Chapter 25- Sweat and Blood

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If you'd invented a time machine, and successfully managed to travel back into the past about three months, it would go without saying that, well, you'd be a lot more closed minded. For instance, you knew for certain that, if someone came up to you and told you that there was a secret world out there, two worlds, actually, where nothing was impossible, and where kids could be spies, you probably would've told them that they were crazy, before hastily backing away. But yet, here you were, in a world, a fantasy, a place that you never thought could be real except inside storybooks.

You weren't really sure how long you'd been at The Agency for- about a week or so, maybe? Sometimes, you found that the time flew, whilst, other times, it really dragged by. You couldn't really say that it was all good or bad, but more like a mixed bag. A mixed bag of constant ups and downs, lefts and rights. Did that even make sense?

For example, the good things about being at The Agency were Skye, and the other agents. You would say TNTina, but, well, things weren't really working out for her. Like Maya, she just didn't really, well, she didn't really get along with anyone. It's not that she's a horrible person, it's just that her personality is so different to your typical everyday Ghost agent. Sure, Skye was friendly enough with her, but you could tell that she wasn't interested in making friends with her like she was with me. It's sad but, since you've been here, TNTina has just been drifting around on her own, looking like a lost puppy. It makes you sad to see this but, you know that, as soon as you returned home, she would be the queen bee once more, and you would be the freak, all over again. So you figured that you might as well enjoy your brief popularity while you could. 

The bad things were well, Maya. And work. And, of course, Midas. Boy, that dude can hold one heck of a grudge. He didn't actually say a word to you for a whole day after you stormed out on him, only speaking to you when absolutely necessary. Like, jeez, what a baby. Eventually you just gave up, deciding that you'd let him start talking to you when he felt like it. And he did. He didn't touch you unncessarily or anything like that, like he did on the day of your arrival, but you definitely noticed him looking at you, from time to time, almost like he...well, knew you. It didn't exactly spook you out, to say, but it did make you feel slightly uneasy, like you were being exposed. It was a feeling you didn't like.

Talking of things you don't like, you hear Maya's voice, which makes you groan internally, wishing that you could just teleport far, far away from her, or something.

"...and your little freak friend."

Or something. You snap out of your thoughts as her shrill, stupid voice rings in your ear. TNTina. Now she is making fun of TNTina. This angers you like nothing else, even more than the last week or so, in which she has decided to push you, kick you, humiliate you publicly, and spread rumours about you. She did it blatantly, in meetings, in the foyer, in the bunker, in front of all the students. If anything, this just made her even more unpopular, which greatly annoyed her, believe you me. It gave you the slightest tinge of satisfaction knowing that she was hated by everyone and anyone. Including Midas. You didn't tell anyone, but you could see from the way he gritted his teeth when she touched his arm, or flinched when she got too close. It was obvious, and it was written all over his face. He hated her like just everyone else hated her. And, God, she deserved it. And she also deserves what she's about to get. 

You step towards her, sarcastically clapping as you roll you eyes. "Wow, Maya," you smirk, putting your hands on your hips. "Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth." Maya blushes furiously, opening her mouth to retaliate as people passing by in the hallway turn to stare at you, confused as to what is happening. They should know what is happening- Maya is a bitch, that's whats happening. Your thermometer of rage starts to shake, filling up as the glass rattles helplessly. 

"Fuck you, Aubrey," Maya sneers, narrowing her eyes as she attempts to look intimidating. She crosses her arms. "At least I don't dress like a whore. Sure you got enough makeup smeared on? What about that dress? It's too long, I'm thinking, cause all the boys can't see your slutty underwear." She looks you up and down, flicking her hair back. Then she smiles, triumphantly. "And at least my little girlfriend ain't a spineless freak."

Your thermometer snaps. With a roar of rage, you throw down whatever books you are carrying and throw yourself at her, as students and kids run to get out of the way of your flying fists. With a scream, your fist collides with Maya's nose, and you hear her scream, loud and piercing, but you don't really hear it, because all you can see is your own beautiful, blind rage which is blinding you beyond logic. You hear the bone break beneath your fist with a sickening crunch, blood spurting out as you fall to the floor with her, grappling, as you roll over and over across the hallway floor, both of you screaming and shouting, punching and kicking. 

You can't feel the pain as she punches you in the stomach, all you can feel is anger and a desperate need for revenge. Climbing on top of her, you draw back your blood-splattered fist, punching her one, two, five times in the face. You can hear her yelling, hear her crying in pain, begging for you to stop but, did she stop? Did she ever stop? No. Again, and again, you punch her, and you hear the yelling of the people around you, some running to call for help, some running to alert the henchman, some for Midas. You know it's probably time to stop, but all you can feel is pain.

And then, you hear her screams for the first time, loud and sickeningly real. You take in her bloodied face, dribbling down her chin, into her mouth. She is crying, eyes glassy and unfocused, desperately trying to talk as she spits out mouthfuls of blood. You look up, and see the agents pushing to the front of the crowd, shouting and elbowing, confused as to what the commotion is. 

 Skye gets to the front first, and lets out a scream of shock, backing away rapidly as she points at Maya, speechless, for the first time. TNTina gasps, putting her hand over her mouth as she stumbles back, and Peely covers his eyes in shock and horror.Meowscles just shakes his head in disgust at you, walking back into the crowd and disappearing, without saying another word. You'll never forget the look of horror that TNTina gave you as she glares at you, her look full of confusion and pain and sadness.The foyer is deadly silent, apart from Maya's screams, her cries as she tries to talk again, blood forming around her face as she writhes on the floor in pain like a captured snake. And then you hear another. voice, and you feel like you are going to be sick.

"Coming through, coming through! What's happening here?"


He parts through the crowd, shouting for people to get out of the way, urgently almost,  as he hears Maya's screams. You hear a note of panic in his voice that you've never heard before, making your heart tighten as you realise that, that panic is there for Maya.  It's only when he gets to the front that he stops, only when he sees you, sitting on top of Maya, fist bloody, your shirt splattered with her blood. He stops shouting, stops running, and just stands there, looking you in the eye. You look him bolt back in the eye, refusing to show him any remorse. His expression is unreadable- not angry, not sad, just blank, not giving anything away. He doesn't say to you, but just stands there, not running to help Maya, not running to restrain you, doesn't do anything.

If anything, this just makes you even angrier. You jut your chin up at him as henchman swarm the circle, and, when you speak, it's him you address and not anyone else. 

"Fuck you," you say, as a henchman grabs you under the armpits, pulling you away from the crowd, pulling you away from the screams. You can hear the crowd gasping in shock at how you spoke to their boss, and you don't bother to look at Midas. You don't need to. You sag in the henchman's arms, letting him drag you away from all the commotion.

You've done what you needed to, after all.

Hey guys! From this chapter on, things are going to start getting VERY interesting, especially with the BIG plot twist that's coming up soon. As usual, if you are reading this, please follow my profile, vote and comment. I will try and follow you back :) Love you all <33

Stay safe, and stay tuned!

Athina xx

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