Chapter 15

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A/N : Hi all! Thank you for the votes and comments. We will answer any comments or questions in these author's notes.

In regards to Olivia and Elijah, we don't plan for it to be as weird as it could be. Remember that Olivia is human and Elijah is obviously not. He is also very old fashioned and their romance will be much slower than Jasper and Arielle's. Olivia doesn't feel the mate bond anywhere near as strongly as Elijah, Jasper, and Arielle so will not react in the same way. We plan to write it in a way that it is cute and funny not weird. Thank you for your opinion though as it is important to us that our readers enjoy our story and that it is a safe place for everyone and their opinions.

Arielle POV

In a way, I was glad that Olivia found out my secret. Especially as I now have the most powerful weapon to hurt my family. More than that though, I now considered her as an ally, or maybe even a friend. I knew she had my back, and she knew that I had hers. Always and Forever as my family would say.

Coming to Forks was a punishment issued by my father. He wanted me to get my act together and experience life as a human to increase my empathy or some shit. As normal, my father was right. The curse had become a blessing - I had met Rosalie and Emmett, Olivia and my amazing mate who I cannot believe I nearly rejected. For the first time in a very long time, I felt like I had a life outside of my family. I was doing things for me, not just to keep my family alive.

Running from my grandfather had become the norm, I had no fun, it was all about survival. Now, I feel like I have been born again, the childhood and teenage years that I had craved for my entire life, are only now becoming a reality.

Today was yet another new experience for me. Jasper was taking me on a date. I had found an old spell that would allow a cold one to eat which would come in handy as Jasper was taking me on a date. I decided to make the most of the sunshine and wore an outfit that I hoped was sexy but cute and summery.

I suddenly felt a presence behind me that I instinctively knew was Jasper. Without even flinching I greeted my boyfriend as I made my final touches to my makeup.

"Hey cowboy." I said, standing up and kissing him softly on his lips.

"Ready to go darlin'?" Jasper asked, taking my hand. I nodded as I spoke.

"Do you want me to cast the spell?" I had found a spell that would enable cold ones to eat for a period of time without throwing it back up or the food's revolting taste. I didn't know what Jasper had planned for today but I couldn't do the spell in public anyway. He nodded briefly before I led us to my spell room where my grimoires were.

Once in the room I began the spell. I had to get a sample of Jasper's venom which he readily provided as well as some of my own blood. It wasn't a complicated spell but it was created by my grandmother so I believe that I am the only witch to know of it.

"Hoc est ergo manducare frigida vis ut faciam eis manducare. Et ait faciamus hominem ad virtutem manducare cibum manducant sicut pro XXIV horis ita non potest non velle illis vos manducare. Hoc est ergo manducare frigida vis ut faciam eis manducare. Et ait faciamus hominem ad virtutem manducare cibum manducant sicut pro XXIV horis ita non potest non velle illis vos manducare." (Let this cold one eat like I want them to eat. Let them have the power to eat human food for 24 hours so they can eat like I want them to eat.) I said the spell twice before I tossed Jasper an apple. Tentatively he took a bite before he moaned slightly at the taste. I guess it worked then.

Jasper finished the apple at an inhuman pace before he zoomed over to me and gave me the most passionate kiss. I tangled my fingers in his hair as I returned the eager kiss. Much too soon for my liking Jasper pulled away, resting his forehead on mine, our fingers still entwined in each other's hair.

"Thank you." He whispered quietly. His voice shook slightly and I am sure that if he could, he would be crying right now. I smiled in response before pulling away.

"Come on then loverboy, what have you got planned?"

"That ma'am is a secret." We laughed as Jasper scooped me up bridal style and zoomed out of the door.

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