A Friend

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You were in Tony's lab, watching him making the cuffs for Loki, sighing impatiently every five minutes. He was getting annoyed, he would glare at you everytime, causing you to just smile innocently. 

"Can you just shut up, your really off putting, I'm trying to finish this for your boyfriend." Tony snapped at you, rolling his eyes. A blush appeared on your face at his words

"He's not my boyfriend." you said, although you wished he was, Tony snickered at you reply

"Sure, whatever, just shut up." he said with a smirk, you sighed quietly and finally shut your mouth. 

—Smol timeskip brought to you by Tiny Stank—

You had been waiting for more than an hour now, starting to get really bored, you opened your mouth to say something 

"And done!" Tony exclaimed, spinning round on his chair to face you, he held two thin silver bracelets, they each had a blue line of light going down them, He was grinning ear to ear, clearly proud of himself 

"Thank you." you replied reaching out to grab them, Tony placed them in your hands carefully, you smiled at him, hopping off the desk you had perched yourself on

"They should do the trick, and there not breaking anytime soon, and yes they will work." Tony said, clasping his hands together, you smirked at his words

"Oh really? And you know they work how?" you asked, raising an eyebrow

"Because I made them." he shrugged, walking closer to you, his smile faded slightly 

"Don't let him hurt you Y/N." Tony's eyes softened, he brushed some of your hair out of your face, you smiled softly 

"I won't, I promise Tony." you said wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into a friendly hug. He place his arms around you, holding you tight, his head resting on your shoulder, slowly you pulled away, still smiling 

"Now go get those things on your boyfriend. I still can't believe he's getting a room." Tony said shaking his head slightly 

"Well life's full of surprises Tony." you replied, as you walked out the lab

"Just be careful." you heard Tony call after you

"I always am." you shouted back, smirking softly. 

—Another small timeskip, bc I'm lazy af rn—

You stood in the lift, it brought you down to the floor that Loki was located on, you tightly held the cuffs that Tony had made. Loki looked up at you, his face immediately lighting up as he smiled, you practically skipped over to the control panel, opening the door of the cell. He stood up quickly, never taking his eyes off you, you walked towards him and stopped two feet in front of him, although you did want to be closer, you knew he liked his personal space

"Look what I got." you said grinning, holding the cuffs. In the air, he looked at them, then back to you

"Do they work?" he asked taking one from your hand 

"Tony said they do, try them on, we'll test them out." you shrugged your shoulders, he clipped one around his wrist then the other, looking at them with slight disgust 

"They look horrible." he stated plainly, you scoffed at his comment, watching him carefully 

"Well do they work?" he didn't reply for a few minutes, you both stood there in silence 

"Well I can't seem to make any illusions, but I do seem to still have my ability to read minds, although it's - harder than before, oh and of course I'm still a monster." he muttered the last part, you crossed your arms, frowning at him

"No you're not." you said sternly, he looked at you and just shook his head, looking back down at the ground, you sighed and pulled him into a hug, at first he just stood there, his arms by his side, then slowly his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you tighter against his body. Butterflies erupted in your stomach, and you were praying to God he wasn't reading your mind right now, you both stayed like this for at least two minutes, well you were sort of forced, since Loki wouldn't let go, but you weren't complaining. Finally you pulled away, your cheeks powdered with a light pink blush, you smiled softly

"Now stop telling yourself that. You're perfect Loki, in all your wonderful ways." you still smiled, you meant what you said too, you cared deeply for him, you just wish he saw you as more than a friend. 

"Thank you." he said looking back at the cuffs on his wrists

"I'm going to ask Nick when you're allowed out, then I'll come back okay?" you said as you turned around 

"Don't be too long." he said, your face lit up at his words, standing in the lift, you were sure you looked redder than a tomato. 

You walked into Nicks office, he sat at his desk, a bored expression on his face, he didn't move from his position when he saw you enter

" Agent L/N." He greeted plainly 

"Nick." you nodded at him, now standing in front of his desk

"And how can I help you?" He asked, looking at the scattered paper work on his desk

"I'm here to ask when Loki is allowed to be released. The cuffs work, he can not create illusions, he told me he can read minds but it is much harder." You stated, regretting your words after they came out your mouth

"so the cuffs don't work." Nick stated 

"You can't contain all his power, he's a God." you replied 

"I don't give a damn what he is, if the cuffs don't work, he's staying in that cell." Nick raised his voice slightly 

"I disagree sir, the cuffs do work, I can promise you now, he will not cause any trouble, he knows this is his only chance at redemption, please don't take that away from him." you said with pleading eyes, Nick sighed

"Fine, but I don't like how close you are with him, be careful around him." he said, raising an eyebrow at you, you shook your head and headed out, before leaving the room you turned around

"Everyone needs a friend Sir." you said, and then you were gone, making your way back to Loki's cell. 


A/N:sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday, I completely forgot 😅

Thank you guys for reading this still tho, I really appreciate all your support, love you all ❤️

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