Chapter 19- Unwelcome Welcomes

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"Well, that concludes our interview,"' announces Midas suddenly, startling you from your thoughts. Surprised that it was over so quickly, you stand up, and walk towards the door. You keep your crossed fingers hidden beneath the folds of your clothes. You're clever enough to know that this won't make any difference whatsoever, but yet you're still stupid enough to try it. You can feel his eyes piercing into your back as you walk away, and, even though you don't admit it to yourself, it sends chills up your spine. It is strange, you think, that the same man you are fascinated by could also spook you so badly. It's like bugs, you think to yourself, laughing internally at how you just compared Midas to a bug.

You step out of the interview room, and you can feel Midas's cold eyes bore into you as the door swings shut behind you. You shudder, stepping into the hallway as you spot TNTina, sitting on the ottoman that had been placed next to the door for candidates, you guess. She is nervously tapping her foot on the floor and twiddling her thumbs. She doesn't even notice you as you step outside. You have to call her name, and this makes her jump, startled, causing her to almost fall off the ottoman. She has to clutch hold of it desperately, and you roll your eyes, finding it amusing how big, bad TNTina is so easily scared. When she regains her balance, you meet her eyes and thumb towards Midas's door, gesturing that it's her turn. You can tell that this news makes her even more nervous, and it's like you've suddenly switched roles- you're suddenly the one who is comforting her, and she is now the nervous one who is reluctant to go ahead with the mission. Shaking her head as if she is shaking all bad thoughts from her mind, she stands up, takes a deep breath, and steps into the door.

Sitting down on the ottoman, who find yourself incredibly bored as 1,2,3, 10 minutes pass, and still no sign of TNTina. You're just alone with your own thoughts, which aren't exactly positive.

After about another 10 minutes of staring at the blank walls and telling your mind to shut up or else, the door swings open for the third time, and TNTina steps out, accompanied by Midas, who is standing too close to her for your liking. He is standing behind her with his hands behind his back, but it still gives you an uneasy feeling, and you are relieved when TNTina steps away from the doorway and comes over to you, nodding.

You barely have time to exchange greetings before Midas starts talking, harshly interrupting you.

"As both you young ladies know, we are in a time of war."

Both you and TNTina look up at him, shocked at the sudden change of topic. Oblivious to both your wide eyes and gaping mouths, he continues.

"I wouldn't usually do this, but, like I said, we are in dangerous times," he continues, starting to pace in the corridor, and then, after a solid 10 seconds of nervous silence, he whirls on his heels and turns to face you. "We are dangerously short of agents, and we need new recruits. I would normally announce the decisions tomorrow during the morning briefing, but I really don't see any need."

You hold your breath, and you can feel TNTina next you, doing the same. You know that it would be too far to reach out and hold her hand- Midas would surely get suspicious, and you don't want TNTina (or T, as she often asked you to call her) to think that you were a wuss. 

"We, I, am happy to welcome you to Ghost," Midas declares hurriedly, looking you dead in the eye, a small smile on his lips. "Normally, there would be other test that you would have to pass, but, we really don't have the time." He glances at his watch, and frowns. "Oh dear," he sighs, rolling his eyes in frustration. "I'm drowning in meetings!' It is the most normal thing you have heard him say since you met, and you smile, amused by the image of Midas literally drowning in papers. 

He reaches out to shake your hand, and you take it, surprised at its warmness. You would've expected a hand of pure gold to feel cool and cold to the touch but, to your astonishment, it feels like a normal hand, well looked after and pleasantly smooth. TNTina holds out her hand automatically, but, to your complete shock, he ignores her. Instead, he looks at his watch for the second time, pressing his hand to his forehead. With a nod to each of you, he spins on his heels and runs down the corridor, out of sight. As he runs, his calfs and shapely legs are emphasised, and TNTina has to poke you hard for your attention to be ripped away from his body. Annoyed, you look at her, indingant. "What?" you snap. "I can look, can't I?"

But she is not angry or at least a touch irritated, like you imagined that she would be. Instead, she is smiling, looking excited, eyes bulging in astonishment and elation. "Idiot!" she squeals, grabbing your hand and jumping around, practically pulling your arm out of your socket as she jus in the air around you, leading some sort of crazy polka. Yelping out, you pull away from her as she grabs you and spins you to face her. "He only shook your hand!" she says breathlessly, shaking you until your teeth rattle. Jeez. You forgot how strong she was.

"So?" you say, genuinely confused.  "He was late for his m-"

"No, dumbo!" she sighs, tapping  your temple, and you are taken back to the time at The Grotto, in the briefing room, when she and Brutus had to break the shocking news to you. You have a feeling that this is going to be a similar experience. You're right, of course.

"He likes you!" she yaps, dancing around in excitement, limbs flailing around. You duck as her arm flies over your head.

"TNTina!' you moan in frustration, as her boot connects with your shin. You rub your leg, agonised. "You need to calm down, T!' you snap, wincing. When she shakes her head infuriatingly, you continue. "It was just a handshake- you need to calm down!"

"Don't get it?" she cries out, looking at you in amusement. "He was-"

" I don't want to hear it!" you sigh, and, then, no longer able to contain the pain in your throbbing leg, you grab your leg, hopping down the corridor in furious agony. "God, this really hurts!" you complain, starting to feel more irritated with TNTina by the minute. 

"Don't you get it?" she repeats, rolling her eyes and stamping her foot in frustration, oblivious to your leg. "That was a gesture!" She looks at your leg, guiltily. "I'm sorry about your leg, by the way." Okay, maybe not oblivious. Maybe just stupid. And mean. 

Something inside of you snaps, and you suddenly don't want to hear her lame excuses. 

"Forget it," you snap, as you walk away, leaving her alone in the corridor, staring at you in astonishment. 

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