I'm Here

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open, you felt something leaning against your leg, you looked down, Loki had obviously moved during the night, his head laid on your thigh as if it were a pillow, his hair messily covering his face. You smiled, carefully brushing them aside your fingers barely touching his skin, you didn't want to wake him, he seemed so peaceful and content, you knew that when he woke up he would most likely be upset because of Frigga's death. It pained you to see him like this, but you knew you would be there for him no matter what. You gently caressed his cheek, he shifted slightly, his eyes opening and looking up at you, you smiled sadly, you knew he was trying to be happy, he didn't shift from his position, you ran a hand through his hair, wrapping a strand around your finger, he closed his eyes and sighed, it sounded like a mixture between sadness and contentment

"Good morning." you said softly, smiling at him, your back ached from the position you were in but you didn't dare tell him or show him that

"Morning." he replied quietly, smiling slightly at you, you cupped his face with one of your hands, looking down at him with a loving look, you didn't care if he didn't like you the way you liked him, that didn't matter, all that mattered right now was he was here in your arms, and you would comfort him until it was no longer needed. You realise that you had been staring for a little too long, quickly your gaze shifted to the ground, a blush appearing on your face

"I think I owe you an explanation." He said, sitting up, and facing you, you tilted your head to the side in confusion

"What do you mean?"

He paused, thinking his words over in his head

"When I told you to leave, there was of course a reason to - my uh sudden change in behaviour." He said carefully, his eyes searching your face for a reaction. Your body tensed, panicking slightly, you weren't sure why you were reacting like this

"It's fine Loki." you said, not wanting to have this conversation

"No it's not, I was - wrong, but the reason was only because there was a camera above us, it was foolish for me to think - nevermind. So I apologise for my actions, I didn't want you to be dismissed from your job." He spoke hesitantly, as if struggling to apologise, he wanted to say something else, you could tell but you didn't push, you slowly looked up and saw the camera, you pushed down the uneasy feeling that settled in your stomach, smiling at Loki softly

" Honestly it's fine Loki, don't worry about it, it doesn't matter." you said, stretching your aching body, Loki smiled as if relieved, he leaned his head back against the wall of the cell, sighing softly. You wanted to touch him, hold his hand or something, but you didn't, both your shoulders touched, a comfortable silence settled around you, only hearing each other's breathing.

"Frigga was the only person who treated me as an equal."he said, eyes still closed as if remembering her, you smiled letting him continue
" She saw me as her own son, she would praise me when I did something, she would acknowledge me. " he scoffed at the end
" But of course, nothing lasts forever. " he said, his mouth pulling into a tight line, your eyes saddened

"But the memory will last forever." you said, placing your hand over his, he looked down, then to your eyes

"What good is a memory when you have no one to share it with." He stated softly, you squeezed his hand slightly resting your head on his shoulder

"She would be proud of you." you said quietly, you felt him stiffen underneath you, chuckling slightly

"I very much doubt that, here I am in a cell, for killing mortals, for trying so hard to prove myself, but to still fail, there is nothing to be proud of." He said through gritted teeth

"If you never did any of that, you would of never met me." you said lifting you head from his shoulder, looking at him, he chuckled again shaking his head slightly

"That is true."

You laughed slightly "I know it's a shit reason to be happy, but it's one of the positives." He smiled at you nodding his head
"Hey you know they might let you out, if I ask, I mean obviously they'll restrict your powers, but you would at least have your own room and be able to walk around." you said hopefully, he looked at you

"I don't think the Avengers like me as much as you do." He scoffed, you shook your head

"Thor does, he'll agree with me, we would just have to persuade the others." you replied, already thinking out a plan on what you would say to the others

"Your attempt would be wasted." He said simply

"You know you said the exact same thing to me when I first met you in Stark towers." you said smiling, it felt like that was long ago, when really it was only about two weeks. He chuckled at what you said

"Well you may try, but do not worry about disappointing me, it's sort of hard to trust someone that always lies." He said rolling his eyes

"And have you ever lied to me Loki?" you asked slowly, you hand still over his, he looked you, his eyes slightly widened, he grabbed your hand in his own and smiled slightly

"No, I haven't." he said looking you in the eyes, a playful smirk appeared on his face
"Yet." he added, you chuckled hitting his arm gently

"Well Loki Laufeyson, I will ask my fellow Avengers, and if they decline, I would of course still visit you." you said grinning

"I would very much like that."


A/N: Okay so if any of you guys have a idea for the story then let me know, also I may be doing a Avengers Oneshots book, but only if you guys want me to, anyway thank for reading, until next time ❤️🤠

Heart of lies - Loki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now