Chapter 10

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Arielle POV

"I do not like that Bella girl!" I hissed, slamming the door to my range rover closed. I was at the Cullen's house and I was about to blow! I mean to be fair, the only human I can tolerate is Olivia Swan but Isabella Swan can do one. She is something else!

"Stop your voodoo shiz Jasper before I break something!" I whispered angrily.

"Yes love." Jasper laughed, I had him well trained already.

"Don't be stupid Edward. I am not moving again for some human! Na ah, not happening." Rosalie screeched. What? They are not leaving for one girl, it could only be Isabella as they never had this reaction before today.

"We have too Rosalie. I have to keep her safe." Edward said, dejected.

"No you don't. What is she other than a whiny pain in the ass that is even horrible to her cousin?"

"You wouldn't understand." Edward sneered at me. Oh no he didn't!

"I wouldn't understand! Do you not think there have been people I want to eat more than others in my 1000 year existence? You are nothing more than a child to me Eddie boy. I could kill you in the blink of an eye." I seethed. Did he really think I didn't know? How stupid is he!

"Arielle..." Carlisle stepped in as warning.

"No Carlisle, I care about this family and I love Jasper. I will not have his petty insolence ruin everything! I can stop the Volturi, I can stop rogue vampires, and I will stop this brat too. Do not test me Carlisle. Despite the baby face I am an original, I would suggest for your sake that you do not push me." I stood next to Rosalie and Jasper. There was a clear divide in the room Rosalie and I were obviously against Edward and Emmett and Jasper knew what was good for them so stuck with us. On the other side were Edward and a tentative Carlisle. If she were human I think Esme would be offering tea and cake as a peace offering.

"I'll just kill her. Easy peasy, job done, we can carry on as normal." I shrugged, it was no biggy.

"We can't. We have a treaty with the wolves." Carlisle spoke, shifting towards the middle. I chuckled deeply.

"You might. I don't. There aren't any wolves here anyway. They are shifters, wolves have no control of when they shift and are bound by the moon. They have no control while in wolf form either. Trust me, I'd know."

"No one is killing her. She is my mate." Edward said deeply.

"That settles it. We do not kill another's mate." Carlisle said, clapping his hands together.

"No it doesn't. What is Eddie boy's plan then?" I sat on the sofa bored. If I couldn't kill the bitch, why am I here?

"I'm going away for a few days, to Denali. I'll come back with a new plan." He spoke simply.

"Please don't feel like you have to come back." I said flippantly. I couldn't stand the kid.

"Arielle. Edward is part of this family." Carlisle responded again.

"Whatever, just saying. I wouldn't be sad if he stayed away for a couple of hundred of years? More if that's what needs to happen." I shrugged.

Rosalie looked like she was struggling to hold in her laughter at my remarks.

"I'll be back, Carlisle. A few days is all I need." I rolled my eyes, ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. I made eye contact with Rosalie and we walked out of the house and into the woods.

"He is an idiot and she is a bitch. Match made in heaven if you ask me. Both boring and irritating." She laughed at my comment.

"I agree, god it is so nice to talk to another female who agrees with me! Alice latches onto Edward because of their freaky mind gifts and Em and Jazz just prefer to not get involved." Rosalie spoke, still laughing.

"I'm with ya there sister." I chuckled back. I truly felt like I had developed a sister in Rosalie, we got on like a house on fire.

"I still want to kill her." I said as we laughed together, linking arms. 

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