A Messy Breakfast

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The next morning came fast, your alarm ringing next to your head, you groaned and smacked the top of it, silence fell across your small room. You sat up stretching your arms with a yawn, you stood up and found some casual clothes to wear for the day. You walked into the bathroom and looked at your reflection in the mirror

"What a mess." you muttered to yourself, you splashed cold water onto your face, drying it off with a towel. You advanced to brushing the knots out of your hair, you put a very minimal amount of makeup on, then proceeded to leave your room, sliding the door shut behind you. Immediately the smell of coffee was apparent, you made your way into the Helicarrier's kitchen, Tony and Natasha sat at the small table in the corner of the room, arguing or at least bickering about something

"Morning." you chirped, catching both of their attention

"Y/N can do it." Tony said pointing at you

"I can do what?" you said turning to face Tony, Natasha glared at him

"Good it's settled, Y/N you get to go give Reindeer games his breakfast, since everyone else is so busy." Tony said smiling at you

"Tony, she just woke up." Natasha said, clearly annoyed with him

"Nonsense, she looks great. His food is there on the side, if it were up to me I'd starve him, but unfortunately I'm not the boss." Tony said giving you a wink, you rolled your eyes and started to make yourself a coffee

"If you were the boss Tony, we'd all be dead." Natasha said, shaking her head, you chuckled at her comment as you poured the coffee and milk into your cup, adding two sugar cubes and mixing it with a teaspoon. You grabbed Loki's food and advanced to the door

" She has a point Stark." you said as you left the room, you heard Tony shout a 'hey' after you, but you advanced towards were Loki's cell is, the lift brought you to his floor, the doors opened and you immediately saw him, he looked a bit of mess, not far off what you looked like this morning, he looked up at you, disgust immediately showing on his face. You sighed, you placed your coffee on a small tray full of, what seemed like data chips or memory cards, then making your way up to Loki's cell.

"What do you want mortal?" he spat at you

"Got your food, I have no idea what's in it, so don't ask me." you said simply, his face changed slightly, then he smirked

"I remember you." He said in a silky voice, you raised your eyebrow at him and nodded. You made your way around the cell, to the control panel and opened a small gap, where his food was to be placed, he walked straight over, his hand extended to grab the food. He stood a little far away, you had no choice but to stick your hand through in order for him to grab it, he moved fast and got a hold of your wrist, in surprise you gasped dropping the container of food, as it spilt over the floor. He didn't look in the slightest faze, he stared straight at you, the grip he had on you tightening slightly, a smirk playing on his lips once again, your eyes went wide as you worried about what he would do, he shoved your hand away and chuckled
"How pathetic." he said mockingly, you quickly moved back to the control panel, pressing the button to close the gap. You looked at his cell, he had nothing, only what was meant to be his breakfast laid on the floor, and a small thin mattress in the corner
" is there a reason as to why you are simply staring?" he asked in disgust snapping you out of your thought, you smiled softly

"I was simply observing, nothing more." you said as you turned to walk out, you stopped at the lift and turned around, he still watched you

"What?" he snapped

"I heard you like to read, I'll bring some books down later." You said simply, and entered the lift, not allowing him to reply. The lift brought you back up to the main floor of the Helicarrier, you made your way back to your room and skimmed through a few books you had, wondering what Loki would be interested in, perhaps bringing him books will make him like you and the Avengers a bit more, or at least tolerate them. You grabbed a few fictional books, perhaps he would like The Hobbit, you thought with a smile, you grabbed it and placed it on your bedside table, you'd bring them to him later you decided. You heard a knock from your door followed with them sliding open, revealing Steve standing there, he smiled at you

"Do you need anything Steve?" you asked with a soft smile

"Just seeing how you're doing, can I come in?" He asked nervously, your smile grew and you nodded, glad he wasn't here to tell you off or something, he moved into your room closing the door behind him softly, he sat at the edge of your bed, you turned to him, your smile never leaving your lips

"How'd training go?" you asked not knowing what else to say

"Good, the Helicarrier is still pretty beaten up, Tony came in just to complain." Steve chuckled, you rolled your eyes at Tony's behaviour

"I uh, went down to give Loki his food this morning, he looks like shit." you laughed as you remembered how he looked, although he had been in a cell for about a week, right now you were just trying to keep a conversation going, you hated it when an awkward silence would fall between you and someone, Steve grinned at what you said

"Language. I suppose he's not living in an Asgardian castle anymore, got to used to royalty." He replied simply with a shrug, you smiled and nodded slightly, not knowing what to say, silence consumed the room, making you shift uncomfortably, you could tell Steve noticed your fidgeting, he smiled slightly
" How bout we go see what the others are doing." he suggested, you immediately nodded at his suggestion

"They will probably be in the kitchen, it's about lunch time anyway." you replied glancing at the clock behind you, Steve nodded as he stood up, he slid open your door and held it open for you, you mumbled a thanks and walked passed him, hearing your door closed behind you. Steve caught up to you, walking alongside you, your arms occasionally brushing past each other, you both entered the kitchen to only see Thor rummaging through the cupboards, most likely looking for poptarts. You shook your head with a slight chuckle, Thor immediately turned his attention to you and Steve

"Lady Y/N! Rogers, it is good to see you my friends!" He said excitedly

"You looking for poptarts again?" you asked with a smile, Thor nodded quickly, you smiled and opened a small draw, one packet of poptarts laid there, you grabbed them and held it out for Thor to take, he quickly snatched it from your hands

"Thank you lady Y/N!" he boomed, a huge grin found its way on his face, you nodded in response, starting to make yourself F/F. Steve moved over to the coffee machine and started making his own cuppa, Natasha had obviously shown him how to use it, you smiled at the thought, you saw these people as your family, it was crazy to think that, but it was true.


A/N: okay ik the story is a bit shit atm, but it will get better I promise. I just don't want to rush into things, ya know? Anyway thank you all for reading this, I really appreciate it, things are about to get interesting, see you in the next chapter 😏💕😉

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