Chapter 6 - The Grotto

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You awake slowly, groaning as you press your hand to your throbbing skull. God. It feels like there's an orchestra inside your head. Rubbing your aching bones, yesterdays events dawn on as you realise what has happened. Picking yourself off the metal floor that you found yourself in, you surgery the room that you are being held hostage in quickly. Squinting through the darkness, you achieve little. It's impossible to see- it's completely pitch black. Panic setting in, you feel your way to a wall, hands touching cool, cold metal as you grope your way around the room. Running your hand over what you think is the door, a realisation clicks in as you take in the room completely made of metal, the bolts over the door, the hollowness of the walls, and the complete darkness. It seems that you are being held in some sort of....cargo container.

Pressing your ear to a wall of the container, you realise that everything around you is completely silent. Dead silence, all around. Panic sets in properly now, as you realise that you are truly and utterly trapped in this strange, eery makeshift prison. What are they going to do to me? You think in horror. Auction me off? Leave me here to rot? Sell me for body parts?

Each possibility seems even worse than the last, if possible, and all thoughts of keeping it together go out the window as you began to bang on the sides of the metal container, screaming, screaming till your throat is raw, screaming until your skull feels like it's about to crack upon. And just when you thought you would truly be left in here to rot, the huge cargo door swings open, flooding the container with a dazzling, bright light. Shielding your eyes, you make out another of those strange humans, clad completely from head to toe in black. It doesn't move. It just stares at you, gun pointed at your head in a brutal, heartless gesture of malicious intent. You swallow a scream, and raise your hands in a surrender? "E-easy," you stutter, backing away from it.

He speaks. "Either you come with me, or I will take you by force." His voice is deep and gruff, and bears no warmth or emotion. You consider fighting back and keeping your pride, but you don't think that you could bear another minute in this prison, nor did you think that you were in any condition to fight. 'Yeah, okay," I sigh, rubbing my temples. The henchman notices.

"Mister Brutus will give you something for that migraine, I'm sure," he observes, voice flat and to the point. "Come with me."

You barely register what he is saying, as you step out of the container, and into a bright arena. Looking around, your mouth drops open as you take in your surroundings.

You are in some sort of...underground arena. The biggest underground cave you have ever seen. There is a hole at the top of the domed cave, where sunlight shines through, basking the arena in warmth and colour. There is a big, imposing building, that is situated net to the containers one of in which you just stepped out of. The building is strangely menacing, and is surrounded by cool, regal water that covers the majority of the cave. There are small buildings dotted around the cave, but none compare to the grand one that looms over you. Everything about it screams intimidating, and you hang back, feeling strangely scared. The strange man, who you assume is some sort of henchman, beckons for you to follow, before hurrying through some strange sort of tunnel that seems to lead into the building. Hesitantly, you follow, and we go through the tunnel, and hurry up a flight of stairs. The inside of the building is cold, and bleak. You shiver, and the henchman turns to face you. "Now you know why we wear what we wear," he says, gesturing to his balaclava. "Please keep up." We find ourselves in a corridor, and we hurry through a door, and then another door, and another corridor and you are starting to think that you will surely get lost in here when he arrives at a set of double doors.

Inside a man's voice is booming. He has a strong Russian accent, and appears to be screaming at another henchman inside, who sounds close to tears. You're strongly reminded of your father, and you cover your ears, turning away. The henchman who has accompanied you misunderstands, and, for the first time, nods at you kindly. "You'll be alright, Miss," he says. "Mister Brutus is a fair man." And with that he takes out a pair of handcuffs. When you flinch away he shrugs. "It's just protocol, Miss. I'm not going to hurt you." You offer out your arms, and he takes my left one, and secures it with one end of the handcuff. Then he secures the other end of the handcuff to a metal pipe that is running up the side of a wall. "Goodbye, Miss," he coughs, and with that, walks off, gun in hand, ready to shoot someone.

The doubles doors slide open, and you wrestle with your handcuff, trying to see inside. A henchman walks out, sniffling. You take pity on him - he looks and sounds very young, although you can't actually see what his face looks like. He runs down the corridor, and another henchman walks up to you, and nods.

"Mister Brutus will see you now," he announces, grandly snapping off my handcuff and tucking it away in his pocket.

Coming behind me, he gently but firmly ushers me inside the room. The doors snap shut behind me, and lock. I flinch at the click.

"Hello, Y/N," utters a voice from the shadows.

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