Your Rants!

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This rant was made from StampyLee33

"The last thing you need when you're continuing a conversation, starting one, or just leaving a simple 'lol or 'or my gosh' is an error saying, "Cannot comment." I personally think this may be something that Wattpad should fix right away, but apparently they don't think it's important. People like me want to socialize or just comment n general, but when you see thy notification, it wipes that playful smirk right off your face. I read some people's stories that are really good, and I'm thinking about commenting some moral support, congrats, or a form of appreciation when BAM! I can't.

So if anyone on the Wattpad committee, like @AidenParker, are reading this, I'm not sure if it's my wi-fi or the app, but can it be fixed? I still think the best part about interesting stories is reading the comments afterward, and if I can't comment, I get disappointed as (bleep!)

- StampyLee33 "

Great rant! I totally agree with this! I have been getting this problem, too, and I hope it gets fixed soon!

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