A Final Decision

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That was exactly a week ago today, it was crazy to think that in just that short amount of time you and the Avengers had saved New York and the world. Although you couldn't help but think that things could of gone a little differently if your persuasion to Loki was better, or without Tony interrupting you. Of course you had a go at Tony for his attitude, but it was like trying to explain Algebra to a one year old, he didn't see your point. You sigh in annoyance, as you opened the door of your room, you quickly glanced at the clock, shit you were ten minutes late to a meeting. This gathering would decide what would be happening with Loki, and where he is to be sent. You slid your door shut and walked down the thin corridor of Helicarrier, you walked into the meeting room, and sat down, Tony looked over to you and sent you a wink, a common flirtatious thing he would often do whenever the two of you were in the same room but at a distance, you ignored his gesture, as always.

"Right now that we are all here, we can begin." Fury said as he turned to face you and all the Avengers, he glanced at you as if to tell you off for your lateness, you quickly looked to the ground, Natasha sat to your left, she moved her legs, now one crossed over the other, Bruce was to your right, his hands constantly fidgeting with each other
"So I assume you all know what the current problem at hand is, Thor how's Asgard looking for our friend?" Fury continued, adding a sarcastic tone to his last word

"I am afraid that my Father has refused the custody of my brother and has told me to place him in a Midgarden dungeon, as he will be gone from Asgard for a while." Thor replied in a slightly defensive tone, you looked over to Steve who was staring at the table, clearly deep in thought

" Well hate to break it to you barbie, but unless you go back in time, we don't have dungeons." Tony replied, he looked over to you to see your reaction, a small smile formed on your lips at his comment, which seemed to satisfy his need of attention

"This is not the time for messing about Tony, if Asgard can't contain Loki then we will, but that means I need all of you to stay here, on the Helicarrier. At least that way if he tries anything funny, I've got you to put him in his place." Nick said with his back turned to the Avengers, you saw Tony frown in disagreement before opening his mouth

"Yeah, sorry to break it to you, but I'm not staying on a flying boat, with these lot- No offence Y/N." He said, quickly adding the last part and sending you a smirk

"Tony, does it look like I care about your opinion right now?" Fury replied as he turned to face Tony

"With all do respect sir-" Steve started but was soon interrupted by Nick

"Look I don't give a damn about your opinions right now, S.H.I.E.L.D needs you more than ever. I don't like this anymore than you do, but we have to make a sacrifice." He said scanning everyone's faces
"Loki will be held in a cell downstairs, we will have guards outside of the doors, I don't want him manipulating any of my men. You're all dismissed." Fury finished, then turned and walked away, you looked over to Natasha who was frowning but said nothing

" Well I'm gonna go get comfortable." Clint said with a chuckle as he stood up and left the rest of the Avengers to sit, Natasha soon got up and followed him out, and a awkward silence fell over the remainder of the team mates

"Well this is going to be fun." Tony clasped his hands together, his sentence was laced with sarcasm, to that Steve lifted his head and frowned at Tony

"Well seeming as we just saved the world together, I don't see a problem in our current situation." He said with a smile, you couldn't help but smile back

"IT WILL BE FUN MY FRIENDS!" Thor boomed, chuckling at the end, causing Tony to pinch the bridge of his nose, you laughed softly at Thor's enthusiasm

"Yes, it will be fun, I have to agree with Thor and Steve on this one." you said still smiling

"It will definitely be an experience." Brue spoke with a hint of excitement to his voice

"Your kidding me right? You're all looking forward to this?" Tony asked in disbelief, looking at all of you

"Of course, why would we not enjoy the company of our friends?" Thor asked as he smiled at you, you returned the gesture

"Okay so we're all forgetting the only reason we're here is because of Reindeer games?" Tony said, more as a mutter

"Oh stop being so negative Tony, live in the moment." you said joking, causing Bruce to chuckle slightly

"Well I'm going to head to the lab, there's still repairs that need doing, Tony you coming?" Bruce asked as he stood up

"Yeah in a minute." Tony replied as he looked at you once again

"I'll be in the training room." Steve stated simply, he stood up and begun to walk out

"I will accompany you." Thor replied a little louder than needed, he followed Steve out, leaving just you and Tony. You stood up, ready to retreat to your room

"You're actually going along with this?" Tony asked in disbelief

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" you replied confused at his question, wasn't it a bit obvious that you enjoyed the company of your fellow Avengers, or the fact that you had no say in the matter anyway

"Just asking, didn't take you for a team player that's all." Tony smirked as he stood, he walked over to you

"Yes and we all know what kind of player you are Tony Stark." You replied back with your own smirk

"Y/N, you have no idea." He said as he walked off with a chuckle, you shook your head and walked back to your room. As you entered, you grew more curious to what it will be like living with the Avengers, Tony was right you were all here because of Loki, but that didn't mean you couldn't have a good time. You remembered your conversation with the God of Mischief himself, you were so close to persuading him, you were disappointed that you hadn't been successful in your attempt. So many had died that day, and perhaps you would of been able to avoid the extra bloodshed, you couldn't help but feel guilty. Thor had told you about Loki, he seemed quite fond over him. He had told you how his brother never really liked to fight, instead he prefered to read and improve his knowledge. His jealousy led him to hate Thor, resent him even, making him want to take Thor's place and rule over Asgard. A sad smile formed on your lips, he was misunderstood that you knew for a fact.


A/N: And here is the next chapter, woop woop, I promise, Loki will be in the next chapter! So sorry if I disappointed anyone, anyway sending you all much love, and I'll see you in the next chapter 💚🔥

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