Your Majesty

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You laid in your bed, a thin pair of arms wrapped around your body, holding you close, you carefully looked over at the clock that hung on your wall, the sound of seconds going by filling your room. It was one thirty in the morning, you looked over at Loki, his eyes closed, and his breath fanning over you face, it had a strong smell of fresh mint, slightly over powering, but you didn't mind. He stirred slightly, pulling you closer to his body, mumbling something inaudible, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling yourself flush against him, your head resting under his chin. You breathe in his scent, it was a rich smell, one you couldn't compare to anything you knew, whatever it was you loved it, it always made you feel at peace when you could smell it, knowing that Loki was near. Loki moved slightly, his legs tangling with yours even more so, you smiled at him, even though he was still asleep you could tell he would awake soon. You brushed a strand of hair out of his face carefully, his eyes fluttered open, immediately resting on your face, he smiled sleepily, he squeezed you slightly, before letting you go, stretching his arms and yawning, making you giggle slightly, you loved everything about him, his daring, mischievous side and his soft, caring side. He smiled at you again, showing his teeth in a wide grin, he sat up, stretching more, before grabbing you again, resting your head against his bare chest, you chuckled softly

"It's two in the morning Loki." you said, you felt slightly bad for waking him

"Morning to you too." he smirked, sitting up slightly so he could see your face, you smiled, looking at him from an upside down view

"Morning Loki." you said rolling your eyes, with a chuckle, he smiled triumphantly

"You know I love it when you say my name." he stated proudly, your cheeks immediately went red, you laughed at what he said

"You what?" you laughed out, sitting up, now looking down at him, he copied you, pulling himself into a sitting position, his back leaning against the bed's headboard, a smirk still on his lips

"It's the way you say it, makes me sound all godly and special, as if you idolise me." he rambled in, his hand playing with a strand of your hair, your blush never left you cheeks, in fact it doubled in colour, but you still managed to roll your eyes at him

"You're a bit self absorbed, don't let it go to your head, I'll just stop saying it." you teased slightly, his smirk vanished from his face, as he thought you were being serious

"No, don't stop." he said, frowning slightly, causing you to bust out in laughter, immediately clamping a hand over your mouth, trying not to wake anyone else up, Loki looked at you confused eyes

"I was joking you big oaf, I'm only messing with you." you said between breaths, still trying to contain your laughter, he pouted slightly, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from you, his head turned to the side. You chuckled softly, before cupping his face in your hands
" I am terribly sorry, your majesty." you joked, Loki's looked at you, still frowning, a small smile found his lips

"You are certainly not forgiven." He said, his eyes darting to your lips then back to your eyes, you pouted, playing along with his teasing

"Then bestow whatever punishment you have in line for me, my Prince." you bowed your head, holding back your laughter at how ridiculous you sound, but hey you were having fun.

"Who said anything about a punishment?" he smirked his hand resting on your hips as he pulled you onto his lap, your smile grew wider

"Have I not upset you my Prince?" you asked, tilting your head to the side, he pulled you even closer, his lips hovering above yours, you wanted nothing more then to press yours against his, but you refrained from doing so, finding this little game far too amusing

" Only a little my queen." he spoke quietly, his lips brushing against yours slightly as he spoke, a shiver ran down your spine

"Perhaps I could make it up to you, Prince Loki." you said, still smiling at him, your cheeks dusted a light pink

"How so?" he asked, raising one eyebrow slightly, you leaned forward, connecting your lips with his, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer slightly, your hands rested on his chest. You both pulled away, breathing heavily, he smirked, still holding you close

"You have definitely been forgiven." he said breathlessly, causing you to giggle softly, you rested your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his neck, he planted a kiss to you cheek softly, before running a hand up and down your back, this is why you loved night time, even if it was three o'clock in the morning.


A/N: Sorry if this is a little cringey, it's a bit shorter than the other chapters too, I wanted you and Loki to have a chapter solely dedicated to the two of u, this is what I came up with. This story will be coming to an end soon, but I have an idea for another Loki x Reader, thank you all for reading this, feel free to give constructive criticism, love u all ❤️✌️

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