How It Began

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You made your way quickly down the Stark tower stairs, Loki made his own way to the main lobby. You evened out your breathing, you may be the Avengers only hope, you just prayed nothing screwed this up. You were fighting against time, very soon the Chitauri would arrive and things really would go to shit, that much you knew. You entered the lobby, quickly scanning your surroundings, of course trust Tony to have a bar here, although the thought of having a drink sounded quite pleasant at this given moment, but you knew there was no time, you can celebrate after - if you made it that far. 

"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." Loki spoke first, snapping you out of your own thoughts, this currant task at hand needed your full and undying attention 

"You stand correct." you started simply with a monotone voice, how this would go you had no idea, all you could do was hope for the best. You heard Loki chuckle slightly at your reply, you could feel his eyes follow you around the room, you stood in front of the bar table, and looked at him

"Then I am afraid to inform you that your attempt will be wasted." he replied coldly, he looked you up and down before turning to the window, looking over New York City and the destruction that was about to commence 

"well I can try." you said following his gaze, so many people relied on you right now, if you weren't able to persuade Loki to stand down, there would be blood shed, and that was for certain 

"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that, what have I to fear?" he spoke again, turning to face you, with a venous smirk on his face, you could tell he found you attempt amusing, but you still had to try

"I am not here to threaten you, merely to persuade you." There would be no point in trying to scare him, he was right nothing could change the fact that the Chitauri were coming, but perhaps getting on his good side would help immensely 

"As I have already stated mortal, your attempt is wasted, you are wasting your breath." Loki replied lazily, this was definitely harder than you thought, you had to be careful here

"You don't have to do this Loki." you said softly, he scoffed at your comment 

"Even if I was to believe your brittle words, it would be too late mortal, the Chitauri will come, and I will rule over Midgard." He opened his arms as if presenting a invention of some sort, you lightly shook your head and smiled

"Surely, as you are a God, you should rule a much more sophisticated realm, or do you always pick easy prey?" you kept your tone low, and soft, you didn't want him thinking you were mocking him, but it seems that is exactly what he thought, he glared at you, his eyes full of hatred aim all towards you

"You dare question me? I am here to open the eyes of mortals, to show you what peace really is, to give you freedom." Loki spat back clearly debating how he should kill you, you needed to keep calm, you raise your hands in defence 

"I am not questioning you, merely observing, it is clear to me that you are powerful, but a true king does not rule for power, they rule for peace and happiness among their lands, and you Loki, son of odin-" 

"He is not my father!" Loki yelled, rage clearly taking him over, you flinched, damn you needed to fix this and hurry it up

"I know, and I apologise for my mistake." you said quietly, fearing what he would do, he approached you, he stopped directly in front of you, you were stuck between him and the bar table. You breathed slowly trying to not to panic

"Tell me mortal, do you have a heart?" he hissed at you, staring you straight in the eyes

"Do you?" you asked back, he straighten his posture a bit and looked you over once more, still having a disgusted look on his face 

"I asked you first mortal." 

"I know, but I would like to know, if the ruler of my home realm has a heart, all Kings must have one, surely you do." you said slowly, this was taking too long, you had been talking for almost ten minutes now, you needed to do something, he opened his mouth as if to reply to your question, until you both heard the clanging of metal, both your heads snapped up to see tony walking in. He stopped at the sight of seeing you and Loki standing so close to each other

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." he said raising an eyebrow at you, Loki backed away from you, he looked at Tony and smirked

"Are you here to appeal to my humanity as well?" he asked with a chuckle, Tony looked at him and shook his head slightly 

"uh, actually I'm planning to threaten you." he said as he walked behind the bar

"Tony, not now." you hissed in a whisper at him, he ignored you and continued browsing through the alcoholic beverages 

"You should of left your armor on for that." Loki stated, never keeping his gaze off Stark 

"Yeah, I see a bit of milage, you've got that ah- glow stick of destiny. Any of you want a drink?" Tony asked lazily, you looked at him in disbelief, you were so close to getting somewhere and now it's all gone to hell. 

"Stalling me won't change anything." Loki replied with a small smirk on his lips

"No, no, no, threatening. No drink you sure? I'm having one." Tony corrected Loki with as shrug

"As I have told you pathetic mortal friend here, the Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that, I have nothing to fear." loki said flatly 

"The Avengers - that's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. Earth's mightiest heros, kind of thing." Tony said, taking a sip of his drink 

"Yes, I've met them." Loki replied, the smirk on his face growing wider

"Loki, please, you do not have to do this, the Chitauri may still come to Earth, but you can help fight them, alongside us, you are not alone." you knew you had struck a cord, by the look on Loki's face, you felt Tony stand next to you, his arm pressed to yours, but you continued to look at Loki, a soft expression on your face

"No, I refuse to be in my brothers shadow once more, I am the worthy king of Asgard, it should be me sitting on that throne!" Loki spat, venom dripped off every word, but you still kept your act going

"And have I Loki, said you are not worthy, I have not, all I ask is you prove to Odin that you are a king at heart." you said softly as you extended your hand, your eyes begging him to hold yours or at least agree. His eyes glazed over with tears, he looked at you, hands slightly shaking and then Tony spoke

"Look reindeer games, we don't have all day, as we speak Chitru, or whatever they're called are destroying Earth." He said impatiently, you glared at him, knowing he has just ruined your progress. Loki blinked, his face returning to a hard glare, your hand dropped back to your side as you cursed Tony under your breath 

*End of flashback*


A/N: and there is the first chapter, I hope you guys like it, I'm kinda proud of myself tbh 😅

Until the next chapter my loki lovers 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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