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You practically dragged yourself to your room, exhausted from the mission you and Nat had just come back from. You had to infiltrate another Hydra base, but they didn't leave without a fight. You weren't seriously hurt, just a few bruises and maybe the odd scratch, you knew how to fight, and with Natasha on your side you were practically invincible. You closed your door behind you, slowly getting dressed into your pyjamas, completely forgetting to check how Loki was, you curl up on your bed, pulling the blanket tightly around you.

-Timeskip to the next day-

After getting ready for the day, you made your way straight to the kitchen, smiling when seeing Loki stand there, although he didn't return the gesture, if anything he sort of glared at you

"Where were you last night, you promised to come and see me when you got back." he all but hissed at you

"I'm sorry Loki, I fell asleep, I was really tired." You explained apologetically

"I stayed up, first waiting for you, then thinking you didn't like me anymore." he looked to the ground, you felt bad, even though it wasn't really your fault, you felt as if you should of at least told him or something.

"Of course I still like you." you reassured, walking over to him, you wanted to cup his face in your hands, but you didn't, unsure if he would react badly or not, he didn't reply, just huffed in response, you knew he was being stubborn, and you knew he probably wouldn't apologise, you grabbed his hand in yours, squeezing it slightly
"Loki, come on speak to me." he looked down at you, an almost sad look on his face, he grabbed your other hand holding it tightly

"Don't ever do that again please, I may be overreacting but I can't help it if I worry, I suppose I'm just too used to people leaving me." he said quietly, this was the closest thing you would get to a apology, you nodded

"I know Loki, but you should know that I would never leave you." you smiled at him softly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug, although he clearly had different plans, his lips met yours quickly, before he pulled away, a huge grin appearing on his face. You chuckled back, letting him go, making your way to the coffee machine that was practically calling your name.

-Smol timeskip to about midday-

Loki had stayed by your side all day, as if afraid you may disappear, you weren't complaining, Nat and Clint gave you some funny looks but didn't bring it up once. Nat had asked you during your mission about you and Loki, she definitely did not approve, but told you she trusts you enough not to do anything more stupid then what you have already done. You were sitting in Loki's room, his head laying on your lap, eyes closed and at peace. Your hand ran through his hair, untangling the odd knot here and there. Loki opened his eyes, sitting up abruptly, startling you slightly, you gave him a confused look, he turned towards you, showing no hint of the reason for his actions

"Is something wrong?" you asked carefully, hoping you hadn't done anything

"No everything is fine, I promise you." his eyes searched your face

"So what was that all about?" you asked, even more confused than before

"I was thinking." he said plainly, as if it were the simplest thing in the world

"about what exactly?" you question further

"Us." his eyes locked with yours, worry started to fill your mind

"Us?" your voice sounded slightly shaky, hoping that he wouldn't tell you to leave

"yes, Y/N I care deeply about you, but I can't help but think I am not giving you what you desire, I am no king, and definitely no hero, yet you sit here, showering me in your undying attention, not asking for a single thing except that I care for you in return. I can't help but think you are doing this out of pity, I do not want you to feel sorry for me Y/N. " he explained, his words sounded distant as if he were slightly scared, you shook your head, did he not think you cared about him again? You had thought you already proved this to him when he showed you his true form. You sighed deeply one of annoyance and disappointment, but not with him, but yourself

"Loki, if I felt sorry for you, I would not treat you how I do now, you would only be a friend. It hurts me to know you think of me in that way, I do care for you, and I as you said only want you to care for me in return. Not everyone is using you Loki, I am definitely not. " you reassured him, your eyes softening at the sight of him

" I apologise, I simply worry too much. " he said, laying his head back on your lap, his hand reaching up to caress your face, you leaned down, placing you lips on his, pulling away again, you knew it wasn't his fault that he was so skeptical all the time, the way he was raised has forced him to be, and you knew with every fibre in your being that you would reassure him at anytime needed, even if he pushed you away, you knew you would be there for him, no matter what.


A/N: I apologise for how shit this chapter is, I'm seriously running out of ideas, the next chapter will definitely be the last, I don't want to ruin this book more than I already have. The next book I write is going to have much more time put into in and hopefully a better story line as I already have one planned out. Thank you all for reading this, and I apologise again for this chapter, hopefully the last one will be much better 🙏

Hope your all doing well and thank u for all ur support 💕

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