Chapter 12- Agent in Progress (Part 2)

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"Alright, come on out then," calls TNTina, sounding excited, and, a little impatient. "We haven't got all day!"

You take a deep breath from behind the curtain, from where you've been standing for about 10 minutes. The last week and a bit has been crazy. And by crazy, I really do mean crazy. Every hour, every minute, hell, every second was al about the mission. being dragged out your bed at silly o'clock in the morning, and going to bed so late that you just crashed out in the hallway once. Seriously. That actually happened. But...on the other hand, you're starting to feel like it really paid off. Sure, you're not really worthy of carrying the name Agent yet, feel like you are really somewhere else right now, compared to what you used to be. 

You take another deep breath, and step out from the curtain onto the exam stage. Seated in the auditorium seats are Mister Brutus, TNTina and about 10 henchman. As you step out from the wing, Mister Brutus's mouth drops open in shock. TNTina gives an excited squeal, and even the henchman even look taken back. 


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You are wearing a tight fitting black leather jumpsuit, shiny and tight, everything you hoped that it would be. It aligns to every part, emphasising your shapes and curves, and exposing your long, creamy legs which are now cleanly shaven and have lost a lot of unnecessary flab. They are now slightly muscly and tight, long, beautiful and slim.  And yet you manage to pass it off without making it come across as slutty. 

Your face is the most extraordinary part. You decided to go for dark, rebel look, that went hand in hand with your beautiful outfit. You have applied white powder, therefore making your face appear to be white and pale, which creates a bigger contrast between your skin and your smoky, dark grey eyeshadow, complete with jet-black, thick mascara. You have emphasised your prominent cheekbones with contouring, as well as emphasising your jawline. You complete the look with hot pink, perfectly glossed lips. Your hair, now dyed jet black, is swept up over your head and into a killer, messy bun, with a few tendrils escaping the bun and floating down to your shoulders. 

You had no idea that you could look like this. Gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe you. You are killer. You look like a badass, rebel goddess. You're not surprised that everyone in the room was surprised. Hell, you were surprised yourself. You had to keep pressing your hand to the mirror, examining ever inch of your face in the mirror, desperate to find a flaw so you could convince yourself that this wasn't you. As far as Midas was concerned, you'd never had a skin problem in your whole life.

TNTina jumped up, screaming, in an excited, out of control. She rushed onto the stage, where you held yourself, regal and erect, staring out into the non existent audience, like it was filled with thousands of people. Because you did that now. Gone was the girl who stared at her feet and blushed when someone did something as small as kiss someone.e Gone was that shy, stupid girl who let herself get slapped around 24/7. And, here, in her place, was a character that was starting to develop, gradually, with every day that she spent at Shadow. This place was making you. Over the past week, you'd learnt to throw knives pretty well, scoring a bullseye at least 8 times out of 10. Don't worry, it was well learnt - you'd spent hour after hour slaving away in the target practice room. You could run at least 2km without getting out of breath, had a pretty good stamina, and could fire a gun just as well as you could throw knives. You could deliver a satisfactory karate kick that could least daze someone, and, had the fighting skills to knock someone out within a minute or two. Yup. You could scale a wall pretty quickly, and could quickly escape if needs be. Yup, you were badass. 

Mister Brutus stood up, and started clapping. He continued clapping, smiling, as TNTina rushed into you, knocking the breath out of you. "Alright, sistaaaa!' she squealed, giving me a massive hug. "I thought you were a bum when I met you, but you totally showed me!' You returned the smile, hugging her back as your struggled to regain your breath. No one had bothered to set boundaries, but you felt like you and TNTina had become somewhat good friends. Underneath her snarky, bitchy outer personel, was...actually, an alright person. A person who could have a laugh, who always had a witty comeback, and who had a reputation for kicking boys she didn't like in the nuts. It was official. TNTina would always be the bigger badass. And you were okay with that.

Mister Brutus conferred with three or four of the henchman, who were all nodding and murmuring their agreement. You didn't know what they were agreeing about but you hoped that it was to your benefit. You tried to hear what they were saying but TNTina was talking too loud, babbling on and on about how you looked slay and 'Do you think we'll jump out of the helicopter and parachute down to The Agency?" and other burble that you just tuned out of. 

Finally, Mister Brutus and his fellow henchman seemed to reach an agreement. They backed off into the corners as Mister Brutus dismissed them and beckoned you two forward to the front of the stage. You both walked forwards, nervously waiting to hear what his verdict was. Were you two ready? Did you qualify to go on the mission?

"I have just an extremely concise with my people," Mister Brutus started,frowning. 

You and TNTina held hands tightly, waiting to hear what he would say with bated breath.

A huge grin suddenly lit up mister Brutus's face. "And I am happy to say..."

"YESSSS, QUEEN!" screamed TNTina, barrelling into you for the second time today, and effectively winding you again. Fighting for breath and laughing as you rolled around with your best friend (sort of) on the floor, you got a good look at what she was wearing. She was wearing her usual get- up, with a little extra makeup, and looked amazing. Stunning. In a boyish, tomboy way. But still. 

"Girls," smiled Mister Brutus, standing up and holding his arms out. "Why are you mucking about? The helicopter is here right now."

TNTina gasped and jumped off the floor, running down the stage steps towards Mister Brutus. "The helicopter?" she gasped, eyes starting to widen. 

"What helicopter?" you groaned, getting to your feet, sides aching for the constant laughing and rolling around on the hard stage floor. 

TNTina stared at you like you were taking the piss. Then the look passed. "THE helicopter!' she screamed, jumping up and down like a little kid. "The helicopter that's gonna take us to the Agency! We're going to The Agency NOW!"

"Oh my god!' you  screamed, jumping up and down in excitement and jumping off the stage. Mister Brutus smiled and pressed two walkie talkies into our hands. "Remember," he said firmly. "At least one of you must call at least once a day to let me know how it's going. I need to hear any major updates, so please remember that." He smiled at both of you. "You both have such great potent-"

But TNTina had already snatched hers and was already running out of the door. "We're going to meet some hot boys!' she screamed, arms flapping, as she barrelled out of the auditorium and out of sight. I could still her screaming with excitement as she ran through the Shadow corridors.

I shook Mister Brutus's hand solemnly. "I will not disappoint you, sir," I said seriously. "Midas Gold will be dead within the week," you said, feeling a twinge of guilt as you realised that you were going to murder in a cold blood, a man that you had never met before, and you hoped that you would be able to go through with it.

Mister Brutus shook your hand back. "Just remember," he replied kindly. "You will always be one of us, a Shadow, no matter what happens." He nodded. There was a moment of  silence and then, "You should get on your way, or else you'll miss the helicopter."

You nodded back, before racing after TNTina's screaming voice. 

You will always be one of us, a Shadow, no matter what happens.

You had no idea how bad those words would come back to haunt you. 

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