Chapter 2

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I did my speciality move of ignoring everyone but making everyone else want to kiss me, be me or kill me. Smirking, I locked the car over my shoulder and walked towards the school building. Such fun.

"Hi, Mrs... Cope. My name is Arielle Petrova, I'm the new transfer." I said sweetly, nothing wrong with manipulating the nice old lady, it's not going to hurt her.

"I'm sorry Miss Petrova, but I don't have your old school records. Are your parents here?"

"Everything is in order, my dad has just left, you need nothing else." I compelled her, compulsion is literally my favourite thing - it makes life so much more fun!

"Ah yes, Miss Petrova, here is your timetable. Mr Hale will be your student guide." I nodded at her, I'd just ditch the human as soon as. Unless he was cute and worth keeping.

"Mrs Cope, I'm here for the new student." One of the cold ones from earlier spoke, I didn't even look at him, just smelt him. Cold ones drive me nuts, especially those that think they are vampires.

I brushed past him and did a double take, that was weird. Maybe he was a warlock in his human life. I would speak to my family later.

"So, what's your first period?" The cold one said.

"I know what you are, oh and Math." I responded nonchalantly.

"How? It's this way." He said just as casually.

"I'm a vampire." I shrugged, "You can go, I'm sure I can manage."

"You don't smell like one of us?" He sounded confused. I chuckled, how adorable.

"That's because you're not vampires." I said, "Thanks for the tour pretty boy, this is my class." I looked at him for the first time, our eyes locked and something felt weird, I was so ditching my next class. Thankfully, there were no cold ones in this class. Much better.


As soon as the bell rang I left the class. I walked normally until I was far enough away and then zoomed into the woods. Pulling out my phone I called my aunt. Dad would just pull me out.

"Auntie Bekah. Fancy a road trip? I need some advice." I greeted.

"Of course Ari. I was on my way to Mystic Falls, but a detour never hurt anyone. I'm guessing you don't want me to tell Elijah?" She knew me so well.

"Please don't. He wouldn't approve."

"You haven't massacred the town have you?"

"Yee of little faith Auntie." I joked, "No I haven't, you'll see why he can't know when you get here."

"Okay little one, see you later." I hung up the phone and turned to see the cold one from earlier standing there - I should probably learn his name.

"What?" I snapped. "I do not appreciate being followed."

"My apologies Ma'am." He bent his head. "I merely wanted to ask what you meant? When you said we weren't Vampires."

"Exactly what I said. You are not vampires. Can I go now?" I shrugged, putting a hand on my hip, bringing the other up to form the classic bitch pose of inspecting my nails.

"No." He said, zooming over to stand less than half a metre from my face. Clearly he expected it to faze me, but I didn't even blink. Cold ones - so predictable.

"Please move. I am late to my lesson." I sidestepped him and began walking down the hill towards the school. He was smart and didn't follow me as I made my way to English. Good move kid.

I sat down next to a brunette girl with her head stuck in a book. I wasn't in the mood to make friends so it didn't bother me when she didn't look up.

Eventually the boring as heck teacher started speaking and I zoned out yet again. Why do vampires go to school? It is pointless.

"I'm Olivia Swan, we're partners for the year I guess. What's your name?" The girl spoke sticking her hand out.

"Arielle Petrova." I said un-interested.


"Probably somewhere, it's old that's all I know."

"You have a British accent." She stated, making small talk. I hate small talk.

"Yes. You talk too much." I said bored.

"And you are just plain rude partner." She sassed back. Humans were normally intimidated by vampires - especially originals - and that's just how I like it. This one was different.

"Eh, I get that a lot. Normally people don't say it to my face. You've got guts Swan, maybe you're not as bad as I thought."

"I like to think so. I do talk a lot though. Friends? You're rude and I talk too much, seems like the perfect combo." I glared at her again.

"Don't push it Swan." I said simply, getting down to business.

"Whatever you say Petrova. I'll crack you eventually."

"I'd like to see you try. See you around Swan." I said as the bell rang, sweeping my stuff up and strutting out of the classroom.

The rest of the day was boring. It only became tolerable when a familiar blonde was leaning against my car casually.

Ladies and gentleman, the sass master that taught me everything I know, Rebekah Mikaelson. 

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