Chapter 4

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As I walked into the school parking lot I noticed everything was the same as it always is. Everyone acts as if I don't exist. Part of that might be my fault but I do like to make small talk to the right people. However the right people never really like me. They always end up leaving or freaking out after my 'gift' slips out.

Anyway, I went to class and had chemistry first and sat in the back and just ended up doodling in my book. See I am quite smart for a girl of my age. If my uncle would let me I would've finished studying by now but noooooo I had to have a normal education because that's what my mum would have wanted. But would she really want me to suffer alone? I think not, yet I dare not argue.

Soon the bell rang and I was off to my next class English, my English teacher was one of the people who liked me surprisingly. So he would often let me do whatever I wanted. As for the fact I'm reading a book. I hear the footsteps of my classmates filing into the room. Surprisingly I felt a presence to my right. Normally people wouldn't sit near me at all but I carried on reading anyway.

Eventually, the teacher spoke about us having partners for the year and I was partners with the newbie sitting next to me. Trying to be polite and to snap the girl out of her daydream, I decided to speak.

"I'm Olivia Swan, we're partners for the year I guess. What's your name?" I asked, sticking out my hand.

"Arielle Petrova." she said un-interested.

"Russian?" I spoke, lowering my hand which she wasn't going to touch.

"Probably somewhere, it's old that's all I know."

"You have a British accent." I stated.

"Yes. You talk too much."

"And you are just plain rude, partner." When did I ever become this sassy when talking to a person?

"Eh, I get that a lot. Normally people don't say it to my face. You've got guts Swan, maybe you're not as bad as I thought."

"I like to think so. I do talk a lot though. Friends? You're rude and I talk too much, seems like the perfect combo." Jotting down notes

"Don't push it Swan." I heard the grumble from my right.

"Whatever you say Petrova. I'll crack you eventually."

"I'd like to see you try. See you around Swan." and as soon as the bell rang she was out of the classroom. It was weird talking to someone before. Someone that obviously didn't want me to. But I felt a connection maybe, just maybe I could get her to become friends with me.

The day passed quicker than I thought it would and soon enough I was on my way home. Walking home. In the pouring rain. I heard a car speeding down the round from behind me screech to a stop. I was semi-sure that it didn't stop, that I would have become roadkill.

"Get in Swan." ah Petrova

"Thanks Petrova." I said hoping into the back seat of the car only to notice that there was another person in the car. Blonde, similarities between her and Petrova were quite great, they must be related.

"Auntie Bekah, this is Olivia Swan, Swan, my Aunt Rebekah Mikaelson." Bingo! An auntie.

"Hello..." I was not really sure how to speak to another new person but somehow, something told me that she could be trusted.

"Cat got your tongue?" Rebekah said the same way Arielle would have said. It seems they have a similar personality as well. Just my luck. Rude too.

"No. Do you normally sass people who have just sat down in the car?" I snap.

"Ooh I like you, so tell me why are you in Forks?"

"Well I mean, I lived here pretty much all my life. Mom died when I was young and I never knew my dad so I live with my uncle. Not really that interesting to be honest" That wasn't all of it. That was no were near all of it but I wasn't going to explain to two strangers my whole life story was I? Rebekah looked at me as if she could sense there is more I wanted to say or if she knew I was deliberately not telling.

"Doesn't sound like a very good life?" she responded

"Yeah well I would be a fool to tell you the whole story wouldn't I? Two strangers I hardly know, knowing everything about me? I think not." I say with a smirk

"Yet you got in the car of two strangers?"

"Touche. But I didn't want to get wet and technically I'm partnered with Petrova here in English."

"Swan where am I going?" Petrova spoke finally distracting me with the conversation I was having with said stranger.

"Oh, with my Uncle, the second to last house on this street." I directed, realising I hadn't told them where I lived.

"The Sheriff, you live with the Sheriff? Excellent, you'll be fun to corrupt." she spoke (clearly seeing the police cruiser outside, huh must have got off work early) as we pulled up outside of my house. Even though I could tell she didn't want to, I could hear the excitement in her voice. Oh I was in trouble for sure now.

"Looking forward to it." I replied with a little, just a little smirk on my face before jumping out the car and walking into the house.

Charlie was watching the game on the TV in the lounge so I just went straight upstairs into the attic, not wanting to bother him as he's been quite stressed lately. I jumped onto my bed and looked at the ceiling smiling. Maybe this year won't be so bad.

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