgiveness over and over again. he wanted to turn back time and pretend he never killed anyone.

but what's done is done. and maisie wasn't looking to accept corbyn's forgiveness. it was now a part of her.

"my parents-they were killed by a murderer. now i-the daughter of two innocently killed parents is now dating a fucking murderer! i can't believe this. you fucking betrayed me, corbyn! you betrayed me!" maisie's voice was now straining from how much she was screaming at corbyn.

corbyn could easily hear the pain in her voice and she shouted at him.

"i was never going to hurt you, maisie. i fell in love with you! you made me want to change and be a better person. i'm changing now! please, you have to believe me. i love you," corbyn pleaded, not even realizing he'd just confess his love for maisie right then and there.

maisie was taken aback by corbyn's words. their first i love you. maisie was stunned, she lowered the gun slightly and processed what corbyn had just told her.

corbyn saw maisie become more vulnerable. the voice came back.

you know what to do. the voice spoke.

no, i an not killing her. she won't tell anyone about me, i know it.

are you sure about that?

maisie regained herself and fixed her posture. she aimed the gun at corbyn again. corbyn immediately felt his heart drop to his stomach.

"don't say that. you never loved me, i was your next victim, weren't i? i was supposed to be another victim."

corbyn nodded, putting his head down. "but don't you get it? you made me believe i could be a different person, a better one!"

"no, you're not tricking me anymore. i'm gonna go to the authorities and tell them everything. i'm gonna tell them i'm dating you, the sweet caroline killer. i'm gonna tell them everything you told me. and you, you will rot in hell," maisie taunted.

corbyn couldn't believe what maisie had just said. he saw no hope in ever convincing maisie of how he changed. the voice came back.

do it.

corbyn charged at maisie, knocking her to the ground. it was too quick for maisie to process what had just happened. she dropped the gun from her hands. corbyn was now holding down maisie under her. she struggled to get out of his tight hold.

"i can't let you do that maisie. please let's forget about this!" corbyn begged.

"how could i forget about this?! i can't let you roam the streets free!" maisie yelled.

she kneed corbyn right between his legs to which he groaned loudly and rolled off maisie.

maisie crawled to reach for the gun that sat on the ground by the bed. she stretched her arm and held it in her hands, turning around quickly and holding it back at corbyn.

corbyn seemed unphased and knocked the gun right out of her hands, causing it to hit the dresser and fall back on the ground. maisie went to stand and run away before corbyn sat on top of her and held her down, his arm pressing on her chest to keep her on the floor.

"don't fucking leave."

maisie looked into corbyn's eyes and saw how dark his green eyes had gotten. she had never seen corbyn like this. she became intimidated just by staring at him. he looked back with no remorse, forgetting that the girl under him was the girl he's fallen deeply in love with.

maise subtly reached for her house key that was in her front pocket. her other hand came to corbyn's cheek, trying to trick him with the small intimate move.

corbyn felt her hand on his face and sank into it. the moment was shortly cut once he felt a sharp pain stab him in his side.

he looked down and saw maisie holding something on him. she released her hand and he saw the key forced into his waist.

maisie pushed corbyn off and ran for the door. corbyn yanked the key out of him, screaming in pain. he threw the key away and picked up the gun. he headed downstairs to where he beard maisie go.

maisie was in the kitchen before she felt herself being pushed to the ground. she turned and saw corbyn standing above her and getting back down to tackle her.

maisie tried fending off corbyn but it only made his grip on her tighter. once he had held her in place, he took the gun out from his pants.

"i'm sorry, maisie. i love you," he spoke before positioning the gun right right at maisie's forehead.

"no! corbyn, no! plea-"

he pulled the trigger.

maisie's head fell back. her eyes wide. the gunshot in her forehead left a large circle. blood seeped out through it and bled onto the kitchen floor below them. corbyn got off maisie and sighed, catching his breath.

good job, corbyn.

corbyn heard the voice and quickly snapped out of it. he shook his head and rubbed his eyes before his eyes laid upon the body he'd just murdered, laying right next to him.

"no, no, no, no! no, maisie. maisie, please, maiske wake up! maisie!" corbyn pleaded, tears streaming down his eyes.

he shook maisie's shoulders and continued crying out for maisie to wake up. he pulled her body into his laps and he cried into her chest. he kept on shaking her and yelling at her to wake up, even though he fully knew that she was dead.

"maisie. maisie, please. i'm so so sorry," he cried into her neck, holding her even tightly in his arms, just as he had been a couple hours ago.

his eyes immediately went to her face. lifeless. he brushed his hand across her cheek one last time before reaching for the gun that laid next to her head.

with one arm, he held maisie, and with the other, he grabbed the gun.

he brought it up to his forehead and closed his eyes and cried out one last time. he looked up at the ceiling and counted to three.

he pulled the trigger.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝘤𝘮𝘣Where stories live. Discover now