Late Night, Early Morning

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It was late at night now, you had spent the rest of the day training with Natasha, you practically dragged yourself to your room, sliding open the door, your eyes immediately laid upon the small pile of books you had set aside for Loki. You immediately felt bad, you had told him you would give them to him and here you were, the books still in your room. You sighed and grabbed them, glancing at the clock quickly, it read 8.37pm, not too late you thought. Moving fast, you made your way over to the lift, quickly pressing the floor that you needed to get to, while tightly holding the small stack of books in your arms. The lifts opened, Loki sat on his mattress, head laid back onto the wall, his eyes closed, seeing him like this made him look peaceful almost, without that glare that was plastered on his face. You made your way to the control panel, you opened his cell doors, you knew it was foolish, but he looked so innocent. The doors opened causing him to shift slightly, his eyes fluttering open, immediately locking onto you, a small glare found its way onto his face, his eyes stone cold towards you. You sighed at his change of attitude

"I brought you some books, sorry if I woke you." you said quietly, afraid that he may attack you, your eyes drifted to the shackle he had on his left ankle, a small amount of relief washed over you, he didn't say anything, just stared at you
"I wasn't sure what you like to read, so I bought a few different things, if you'd like I can bring a blanket or something tomorrow." you continued a small smile appeared on your lips, he nodded hesitantly, as if he was unsure about you, you could tell he was still tired, his hair laid messily on his shoulders, his eyes never leaving you, you placed the books down next to him, your movements were slow as if you were in a cage with a wild animal. You stood up and went to the cell door

"Thank you." a voice said behind you, you turned to face loki a smile found your lips once again

"of course." you replied, you walked back to the control panel and closed his cell once again. You stood in the lift, looking at him, until the doors closed and brought you to your floor. The doors opened, you immediately made your way to your room, turning the corner you hit into something, or rather someone

"Whoa, where are you off to?" Tony said as a smirk found his face

"My room Tony, I'm going to bed." you said simply, you weren't in the mood for his flirting right now

"I could accompany you." He said smoothly, you frowned in response

"I am perfectly capable of taking myself to bed thanks." you said sarcastically, as you pushed passed him, he grabbed your wrist quickly, turning you around to face him

"And why were you in the lift Y/N?" he said, his smirk never leaving his face, perhaps telling him the truth would make him give up his attempts to flirt with you

"I was visiting Loki, I gave him some books." you replied simply, trying to pry your wrist from his grasp

"Really? What's Reindeer games done to get you so hooked on him then?" his face was slowly leaning closer to yours, you tried to pull away

"Nothing, I'm just visiting him, nothing more. Everyone deserves at least someone to check up on them." you said, Tony raised a eyebrow at you, he let go of you wrist and smiled

"Right, well you should be getting off to bed, I'm sure you want to wake up nice and early for your new friend." Tony said as he placed his hands on his trousers pockets, you didn't reply, only glared at him before turning and walking into your room, frustrated at Tony's words.

~Next Morning~

You woke up before your alarm made any noise, glancing at your clock it was still early, you sat up slowly, stretching as you did so. Cool crisp air from outside blew through the gap in your door, reminding you of Loki immediately, it would be freezing downstairs, feeling bad you grabbed a spare blanket and pillow and made your way to his cell once again. Hoping this wasn't too early, and you wouldn't anger him, the lift doors opened and immediately he looked up from the book he was reading, he saw you, and didn't seem to glare, you smiled at him softly.

"It's cold upstairs, so I thought to bring you a few things." you said as you walked to his now open cell, he looked at you and chuckled sightly

"The cold does not affect me mortal." He said, you raised an eyebrow in confusion but still passed him the blanket and pillow

"Well it's the thought that counts." you grinned back, he set them aside next to him, then returned his gaze to you, you could have sworn there was a small smile on his lips
"do you like the books?" you asked quietly, suddenly getting shyer in his presence, he looked down at the book in his hand before replying

"They are not as interesting as those in Asgard, but they will suffice." He seemed to notice slight disappointment on your face
"Thank you." He added, this time with a small smile, you smiled back in response, although his disappeared as soon as it came, he frowned slightly
"Well if you don't have anything else to do here, you can go." He said simply, picking his book back up and reading through the pages. His sudden change of attitude confused you

"Very well, someone will be down here to bring your breakfast." you replied

"And will that someone not be you?" he asked, his gaze never leaving his book, you were taken back by his question, did he want you to deliver him his food?

"Well, that is up to Nick not me." you said, he hummed in response as if already bored of you, you sighed slightly, to then turn and leave, hearing the cell door close behind you as you made your way to the lift.


A/N: and there we go, more Loki for you guys, I hope you like the story so far, ik it seems like Loki hates you, but don't worry things will get better, atm I'm kinda just going along with whatever comes to mind, so please bare with me, but nonthless enjoy

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