Chapter 9

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Arielle's POV

School is stupid. Why would I, a Vampire over 1000 years old want to go to school? I just want to go back to bed. Reluctantly I got up and dressed. I honestly couldn't care less about what I looked like today. I just want to sleep.

A knock at the door knocked me out of my reverie and I blearily went to let Jasper in

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A knock at the door knocked me out of my reverie and I blearily went to let Jasper in. He was driving me to school today. I waved him in half asleep sitting down and sipping my coffee. Coffee is life.

"Tired Darlin'?" Jasper asked, amused. I merely groaned in response, Jasper kept me up late last night, we talked all night, well, until 3am. Might as well have been all night.

"Yeah I'm definitely driving." He chuckled. "Come on then sleepyhead." He gently pulled me up by my arm and led me to the car, me still clutching my coffee in my other hand.

My mood got worse though when we arrived at school and I saw a brunette girl yelling in Swan's face. Now, I wouldn't call Swan and I friends, but she was the only human I could tolerate so that made her protected.

"I'll be back." I said to Jasper before I stormed over to the two.

"God Olivia, you are such a bitch. Just because Charlie loves me more than you." She swept her hair out of her face.

"You call him Charlie for god's sake Isabella! At least I acknowledge him as family!" Olivia snapped back. Good girl Swan.

"He's my Dad not yours. You don't even know who yours is, your mom probably didn't even know!" This Isabella retorted. I decided there and then that I despised this girl. To my shock Olivia just turned and punched Isabella in the stomach. I felt proud surge through me. Swan could hold her own, and was clever about it, avoiding the face of the rat.

I made eye contact with Olivia and nodded but she merely smiled at me, the girl's words had affected her more than she let on. I decided to get involved.

"You alright, Swan?" I said approaching the girls. Both spoke at the same time.

"Of course Petrova, it takes more than that to cause me any trouble."

"No! Did you see what she did! I'll get Charlie to arrest you for assault!" The girl screeched.

"Yes I did, speaking of," I turned to Olivia, "Congratulations. She was being a bitch, if you hadn't hit her, I would have." Turning back to Isabella I spoke again.

"Now listen here and listen good. I am not an enemy that you want, but I am an enemy that you have got. Olivia over here is the only decent human in this place and is on my protected list. You mess with her, you mess with me. Now go. You're done here." I threatened quietly, a deadly air in my voice. The girl scurried away quickly, a fearful expression covering her face.

"Thanks Petrova, I had it though." Swan retorted, brushing non-existent dirt off her clothes. I smiled slightly.

"I know, she was pissing me off though. She messed with the wrong girl. I meant what I said, you're on my protected list."

"Who else is on your protected list?" She asked intrigued.

"You." I said simply. "I'll see you later, we have Art together later right?"

"Just me? Yes, see you later."

I walked back over to Jasper, who wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"That was hot." He said lowly in my ear. I turned to him, pressing myself against him.

"Thanks. Nothing like a good catfight to wake me up. I love threatening people." I giggled slightly. It was true, I was wide awake now.

"If you want to make it to class I suggest you move away slightly." Jasper whispered in my ear. I laughed and pressed against him harder before moving away.

"See you later pretty boy." I winked at him, teasing.


The morning went quickly and soon it was lunch, I decided to sit with Olivia today, she was sat with her normal group plus Isabella. I couldn't let her face the bitch on her own.

"Swan." I said simply, sitting between Olivia and a girl I believed was Angela? I couldn't be bothered to learn her name.

"Who are they?" The rat spoke. I glared at her and became even more grumpy when Jessica spoke.

"The Cullens. Dr and Mrs Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska a few years ago."

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela chipped in.

"Yeah because they're all together. Like together, together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big guy, Emmett, they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela again.

"But they live together. Anyway, the little dark haired girl, that's Alice, and then behind her, Jasper, the one that looks like he's in pain." I glared harder, standing up and walking off. There would be a murder otherwise...

I walked over to Jasper, who was struggling with the blood lust. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. He buried his face in my hair and took a deep breath, being mates has it's advantages for him and his blood lust. We ate our lunch in silence, I was fuming at Jessica's little speech for them, what does she know!

The end of the school day could not come fast enough.

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