A Brokenheart

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You opened your eyes slowly, wiping at them harshly as you sat up. You blinked a couple times before your lips curved into a smile, remember what happened yesterday, you felt bubbly inside. Quickly getting up and getting ready for the day, you never stopped smiling, you practically skipped to the kitchen, Steve watched you and raised an eyebrow in confusion, but still smiled back

"You seem happy today, what's going on?" Steve asked, walking to the kitchen counter

"Just am." you shrugged grinning, you felt like a high school student that got their first boyfriend, but Loki wasn't your boyfriend you reminded yourself, it really was stupid for you to be this exited about what happened, you shook your head, your smile slowly fading, you grabbed your coffee and walked out the kitchen. Subconsciously making your way to the lift, only to realise when the doors shut and it started to move. You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut before walking over to Loki's cell, the doors opening as always, Loki looked up at you but immediately looked back down at the floor

"Hey." you said, offering him a small smile, he still didn't look at you

"Morning." He said plainly

"Everything okay?" panic started to rise it you, what if he didn't like you anymore, you crouched down to try to look at his face, but his head hung low, his raven hair hiding his face from you

"I'm fine you can leave now." He said, his voice quiet as if afraid of something, his words hurt you, had you done something to upset him? You couldn't help but ask yourself these questions, tears filling your eyes without you knowing

"Loki, what's wrong?" you asked, placing a hand on his shoulder, he flinched, looking at you, his eyes full of sadness and something you couldn't quite place, you smiled softly, waiting for him to speak, his eyes flickered behind you, you slowly turned around, seeing no one there, you gave him a confused look

" You can't be here." He said looking down at the floor again

"Why not, what happened?" you asked, urging him for an answer

"Because you can't!" he shouted at you, causing you to fall back, you quickly stood up, confused at his outburst

"Loki -"

"I SAID GET OUT, stupid mortal, do you not understand?!" he screamed at you, standing up, pointing his finger towards the lift, two tears ran down your face, as you blinked, you turned around and walked out, stepping into the lift and not looking back, as soon as the doors started to open you ran to your room, closing the door quickly. You sat on your bed, head in your hands, and cried. Yes, you knew this was pathetic, he kissed you once, why you were getting upset over something so small, it was ridiculous to you, but here you were crying, what did you expect from him, he's the God of Mischief, he's just messing with you, he never cared, he was only trying to use you.

Loki's POV
"I SAID GET OUT, stupid mortal, do you not understand?!" I yelled, Y/N stood there, tears rolling down her face, confused and upset. It hurt so much to do this, but I had to, for her safety and mine, it was obvious that if she was to keep visiting me I would be sent to Asgard or she would be dismissed. She walked out quickly, standing in the lift, not once looking back, the cell doors closed as the lift left, if this worked she would never come back down to see me, I wasn't sure if I could hurt her anymore than I have. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, glaring at the camera that was above me, hoping whoever was behind it knew I wanted them dead. I had lost Y/N the only person that was willing to except me for who I am, she didn't care if I was a monster, well now that I think about it, she had never seen my Jotunn form, but she knew what I had done, and yet she didn't cower away. I scanned my cell, my eyes resting on the pile of books she had given me, I smiled softly, but it immediately vanished from my face, in frustration I knocked the books over throwing them to the ground. I sat down, burying my head in my hands, I had lost the only thing I cared about.

Your POV
You had calmed down a little, tears still fell down your face, but not as much as five minutes ago, your breaths were shaky, your head hurt from all the crying, and your heart physically ached. Was this heartbreak? You scolded yourself for getting so attached to Loki, why must you always be so stupid? You walked into your bathroom, splashing cold water on your face, you dried it then looked in the mirror, the redness of your eyes was still there, but you definitely didn't look as dead, you heard a knock on your door and immediately started to panic. Had someone seen you crying? Why must someone need you now? You groaned in frustration

"Hang on!" you yelled, though it sounded rough and scratchy, you walked to your door and opened it slightly, Thor stood there, with a sad look on his face

"May I come in?" he asked, trying to get a better view of you, you nodded and opened the door, immediately looking down at the floor. You closed the door as soon as he entered, turning around to face him
"Are you alright Lady Y/N? You look as if you have been crying." Thor said, a worried look on his face, well thanks for stating the obvious you thought, you smiled softly

"I'm fine, I promise, do you need something Thor?" you asked

"Ah, yes you seem to have grown close to Loki and I was wondering if you could tell him something for me." Thor seemed to go quiet near the end of his sentence, you swallowed, you couldn't tell him Loki and you weren't talking anymore more, he'd ask why, you stood there, frozen, trying to search for the right words
" Please, he won't take the news well from me." Thor continued his eyes glazing over with tears, for Thor you would do this.

"Of course, but what's wrong?" you asked moving closer to him, with worried eyes

"Our mother, Frigga she's - she's dead."


A/N: so the storyline is going to be a little different to the actual one, just so then my story can be more interesting. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far, love you all ❤️💕

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