Chapter 16

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A/N: Hi all! Getting close to the end of Act 1 in Arielle and Olivia's story, @cloe1400 and I are working on the final few chapters and then we will get started on Act 2! We have so many ideas so we definitely will not be abandoning this series. 


Olivia POV

Well one of my only friends is a vampire. Not just any vampire, no of course not, one of the originals. What kind of mess have I got myself into? Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared, I know she's got my back and I've got her's, it's just that I always seem to get myself into these bad situations.

Anyway, I walk into the house as it's the weekend. Only to see Uncle Charlie on the couch, his head in his hands and his shoulders shaking.

"Uncle Charlie?" I asked, sitting next to him

"Oh, Hey kiddo, thank god you're alright!" he said, giving me a hug.

"Uncle? What's wrong?"

"Waylon... died last night"

"I'm so sorry Uncle," I said, pulling him into a tighter hug.

"Known him almost 30 years," he was falling apart, the man who raised me for partially my whole life was sobbing his heart out on the couch of our little old living room. Where the hell was Bella? My heart shattered at the fact she wasn't here either to comfort him. Even though I hate her guts she should be here with me to help Charlie.

"I know it's hard Uncle, but I'm here. So what do you want to do? I think we can just have a day on the couch, the game has been recorded. How about we watch that and I'll grab some popcorn and some drinks?" He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"I'd like that very much kiddo."

I got all the things ready and we sat on the sofa watching the game. He informed me that it was an animal attack. But I knew it was more. I couldn't tell Charlie though. That killed me inside the fact I had to lie to the closest thing I could call a father. But for his own safety I had to stay strong. For him, I would be.


It was Monday now. Charlie was starting to look like his old self again which gave me a smile. Though he insisted that I not walk to school anymore that I will have to get a lift with Bella. I understood where he was coming from but I think I'm safer with a pack of wolves than in the truck with her.

The car journey was silent, in truth we haven't talked since she left me to get killed with that gang of boys the other day. I was just listening to music it was Ashes by Celine Dion

'Let beauty come out of ashes, Let beauty come out of ashes, And when I pray to God all I ask is, Can beauty come out of ashes?'

We pulled up into the car, still haven't said a thing. I was leaning against the side of the truck just people watching. Seeing if I could spot Arielle at all. Out of nowhere a van comes skidding into the parking lot.

Suddenly, I'm on the ground with my head dented into the side of the truck and my arm caught in between the two. My arm was broken, no correction shattered. I was in shock. I didn't know what happened. I look to my right and see? Edward and Bella? Oh not again.


That's all I felt after the shock was gone.

"I've got the ambulance on the phone!"

"Omg are you okay"


"I'm fine, just hit my head."

Is someone gonna help me or what am I chopped liver?

"Help... plea-se" I said, then just started screaming.

"Oliva!! For fuck's sake Edward, that's it just worry about the boring one." That was Arielle for sure.

People started surrounding me like I was some sort of exhibit in the museum.

"Help me shift the car you assholes, she's got her arm trapped." I knew as well as she knew that she could have done it on her own but it's too open. People would get suspicious and I was too weak to use my telekinesis. The weight was removed from my arm and Arielle was in front of me before I knew it.

"You are just a danger magnet aren't you."

"I guess y-ou cou-ld say th-at." I said, trying to smile but I felt blood running down my head.

"Swan. you will not pass out on me you understand."

"No... Promises."

"Look I have something that can help you but I can't give it to you here. I'll meet you at the hospital." she spoke as the paramedics came up. I could feel myself losing consciousness slowly. My head dipped forward and I felt hands catch me before all I saw was black.


Arielle POV

I swear to god that I will kill Edward one of these days. Not only did he risk exposing the supernatural to the Forks population but he pushed the van away from Bella in turn smashing it into Olivia's arm! What does he see in her? She is boring as hell!

I rushed forward to catch Olivia as she swayed dangerously. She passed out as the paramedics finally reached us.

I got on the phone as soon as they had transferred her to the trolley. I glared at the paramedics when they tried to stop me from coming in the ambulance as the call went through. Carlisle had to be her doctor in order for me to heal her.

"Carlisle. It's Arielle. There has been an accident, Olivia is hurt, badly. I need you to be her doctor."

"I understand. What are her injuries?" He asked clearly to prepare himself.

"It doesn't matter. I can help but I need you to be her doctor for me to do it." I dropped my voice so that the humans around couldn't hear me, raising my voice again I added. "Oh and Carlisle, your son is a prat by the way." 

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