Chapter 15- Midas Gold

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You look on in horror as a young, tall man walks with ease through the crowd, which is miraculously and magically parting to each side of him, left to right, with the henchman falling back upon their feet in hushed tones, eyes on the ground, as if scared to look at him. You noticed, and, judging from the smug but authoritative expression that sits on the man's face, you gather that he, just like any other observant leader, has noticed too. Probably every time he walks out in public, he has noticed. you based this inference off his young, self-assured swagger as he reaches the front of the crowd, holding out his hands for silence. TNTina stands in front of you, blocking from you view. You are pleasantly surprised by the caring gesture. 

And you can't help it. You let out a yelp of terror, shock and bewilderment. Try as you might, you cannot get your head around this. This doesn't make any sense. How could this be? For, instead of typical, pale hands that you assumed the man would possess, you see that the man, looking down on you with an expression of cruel amusement.....has hands....that are (and I'm not joking) They are like gloves, but yet you can see that these are not gloves, nor are they paint. His hands shimmer and shine, basked in a warm golden glow as they reflect the sunlight, and you have a sudden, strong urge to grab his hands and examine under the light, just like you did with his eyes back in the Grotto.

But now he is here, right in front of you, a small smile twitching on his lips - a cruel smile, the expression especially nasty people have when someone falls over and they find it funny. Forcing yourself to look at his face, you internally inhale, realising that this man is even more breathtaking and gorgeous in real life than you ever imagined.

Indeed, his hair is still faded and flipped, trimmed to the exquisite haircut, identical to the picture. It is raven black, and his skin is a pale, almost ghostly white, but yet is just the perfect shade of skin - it compliment his hair so perfectly. He has the sharpest jawline, most prominent cheekbones, and chiselled face that you have ever seen, set off with full, dark red lips that make him look boyishly charming. However, when you look up at his eyes, you realise that one is badly damaged, unusable even, and has a long, evil looking scar running through it, starting halfway down through his forehead and ending at the curve of his cheekbone. His damaged eye is still open though, and has an eery sexiness to it, adding to his badass look. You can't tell if it still works, though. You find yourself just as surprised by his other, which is, like his hands, a pure, shining gold that reflects the light amazing well. His eyebrows are perfectly shaped and refined, and are furrowed. 

His clothes are exquisitely tailored, and scream money and wealth. He is wearing a dark grey, almost black, three piece suit, but with no blazer. His tie is raven black, and his shirt underneath is ironed to perfection, and the sleeves are rolled back, revealing bad ass tattoos that continue up his arms and cover his neck, as well as muscly arms, just like his long legs, with aristocratic shoes that look way above your pay grade. Wow, he is beautiful.

In his hands, he firmly grips a dangerous looking Tommy Gun that looks easily lethal, that, like his hands, is pure gold, glistening evilly.  Like the henchman, he doesn't look like he possesses any emotions of any sort left, inside of him. His expression is cold and calculating, and he sneers down at you and TNTina, an unreadable expression on his face. The amused expression he wore earlier is gone, and, now he looks down his nose at you two, disgusted. 

"What do we have here?" he purrs, sounding bored. It is smooth and easy sounding, and not as deep as you would've imagined. He sounds young. Maybe 23 or 24 or so.  His voice is definitely British, you think, and it had a slight edge to it, like he is frustrated and angry. Well, of course he's annoyed. he can't even see you properly! TNTina is covering you in a defensive, protective way, and this makes his smirk. He steps forward, eyes glinting, and you decide that he definitely looks evil. 

"Look...dear," he drawls, looking at TNTina, in a disinterested fashion. "It's all rather cute, you standing in front of you friend, and all that. But if it's all the same to you..." he gives her a sarcastic smile. "I'd like to get a good look at a possible future agent of mine." He crosses his arms, waiting impatiently. 

Flustered, TNTina steps aside, and pushes you in front gently so he can get a look at you. His eyes widen as he takes you in, and you meet his stare, unflinching, refusing to show him that he intimidates you. His lips part and his eyebrows raise and he takes in your beauty, and your outfit. His eyes stay on your face - he is a gentleman, you can tell, and wouldn't blatantly look you up and down. If you look hard enough at his face, you can definitely see an emotion on it, but you can't quite decide what it is - attraction, surprise? And, just like, that is gone. His wall comes down, and that cold, bored expression replaces it.

"Aaah," he smiles, making you shiver. "You must be Aubrey and Brooke? Pleasure to meet you, I am sure." He waves to the henchman in a lordly fashion. "Search them." You protest, and this seems to amuse him even more. Tapping his foot, he watches as about 10 henchman storm towards you and TNTina, and you flinch away from their cold gloves, and hard grips. You can feel his ice cold eyes boring into you, and you look away, uncomfortably. 

After finding no weapons, they nod at him, satisfied, and he waves his hand again. "Dismissed," he drawls, and they all hurry off, averting their eyes.

He walks towards you, and you cringe this time, turning away. But he simply extends his hand towards you, and you take it, as he introduces himself. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Brooke," he smiles charmingly. "I am Midas Gold." He takes away quickly, and repeats the same formal process with TNTina, who stares him down. You are surprised, surprised that at how emotionless and cold he is, and scold yourself, not allowing yourself to be disappointed by his surprising attitude. 

He spreads his arms, gesturing around The Agency. "I own this place," he says, grandly, circling around. He makes a sweeping gesture. "Everything here is mine. And I make the rules. I hope we are clear. Is that understood?"

You and TNTina both nod, and this seems to satisfy him. He gestures towards the grand building. "You will receive a handbook, essential documents, and briefing papers at the admission desk," he explains as he turns his back and starts to walk away, leaving you and TNTina leaving you outside,both shivering from the icy wind that has just started to blow. 

But what really makes you shiver and shake is not the wind. Oh no.

It was the expression that you saw, on his face, right before he turned around to walk away. Right before he left you, standing outside. 

His eyes were dead of life, devoid of any emotion. They stared into the horizon, dead, dark, and unforgiving. You can see that all emotion has been sucked from him, leaving him a evil, stone cold machine. His body was lifeless and radiated evil and darkness. You can imagine that he has probably killed thousands of innocents - babies, women, children, men... you clutch yourself, rubbing your arms, as he disappears into the main entrance.

This isn't a man. 

This was a monster. 

Hi guys! I've noticed that you haven't really been commenting on my stories, and that makes me sad :(   

If I've done something that you guys don't like, or I've made Midas too evil and mean, just comment down below to tell me! I always appreciate good feedback! Also don't forget to vote this story, follow my page and follow my Instagram. my username is __athinamichael__. 

Love you all <33

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