A Long Night

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F/B: Favourite book

The day seemed to drag on, Natasha was ordered to deliver Loki his food today, you had spent the whole morning and most of the afternoon training with Steve. Tony would sometimes walk in and observe, you and him would exchange no words, you were still a little annoyed with him from the previous night. Nat walked in, with an irritated expression on her face

"What's wrong Nat?" you said as you removed the boxing gloves that were on your hands

"Nothing, just Loki being his usual self." she replied with a straight face, you nodded slowly 

"He's well hard to uh, get along with." you said carefully phrasing your words, you heard Tony chuckle behind you

"Well Y/N here is doing a pretty good job at being our new guest's friend. Or so I've heard." Tony said, causing you to turn to him and glare, he sent you a playful wink in response 

"Anyway, I'm gonna be in my room if anyone needs me." you said grabbing your gym bag 

"Yeah, remember no sneaking around at night." Tony called after you, you flipped him off in response, getting more irritated by the second. 

You shut your door and jumped on your bed, grunting in annoyance, you sat up and looked for F/B, for some reason it wasn't we're you had last left it, you checked on the floor, under the bed and duvet covers. 'shit' you thought, must of accidentally given it to Loki, you sighed and sat up, contemplating whether you should go down and get it now or later. Realising you had nothing better to do you made your way to Loki's cell, entering the lift as usual and waiting for the doors to lead you to your destination. As you walked out of the lift, Loki immediately looked up to you, away from his book he was reading, he seemed to slightly relax as he realised who you were

"I think I accidentally gave you a book that I was reading." you said with a smile as the cell doors opened at you command, Loki looked to the small pile of books in the corner of his cell

"Well you are free to take a look." He said, closing his book at putting it to the side, you eyes flashed across the cover and you saw that it was F/B, you smiled slightly 

"It would seem you are in the middle of reading it actually." you said, pointing at the book now laying on the floor, Loki followed your gaze and looked at the book

"I would be lying if I said it isn't a little captivating." He said, his eyes taking in the cover of the book

"It is good isn't it, I haven't finished it yet, but it's got me hooked." you grinned, it made you happy that you and Loki had something in common, why you didn't know, you didn't care really, it was just a nice thought. 

"It is one of the more interesting books out of the selection you have given me, I would like to continue reading it, if you wouldn't mind." Loki said, it came out to you as more of a demand but you happily obliged 

"Yes of course Loki, take your time in reading, I will find something else." you smiled, seeing progress between the two of you, you felt a bit of hope inside you, perhaps this God still had a heart. 

"Thank you, I will try hurry, but I am afraid I cannot do that if we are to keep talking." He said as he picked the book back up

"yes, I will be going then, I'll most likely see you tomorrow." you smiled then turned around and walked out of the cell, the doors shut behind you and the lift went up. You walked to your room, almost skipping there. As you closed your door behind you, a smile found your lips once again, a image of Loki reading your book flashed through your mind, his raven hair slightly messy, his green shirt fitting him perfectly, his head leaning against the wall, it was almost as if he wasn't a prisoner in the Helicarrier, you smile slowly faded as you remembered what he did, how many he killed. Was it really that wise for you to be visiting him daily, or perhaps you were just another pawn in his game, easily disposable and replaceable. You shook your head, he may of killed many, nothing will ever change that, but when you look to the positive side of things, he is the reason you and the rest of the Avengers have been brought together. You couldn't help but think there must of been a reason to his actions, surely no one could just do what he did without some sort of story, you closed your eyes, trying to free your mind from your thoughts, seeing him was not causing a problem, therefore you didn't see why you shouldn't be allowed to continue. You went over to you bed and laid down, tired from training, your eyelids felt heavy, they fluttered shut, entering you into a deep sleep. 


You were standing at the top of Stark tower, looking over New York, the Chitauri attack and terrorising the citizens below, you tried to move yet you were frozen

"Y/N!" someone yelled your name, you turned your head to the noise source, your eyes widened as you saw what was before you, The Avengers, each one of their bodies hanging lifeless, swaying in the soft breeze, you tried to scream but no sound escaped from your mouth. That's when you heard it, laughing, cruel and evil, you saw him, standing there, eyes full of pride, looking straight at you. It was Loki

"You could of saved them Y/N, but you couldn't even do that." He spat at you, you wanted to move to away from the horrors you saw before you, but you couldn't all you could do was watch, as New York was destroyed, you couldn't bare to look at the Avengers anymore, you looked at your feet, you slowly lifted your gaze to Loki to see him smirking

"Kneel. Before your new ruler." 

~End of Dream~

You sat up breathing heavily, you could feel sweat slowly run down your forehead, you wiped it away, bringing you knees up to your chest, shaking slightly, you leaned your head against your bent knees, a small sob sounding through the room. You couldn't shake the image of the Avengers out of your head, you remembered what loki had said. 

"You could of saved them Y/N, but you couldn't even do that." 

You reminded yourself it wasn't real, wiping the tears off you face with a shaky hand. You looked over to your clock, it was late, but you weren't tired, the first thought to enter your mind was to go to Loki, but he would most likely be asleep and probably doesn't want to be disturbed, you sighed softly, laying your head back on your pillow, starting up at the ceiling. This was going to be a long night.


A/N: okay, sorry about the lack of romance, but in the next chapter I'll start to pick up the pace, I wanted you and Loki to sort of grow trust, and obviously in doing so you both grow closer. So the following chapters after this will be more 'romantic'. If you guys have any ideas on what should happen, let me know. Anyway love you all, and see u in the next chapter 💚😊

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