Chapter 13 - A Lie Untold

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You and TNTina sit, squashed up, in the two back seats of the helicopter. Your legs are squashed against hers, and her grenade rubs uncomfortably against your legs. Wincing as it rubs against your bare thigh, you try and shift your position, but just, accidentally, end up kicking a bunch of wires, electronic devices, and communication systems that are cluttering up the back of the helicopter. By doing so, you earn a glare from the helicopter pilot who frowns at you through the wind mirror. Even he is smartly dressed from head to toe in a snowy white henchman uniform. Defeated, you give a sigh of exhaustion and slump against your headrest. it's all you candy to force yourself not to look out of the glass- the tremendous height that you were flying at would not be good for your stomach. You'd only spent an hour and a half in the helicopter, and that was the first time you'd ever travelled by air, and yet you already knew that heights was so not your thing. Suddenly you frown, as a thought passes over you.

Leaning over to TNTina, you whisper, worried, in her ear. "Shouldn't we be wearing white?" you frown, as the helicopter turns on its side and you gag, willing the content of your stomach to stay in your stomach, thank you very much. TNTina flinches and rubs her ear. "Dude! You're tickling my earbud!' she complains, rubbing her ear. But she processes what you say and, a moment later, leans over and whispers back ,"Don't worry, yeah? Ghost has no idea what the uniform is like. As far as they're concerned, we're just a couple of emo teenagers."

You stifle a giggle, pressing your hands over your mouth. You are scared to laugh, scared to do anything that you have not been directly told to do, as if moving an inch in any direction will jinx the mission. Noticing your worried expression, TNTina reaches over and grabs your hand. "Hey, look at me," she says, and you look at her, feeling sick. She squeezes your hand and shakes her head. "Don't be so worried." You nod.

"We've got this," she adds, nodding her head as a demonstration. and patting your shoulder with her other free hand. "Ghost won't know what hit 'em!"


"Call me T, sweethearts. I've told you before, gally, and I'll tell y'all again. The name TNTina makes me feel old. Just call me T, yeah?"

You nod, and look around to see if the pilot is looking. When you can see that he is absorbed in his flying, you lean in, and hurriedly whisper in TNTina's ear - "T, isn't is wrong to kill an innocent man? I mean we don't even know him."

A stony look passes over TNTina's face and she lets go of your hands, dropping them like they are red-hot pokers. "Midas? Innocent?" she growls. You lean away, thinking that she is going to start screaming, but she grabs you roughly and pulls you in, so your foreheads are almost touching. "Listen to me, and listen good," she whispers, menacingly. You flinch, suddenly terrified of the expression on her face. " That son of a bitch murdered both my parents, and I'll be damned if I let him get-"

"Nearing 2,000 feet above ground, ladies!" interrupts, the pilot, and you break away from her iron grip, head reeling. "We are nearing our destination!' he shouts, as if we can't hear him in the confined space of the helicopter. Pressing your hands over your eyes to deafen his booming voice, you process what you just heard. Midas...killed TNTina's parents? But...she told you that she ran away from home? Did she lie to you ? Is that why Shadow took her in? Is that why she looked so determined and angry throughout the whole helicopter ride?

Was she about to meet the man who murdered her parents, who made her an orphan?

Was she about to meet the man that ruined her life?

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