Chapter 16 - Distractions

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Gripping, TNTina's hand, I nodded to her. There was so much you wanted to say to her, and you could tell that the feeling was mutual. But you couldn't. Not right now. You just couldn't afford to take the risk. Understanding your brief nod, she hesitantly slips you a quick smile before nodding her head in the direction of the main entrance. "We should go and register," she whispers, giving  your hand a tight squeeze before letting go of it completely. You start to reply but she is already sauntering into the entrance hall. You don't know whether to feel hurt or unsurprised- you acknowledged that you had to act professional but was it necessary for everyone to act so....cold? Feeling a saddening feeling that you couldn't quite explain, you sighed, scuffing your boots back and forth on the immaculate ground, before mentally prepping yourself for whatever might lie ahead. 

You walked into the main entrance in The Agency, and you noticed that you were staring to get annoyed and how many times your jaw dropped in a day. Seriously, it made you look simple, and you mentally scolded yourself, knowing that presenting yourself as that could absolutely wreck the mission. But seriously, this place was amazing. Sure, it wasn't the grand palace that you had been expecting, with gold walls, and crystal chandeliers, but...heck, it was still pretty up there. 

The bottom floor was covered in a sleek, chic black marble that  gave the whole building a modern feel

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The bottom floor was covered in a sleek, chic black marble that  gave the whole building a modern feel. The black marble was decorate with gold, rectangle lines, that encircled the first floor, encased in each other. If you looked up, you could see floors above you, at least four of them, but if you went into the very centre of The Agency, you could look up and see right to the very top of the building as there was a big hole that went through to the very top. Chic plant pots filled with beautiful, well cared for indoor plants were placed neatly around the floor, and the centre of the room, as well as the corners, were supported with massive, thick, grey marble pillars that were icy cold to the touch. The doors, however, were a big contrast to the rest of The Agency ; they were industrial, cheap and school - like. But yet again, you had to remind yourself that this was't a house or a home - it was a place for work, and a pretty damn good place for work at that.  There was a massive, colossal structure seated in the centre of the floor, amidst the pillars and the plants, and was surrounded by ankle height, beautiful, bright blue water that looked like it had been forged from electricity. The gleaming gold sculpture depicted a person (you assumed that this was Midas) holding up a massive spherical ball, with the Ego logo stamped into it. It was all very official looking, you decided. That was one way to put it. Intimidating, frightening and imposing were other ways. 

Pushing these thoughts away, you force yourself to walk up to the admissions desk, where a young, plain looking girl is furiously typing against a keyboard, eyes locked on a computer that you can't see. Awkwardly, you drum your fingers on the counter as TNTina throws you glances, but eventually, even this starts to disappear, and you both stare in different directions, acting like you barely knew each other. After another minute or so of silence, excluding the clacking of the keyboard, the radio control systems and intercoms beeping around the room and transmitting strange voices that spoke foreign languages, the whistling of the winds outside, the harsh steps of the henchman outside, the receptionist finally pressed 'Print," triggering a series of beeping and warring noises that issued from the printer placed next to the computer. A picture of TNTina trundled out of the machine, which the receptionist promptly cut to size and stuck on a name card, before handing the name tag to TNTina, along with a small mountain of folders, documents, leaflets, and other things that I struggled to distinguish from the papers.

Without even glancing up, the girl sighed, and waved her hand, indicating me to step forward in the queue. TNTina had received her papers and was struggling under the staggering weight towards the chairs in the corner of the room. With an oomph, you watched on in horror as she lost her balance, tripped, and fell, soon becoming buried under a pile of evil-looking forms. 

About 20 minutes later, after TNTina was done escaping the pile, brushing herself down, collecting all her papers, and screaming at the cowering receptionist, you were both on your way to Mister Midas Gold's office. Your heart was in your throat because, honestly, you didn't know what to expect from this mysterious, somewhat murderous man. Besides your uncanny, unexpected meeting with Mister Brutus in his dark office, you had never been questioned before. Honestly, you found it....kind of exposing. 

Rotating your map in your hand, you twisted a piece of hair around your fingers, chewing it slowly as you nodded to places on the map, conferring with TNTina. She didn't give much of a reply at all - just shrugs, grunts and shakes of the head. You could tell she was nervous. But, of course, you both were. You'd  both be crazy not to be. 

Walking through The Agency, you found yourself feeling surprised at the silence and peacefulness of it all. There was no screaming, no excited kids running through the hallways, no agents hurrying to and from briefings, just...nothing. In a way, it was eerily creepy, and, on the the other hand, you felt like God was giving you a much deserved break from the noise. Still tilting your head and twisting the map around, confused, you finally gave up, sighing, and walked over to a henchman who was guarding the main entrance door. 

"Um, h-hi?' you started, tapping him on the shoulder. 

He flinched at your touch, which made you think that he didn't normally let people get too close to him. His head shot in your direction, and the grip around his gun tightened even more, if possible. "Yes, missy?" he said, his voice stern and businesslike. "How can I help you?"

"Um, well, we're meant to be going to Mister Midas Gold's office right now for the first step of our initiation. An interview," you said, seeing his confused body gestures. "But....well, TNTina and I are sort of lost. I mean, this place is huge! Would you...mind pointing me in the right direction?" You held out the map to him, tentatively, and you braced yourself for him to start shouting. But, much to your surprise, he gently took the map in his gloved fingers, pointing to a section on the fourth floor. "There, miss," he said, calmly. "There is Mister M's office. Knock politely, and he will let you in." You could hear a note of amusement in his voice, like he thought this was funny. "Don't go getting lost now," he said, giving the map back to you. You nodded, backing away, before grabbing TNTina's hand. "C'mon," you urged, running up the stairs. "It won't make a good impression if we're late." TNTina finally snapped from her daze and started running along with you, taking 2, 3, 4 steps at a time. Finally, you reached, the fourth floor, you out of breath and TNTina laughably fine. She pointed a corridor, to your right. It was short, but there were three doors towards the end. One to the left, one opposite to you, and one to the right. The one to the left has a strange, red device to the left of the door. You'd seen in The Grotto when you first arrived, and you were guessing that it was some sort of ID scanner. 

"This is probably Midas's door," you mumbled to TNTina, who nodded. Before you could even grab her, she was already running up the wooden door and knocking loudly on it. "TNTina," you hissed, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. "Stop doing stuff without me knowing!" But she just grinned at you mischievously. "What's there to know?" she asked, as the door swung open. 

Midas stood in the doorway, his signature Drum gun gripped in his hands tightly. He smiled when he saw you both cowering in the hall, and he lowered his gun, walking towards you. "You can never be too sure nowadays," he smirked. You nodded awkwardly. 

"You wanted to see us?" you asked, keeping your eyes on the floor, nervously. 

He nodded, and posted to you first. "You can come in first. I'll interview you both privately. "

Shuffling into his office, you steal one last glance at TNTina, who doesn't meet your gaze. Then the door swings shut, and you are stuck in this room alone.

Except, you are not alone.

Midas is smiling at you from the corner of the room. 

"Let's get down to business, shall we?" he smirks. 

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