Good News!

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"You want Loki, a psychopath, who killed a bunch of people, to be free to roam around?! Are you okay Y/N?" Tony face palmed for the tenth time, you were trying to convince your fellow Avengers to let Loki have his own room at the very least, Thor backing you up completely

" We can contain his power with one of your fancy gadgets Tony, he's not gonna hurt anyone." you replied confidently , Natasha sighed, she, Bruce and Clint had just come back from a mission, and you had immediately dropped this on them, you felt bad, but they could sleep later

"If my brother tries anything, he will be sent to Asgard and I do not believe he will enjoy it there." Thor chuckled at the thought, everyone looked at you as if you were a talking dog with wings

"Please?" you said, looking at Steve

"We're going to regret this." he said pinching the bridge of his nose, your eyes widened in excitement

"Is that a yes?" you said, Steve nodded slowly, the rest of the Avengers glared at him

"Now hold on, is this really the best thing to do, I don't want the 'other guy' to hulk out. On anyone. Loki will most likely try to annoy not only me but everyone here." Bruce said, gesturing to everyone in the room, a worried expression on his face

"Not to mention his constant need for power and attention, I don't really want to be controlled again." Clint nodded in agreement with Bruce, Natasha sat there quiet, showing no expression on her face

"oh he'll get plenty of attention from Y/N." Tony smirked, you glared at him, shaking your head slightly

"Y/N sorry, but I don't think this is going to work out." Steve said, his arms now crossed, you looked over to Thor for help, he looked at you blankly, you rolled your eyes in frustration, turning back to the Avengers

"Look I promise he won't try anything, Tony can make something that will restrict his powers, I'll keep an eye on him, so will Thor, we beat him once, we can do it again. I'm pretty sure that Loki knows better than to screw this up." you explained, sounding a little too desperate, Natasha smiled slightly

" If it gives me an excuse to beat his ass, I don't care. " she said with a shrug
" Anyway I'm going sleep. " she stood up and disappeared from the room, Tony sighed again, he opened his mouth about to speak but got interrupted

" We give him one chance only, he could be a useful asset to the team, Stark will make cuff restrictions, Y/N and Thor will watch over him. He tries anything funny and he's going back to Asgard." Nick Fury spoke while walking into the room, a grin appeared on you and Thor's face

" Thanks Nick. " you said, ignoring Clint and Tony, as they disagreed with Nick

" Silence. What I say is final, you don't like it, get out, we've all done something bad in our lives. Loki will be let out as soon as Stark makes those cuffs." Nick stated, Tony mumbled something but agreed, you sprinted to the lift, not wasting another second, as soon as the doors opened and led you to Loki's cell you ran up to them, they opened, Loki looked up at you, confused at your sudden burst of excitement.

"You're allowed out!" you exclaimed, clasping your hands together, a grin appearing on your face, Loki's eyes widened, a smile appeared on his lips

"Really?" he seemed slightly skeptical at first

"Yes, Tony just has to make you some cuff that restrict your powers, sorry. Then you're allowed out, Director Fury said so." you stated happily, Loki's smile widened, then dropped slightly

"The others will still hate me." he said looking to the ground

"It will take a while for them to trust you, but me and your brother have faith in you." you said smiling still, he looked up at you

"Thank you Y/N, for everything, I'm not usually very good at making friends." he said shyly, you smile faded slightly, yes he just friend zoned you, ouch.

"Well I'm not very good at giving up on people." you smiled, still disappointed by his words, he smirked back at you, making your heart skip a beat
" Well, I'm gonna go see how the rest are reacting to this, I'll also get you a room sorted out, I'll drop by later. " you said, walking back to the Lift

"See you soon." Loki said from behind you, causing your smile to return to your lips, accompanied by a light blush.

Loki's POV
The lift closed, although this time I didn't feel alone, a smirk still stayed on my lips. I knew I was falling for her without a doubt, but I knew I could not give in to sentiment, it's a weakness. Perhaps instead of pushing her away I would just remain friends with Y/N. She has stayed by my side, she was there for me when I was mourning, she didn't mock me for showing emotion. Of course I am still deeply affected by my mother's death, but I could not weep all my life for her, Frigga will be remembered, and she will always have a special place in my heart, she was definitely like a mother to me.


A/N: but of a shorter chapter, but I was happy with it and didn't want to ruin it, hope u guys r all doing well, see u in the next chapter ❤️💯✨

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