Chapter 3

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I casually stroll over to my aunt. I hug her loosely.

"Long time no see, Auntie." I said softly, to quiet for humans to hear.

"Too long, pip squeak." She said. Rebekah is the only one that gets away with giving me cutesy nicknames. Not even my Dad gets away with it. Nik and Kol do it to get on my nerves deliberately. "Nice car by the way."

I laughed and climbed in the drivers side, speeding out of the car park before Rebekah had even strapped in, not that she needed to. Suddenly it started to rain and I regretted bitterly my decision to turn my emotions on when I saw the Swan girl getting drenched walking home. Screeching to a stop I rolled Rebekah's window down.

"Get in Swan." I said shortly, rolling the window back up. She tilted her head for a moment looking like she was going to argue, but eventually got in.

"Thanks Petrova." She said, strapping herself in. I nodded at her through the mirror and then turned to Rebekah giving her an, 'I'll explain later' look.

"Auntie Bekah, this is Olivia Swan, Swan, my Aunt Rebekah Mikaelson." I introduced, not used to awkward small talk. As I said - I hate small talk!

I zoned out again and let the two talk just driving, until I suddenly remembered that I didn't know where the girl lived.

"Swan where am I going?" I asked simply, not really wanting to make friends.

"Oh, with my Uncle, the second to last house on this street." She directed, realising the same thing.

We pulled up and I noticed the cruiser parker out front.

"The Sheriff, you live with the Sheriff? Excellent, you'll be fun to corrupt."

"Looking forward to it." Swan responded despondently.

She climbed out of the car and walked towards the house as I zoomed off again.

"I like her." Rebekah stated once we left. "Good choice of human squirt. Anyway, what did you need me for, given that you clearly haven't killed anyone."

"There are cold ones at school." I dropped the bomb casually. "And one of them won't leave me alone."

"Well that's problematic. You do love trouble don't you." She chuckled. "Tell me everything."


I told her everything. From the weird feeling I got when we touched, to the woods. I told them how he was confused when I said they weren't vampires. Every little detail from the day, Rebekah now knew.

"Have you ever heard of mates, squirt?" She asked me. I nodded shakily. I knew a little bit but no one I have ever known well has met their mate, other than Uncle Finn, but he's a dick so we don't talk to him.

"Uncle Finn and Sage right?" I asked her. She nodded before speaking.

"Mates are what humans would call soulmates. Not everyone has one, in fact true mates are rare. It is like electricity when you brush against each other and once you make skin to skin contact, you will go crazy for each other with lust. Once you have had sex, you will be bound for life, it seals the deal. Neither of you will be able to be apart without causing a hell of a lot of pain. That's why Finn is how he is. Once Sage died, he was a suicidal mess." I groaned.

"I do not want to be dependent on that prat! He has no awareness of space. Auntie Bekah make it go away!" I groaned like a toddler. I did not want a mate, I am quite content with it being me and my family only. I don't want to be dependent on anyone, least of all a cold one.

"You need to think really carefully about this Arielle. If you reject the mating pull, neither of you will ever be happy again. You can of course but I wouldn't if I were you, I have been looking for my mate for my entire existence. Don't throw yours away on a whim." She patted my shoulder and moved away. "Want me to come to school with you tomorrow?"

I shook my head. "No, either way, whatever I decide, I need to do it on my own. Thanks though Auntie. I needed this." I stood giving her a tight hug.

"Any time honey. Anytime."


I went to bed with a head full of different scenarios. What should I do, clearly Auntie Bekah thought I should go with it, but she has always been a romantic. I learnt to be independent, my grandmother killed my mother because my father fell in love with her. I learnt that love outside of family was a weakness.

Could my mate change that?

Tomorrow would change my future, eugh now I sound like some soppy dramatic character from Rebekah's romance novels!

Kill me now!

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