Chapter 8

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All was good, I suppose or at least good in my terms of things. I feel like I'm finally cracking Petrova's outer wall and we are becoming closer. I carried on walking home from school, when I spotted Charlie's police cruiser stop next to me.

"Get in Kiddo, I got some news for you." he said as I got into the cruiser. He sounded excited and stressed. I'm not sure why.

"Okay, How was work? You somehow got off work early?" I asked, generally curious.

"Yeah, it's alright couple of kids downtown making a mess but besides that they let me go home early to prepare,"

"Prepare? Prepare for what?" I asked as we pulled up to the house we called home.

"Well you remember Bella... Right?"

Oh I know Bella alright. How could I ever forget my darling cousin? Note the bucket of sarcasm.

"Yeah, of course I do. I'm not gonna forget my cousin," I say letting out a believable giggle.

You see Bella and I have never gotten on. Never have most likely never will. Now let me be clear I have tried to get on with the demon many, many times but I just can't. Of course, Charlie doesn't even notice that we are constantly at eachothers throats and if he does I normally get the blame because I'm not his daughter.

"Great, because she's coming to live with us."

"Really? I can't wait!" Actually, I could wait a very long time.

"That's why I have the rest of the day off. We are picking her up tomorrow, so go make sure your room is tidy, alright kiddo." He says giving me a smile

"Sure thing Uncle." I smiled and went up to the attic.

As soon as I stepped into my room I shut the door and screamed into my pillow. It was muffled so Charlie wouldn't hear. Bella. Is. Coming. Home. Now Isabella is a cruel excuse of a human being. I think the main reason we don't get along is because when we were little she dropped her favourite doll and I made it float due to my telekinesis. Obviously she screamed and shouted to the high heavens that I would be sent away for years but I had nowhere else to go. Then she went to live in Phoenix with her mum and I stayed with my uncle. No one else knows about the gift so they just thought she was throwing a tantrum like all kids do.

So yeah I'm not happy, but she is Charlie's daughter so I have to at least pretend to get along with her. For him, I will try.


Next thing I know, I'm standing at the airport next to Charlie waiting for said demon. I feel like I should be holding a sign saying ' cruel, manipulative human, party of one' of course I didn't do that, but it would have been cool if I had.

"Hey look Liv, I think that's her." he said pointing to a pale looking brunette that was indeed Isabella. How on earth had she not gotten a tan when staying in Phoenix, what is she a vampire? Not gonna lie, it made me chuckle.

"I believe it is." I smiled up at Charlie to try and calm his nerves after all he hadn't seen Bella in years. Now that was her fault. Poor Charlie was really heart broken due to the fact that she wouldn't come and visit and now look here she is trying to weave her way through a crowd of people. If I wasn't wanting to punch her in the face I might have helped her.

She joined us as we walked to the police cruiser. She said 'Hi' to Charlie and blanked me, the little... I just let out a sigh and got into the back of the car. You could cut the tension with a knife as the two sat up front. Charlie soon pulled away from the airport and we were on our way.

I'm pretty sure the tension couldn't get any worse.

"Your hair is longer," Charlie said.

"I cut it since last time I saw you"

"Guess it grew out again" Well no shit Sherlock that's what hair does. "How's your mom?"

"Good" Okay I lied about the tension, it got worse.

Eventually we made it home, after Bella nearly slammed my hand in the car door. I went up to my room. I could hear Charlie and Bella talking about how her room looks the same as it used to? And something about the colour purple? I don't know soon i heard charlie go down stairs. I knew it would only be a matter of time before Isabell made her way-

"Alright you listen here you little freak!" bella wispa screams at me as she practically knocks down my door. I knew it. I knew this would happen, where is my prize?

"While I'm here I don't want you near me or MY Dad you got it just stick to your own stuff I will stick to mine." If the prize is her spitting in my face I don't want it.

"Alright you listen here ISABELLA," I said stare into her hateful muddy brown eyes, "I have lived here since I was three years old, Charlie is and will always be my Uncle and you can't take that away from me, he is my family. I'm not gonna be bossed around by you anymore Isabella we are meant to be family but apparently that's lost on you, so you stay away from me and get away from my life because as of right now I don't want you near me."

Now I may have gotten very angry and used my telekinesis to push her out of the room and slam the door shut. I hate her. I think that's been made more clear. I already know that I'm gonna need more help with her.

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