Chapter 1- Boring Background Info

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Closing your eyes, you tilt your neck up to the sky, a small smile twitching at the corners of your lips as you let the moonlight bask over you. Yes. this was heaven. There were very few times in your life when you could experience just pure, peaceful bliss, but this was definitely one of them.

It was a warm summer's night, a slight, cool breeze brushing through the air and making your hair dance in the wind, ever so slightly. The smell of pine trees and apples from the nearby orchard consumed you, tickling your nose and making you inhale deeply. Right now, nothing mattered, nothing at all, except living in this moment. Not the bills that couldn't be paid, not the angry letters from the school demanding to know where you were every day, not your drunk excuse for a father. Right now? Nothing.

Unfortunately, you knew all too well that nothing lasts forever, and, sadly has to come to a close. With a sigh, you stand up, picking your tattered, gnarly satchel up from the rooftop where you were sitting on and swing it over your shoulder. Walking to the edge of the rooftop, you hitch yourself over the side before deftly scaling the fire ladder that went down to the very ground. You're not quite sure that sitting on the roof of a shopping mall is exactly legal, but you honestly couldn't give a shit about being arrested. Who did you have in your life to care for you, who did you have to chastise you and guide you? Your mum? Honestly, when you have 8 kids in your life and  the government threatens to evict you from your 'house,' you'll begin to stop caring about your oldest kid, the kid who is grown up and can fend for themselves. Trust me. They'll be the least of your worries.


You're probably wondering why I keep saying 'house', like with quotations. Well, truth be told, it's really not much of a house. More like a shack. There's five  rooms in total. My parents' room, the kitchen, the bathroom, my room (not much bigger than a cupboard, believe you me) and the room where my siblings sleep. Well, they don't actually sleep one bit. Not one of them are  older than five. There's Jonnie, Ruth, and Ann, and they're all triplets. They're all 7 months. Then we have Charlotte, and Elijah, and they're both 2. Yup. Twins. Then we have another set of twins, Randy and Stephen, both 3. Yeah, you can imagine that I don't get one full hour of sleep whatsoever. Yeah, so I'm sorry for not being in the best mood right now, but I can barely keep my eyes open.

It's definitely past midnight right now. Shit. You're really gonna be in for it when you get home.

Your name is Y/N L/N, and you're 16 years old. You were born on Y/BD, not that anyone cares. And the rest of your life may be hilariously shit, but there is one thing that you can keep with you, the one thing that no one can ever take away from you. I'm pretty. Really pretty. Not that it matters. But it's nice to look in the mirror from time to time and know that you've  got one thing going for you. Every cloud, eh?

You turn into your front drive now, with the rusty, creaking gate that you kick open. You don't have a front or back lawn, just some dusty patio tiles with a few cobwebs. Pretty, huh? Not.

Your house, sorry, 'house',  is small and squat, with dirty, blackened windows and a peeling front door with the glass shattered. It doesn't really matter anyway. All robbers steer clear of your house, you expect. Cause you have nothing, nothing that they will need.

You place you hand on the doorknob and take a deep breath. You know that, as soon as you open the door, it will all start over. The visits from the social workers. The fighting. The slapping. The smell of beer and vomit wafting down the hall. Your mum with a bloody nose, as your bastard dad pummels her.

But it's your home. You have nowhere else to go. This is it. This is your life.

You close you eyes, and step into the hallway.

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