Chapter 18

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Olivia POV

Okay so I was wrong. I was discharged from the hospital. That wasn't the bad thing. I was actually fully healed now but I had to keep the sling on to make it look like I was still injured. Arielle dropped me off at home and told me the Cullens were gonna pick me up later. Apparently Rosalie said that I had to come to watch her family play baseball. Which I of course agreed.

As I stepped into the house I noticed it was quiet, too quiet. I took my shoes off and looked into the front room. There I saw Uncle Charlie, he looked angry. I thought it might be best if I just went straight upstairs. As I went past the door I heard.

"Olivia Swan, Get in here right now."

"Yes? Uncle."

"You're the reason you and Bella got hit by the car."

"What?" I asked with pure confusion.

"You pulled Bella in front of the car with you."

"Yes she did, Dad she tried to kill me." Bella spoke coming out of the corner of the room. What the hell was going on.

"What? Why the hell would I try to kill Bella and myself?"

"Because you're a Freak, I bet you haven't even told Charlie about your weird gift."

"Uncle listen I-"

"I don't want to hear it. Now you are hiding stuff from me too. I want you out of this house by nightfall." He walked out the front door and left. Not him too. No not him.

"Ha finally, got rid of you."

"See you at baseball" I said to her, giving her a glare and walking upstairs into my room.

The only family I knew and cared for now hated me for something I didn't do and now he thinks I'm hiding stuff from him. Tears started to flow from my eyes. I began packing. I didn't want to think about what I was going to do tonight.

I text Arielle about the situation that just occured and asked if I could crash at her place tonight. She said yes so that wont be a problem for me and that she will pick me up after baseball with the Cullens.

While I was packing I noticed I don't really have much just some clothes and books and a few other essentials. In the end I managed to place it all into one bag. I still had 15 minutes until I got picked up. So I decided to write a letter to Charlie explaining to him all of what Bella did and the truth about all of it (minus the Vampires).

' ... I know that you probably won't believe me but just remember who was there to comfort you through the years and remember the one who wasn't there.

Goodbye Uncle.

Olivia Swan x'

I placed the letter on the pillow on his bed and grabbed my bag. Heading to the front door I saw Bella was already out there slipping into Edward's car. I looked down at what I was wearing with a smile.

I put the sling back on to make sure bella doesn't know about my not so broken arm. Grabbing all my stuff I closed the door and headed to Jasper's car. He'll keep an eye on me for Arielle today.

"Hey Jasper."

"Hello Olivia, what's with the bag?"

"Got kicked out of the house for apparently trying to murder Bella."

"That's not what happen-"

"I know, I know. Bella, believe it or not, is manipulative and she twists the truth so easily. Charlie just falls under her spell." I sadly came to the realisation that I may never see Charlie again.

By this point Jasper had started driving. All of a sudden I felt my mood change and I was at peace or at least calm.

"Thank you Jasper."

"No problem."

Yes I knew about Jasper's, Alice's and Edward's gifts. Only Jasper knew about mine (well Arielle already knows). I found out that Edward can't read my thoughts. Which I was thankful for, I didn't want him rooting around my brain, thank you very much.


The game was in full swing. I had finally met Esme and she was lovely and sweet. She could tell I didn't want to be near Bella so I was just playing cheerleader and cheering everyone on.

"Stop! I didn't see them..They're traveling so quickly" Alice said

"You said they left the county-" Rosalie spoke

"They did, but then they heard us.. And changed their minds."

"Put your hair down." Edward told Bella, Jasper telling me to do the same.

"Like that'll help. I could smell them from across the field. No offence Olivia." Rosalie said

"None taken."

"I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry." Edward was fusing over Bella, Jasper was standing in front of me as well as Rosalie.

Out of the woods emerges three people. None of which look particularly friendly.

"I believe this belongs to you." The guy with the dreadlocks said.

"Thank you." Dr. Cullen replied.

"Could you use three more players?"

"Of course,"

"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James."

"Would you like to bat first?"

In the background I could see James' eyes shift between me and Bella. It was weird and not gonna like gave me a shiver down my spine.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Dr. Cullen continued.

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent replies.

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence." The three newcomers looked slightly shocked.

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem any more."

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East. you'll be safe now." Victoria responded with a smirk on her face.

They started to get ready to play and Bella, Edward, Jasper and I started to leave but a large gust of wind blew through mine and Bella's hair before I knew it. James nearly pounced on us simply saying.

"You brought some snacks."

All I heard was a bunch of growling and everyone was crouched down.

"The girl's are with us. I think it's best if you leave." Carlisle spoke

"Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now. James?"

James was staring hard at Edward and Bella but before he pulled away his gaze flickered to me. I started back holding my ground he smirked and then pulled away with an arm wrapped around Victoria as they sped off into the woods.

"Get Olivia and Bella out of here. We'll follow them." The doc spoke.

Next thing I know I'm in Jasper's car, speeding down the road. Jasper explained how James is a hunter and that we were going but to the Cullen's to come up with a plan. If there was one thing I knew at this moment, was that Arielle was not going to be happy. 

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