Asgardian Books

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It was nearing the end of the day, and you couldn't help but think about Loki, nothing else was on your mind but him. Of course you had tried to push such thoughts away, but always ended up failing miserably. Surely he was just using you, you didn't want to believe that, even the other Avengers said he only allows you in his cell without causing a fuss, you wanted to go down there and see him, but it seemed foolish to you, perhaps asking him for a Asgardian book would be a good excuse for going down there. It was silly really, you felt like a high-school student, trying to get the attention of their crush, you shook your head slightly, he didn't like you back, that was obvious, but he didn't seem to mind your company, so you would continue to see him. As friends. You sat in your room, looking at the floor, you hadn't moved for twenty minutes or so, deciding to go ask for a book, you stood up, and practically ran to the elevator, you felt someone grab your wrist

"And why are you in such a rush?" Tony said with his signature smirk, you sighed in annoyance, and tried to think of an excuse, Tony raised an eyebrow at you in suspicion

"I um, well it's a surprise, for everyone, yeah." you sputtered out, immediately regretting it, Tony's face lit up

"Oh, well I'll be looking forward to it." He said winking at you before walking off, you quickly walked into the lift as soon as Tony was out of sight, scolding yourself for saying you had a surprise for everyone, now you really had to think of something, the lift doors opened and immediately your eyes laid on loki, a smile finding you lips, he looked up and offered a small smile, you walked over to his cell, opening the door

"Hey, how are you?" you asked shyly, he looked up to you and smirked

"Well I'm pretty bored, foods revolting, beds uncomfortable, oh and the Avengers annoy me." He listed still keeping eye contact with you, you smile softly and shake your head

"I'm afraid I can't do much about that, but I'll see if I can maybe get you a better mattress." you said, it did make you feel bad seeing Loki like this, he nodded in thanks

"Is there a specific reason as to why you are here, or did you just miss me." He said grinning, a blush found its way to your cheeks and you quickly looked down at the floor

"I um well, actually I came to ask if I could read one of your books from Asgard." you said, looking back up at him, a smirk grew on his face, he walked towards you, causing you to walk backwards, you felt your back hit the cell wall, you prayed no one would see you like this. He kept moving towards you, until his chest was against yours, his hands leaned against the wall beside either side of you head, you could feel his breath, he was so close to you, he lowered his head to your ear

"I do have this one, about a prisoner and a maid, they were fall madly in love, only for them to both be executed." He whispered down you ear, you held your breath, you weren't scared, definitely not, in fact you enjoyed being so close to him, Loki looked back at your eyes, you could see his sparkle, your noses just touching, one of his hands laid on your waist lightly, the other still beside your head, you blinked hard, trying to figure out if this was really happening, he leaned his forehead against yours, his grip on your waist tightening slightly, he pulled back slightly, his eyes darting over you face, as if trying to read you

"That book sounds lovely." you said barely above a whisper, he smiled at your word, slowly leaning in towards you, on instinct you leaned forward, his lips grazed yours softly, he pushed you against the wall, your lifted your hand to his hair, tangling your fingers through it, he deepened the kiss, a shiver ran through your body, your arm hung around his shoulder, both his hands were now on your waist, pulling you into him, his tongue grazed you bottom lip, asking for access, you immediately obeyed, his tongue brushed against yours. Right at this moment, nothing mattered, not the Avengers, not the consequences, nothing. You felt safe, wrapped up in your own world with the man you loved, you didn't care if he didn't love you back, the only thing that mattered was that his lips were on yours, that's all you cared about. He slowly pulled away, leaning his forehead on yours, his breath shaky, you smiled at him, his grip on you waist still tight, as if you may disappear, he smiled back, closing his eyes, you ran you hand along his cheek, carefully moving his hair out his face, as best you could. His eyes fluttered open, he leaned back, taking full view of your face, he smiled at you, as if you were his world, it was obvious neither of you wanted this to end. Slowly he pulled away from you, he let go of your waist, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Loki." you said quietly, he smiled at you, his hand fell to his side

"When will you come back?" He asked, his eyes staring into yours

"As soon as I can." You replied with a smile, he turned around, picking up a book, he handed it to you and smirked, his normal personality returning

"I think you'll find it quite interesting." He said, you took the book from him and smiled

"Thank you." you turned and walked out the cell, the doors closing behind you, you could feel Loki's eyes on you, you held the book close to your chest, smiling like an idiot, your lips still tingled slightly, reminding you of what just happened, as soon as the doors opened you walked into your room, closing the door behind you and laying on your bed, you felt giddy inside, Loki had just kissed you, those were the words that kept playing through your head.

Loki's POV
She left quickly, the lift doors shut behind her and once again left me alone, I myself could not believe what had just happened, still slightly surprised that she kissed back, she had just kissed a monster, made out with one. Did the thought not disgust her? She was probably only playing me as a fool, this was most likely the Avengers plan, after all she was apart of that inferior group, but the way she looked at me, her smile, surely she was not faking that, honestly I didn't know what came over me, she asked for a book. I chuckled slightly, my head rested against the wall behind me, I looked over at the ceiling, before all colour in my face drained. There was a camera attached to the wall, I prayed no one had seen what had just happened, I would surely get sent away, or Y/N would be banished from visiting me, I sat there, worry and dread clouding my thoughts.


A/N: and just as promised, a romantic moment between you and Loki 😏

Hope everyone is enjoying this story so far, if you have any ideas for improvement please let me know, as always love you all and see you in the next chapter! ❤️🤠

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