I ponder of something terrifying

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I open my eyes. I'm lying on Aria's bed with the sheets covering half my body. Ever since I found out Aria was dead it felt as if I was semi automatic, not even in control of myself as I fire away all these thoughts. I take glimpse beside me, checking to see if Aria was there, but of course she wasn't. She's dead, but I'm still hoping that I can wake up from this nightmare.

I'd stayed in her apartment in hope of feeling closer to Aria, but never had I felt so far away. It's like the memories are there but they're not enough. I want to see her face again, just one last time. To have her hand grasped into mine, and our lips to touch like they did on the swings. I just want her back.

This afternoon all her things will be taken away and her apartment will be put up for sale. Her dad found out about her untimely death in the early hours of this morning as we were driving home from the hospital. He was devastated, he'd just lost his wife and now his daughter too. I don't think he'll ever be able to move on, not after what he's been through.

Last night Josh insisted on staying for the night but I told him too leave me alone. I wasn't in the mood for cheering up, I wasn't in the mood for anything. All I could think about was Aria, and how it was my fault for not noticing she was ill. I shut my eyes , wishing to wake up. I know that I'm not dreaming, but it feels better to believe I am. Waking up now is something to look forward to, when before I'd dread it. Me waking up is hope, useless pathetic hope.

I reopen my eyes and walk over the small window over the other side of the room. The blinds we shut and as I opened them all I could see was white. It'd been snowing heavily. I'd heard the wind during the night but I had no idea it was snowing. I jolt my head round in surprise as I hear the bedroom door creak. It was Josh.
"Tyler, what are you doing in here?" He asks walking over to me hesitatingly.
"I just wanted to see this place one last time." I reply, and I can tell by the expression on Josh's face that says 'why are you putting yourself through this?'
"You gonna take anything of hers? Like a photograph or something, you know to remember her?" Josh asks glancing over at the photograph of Aria on her bedside table. I hadn't thought of taking anything, but now that Josh mentioned it, I should. I pace over towards it. The photograph is framed in silver and it's a picture of Aria and another girl. Aria looks so beautiful it almost made me forget she was dead. But this was reality, and as much as I wish that it wasn't, it was.

I pick it up with both hands and stare at it in awe. I hadn't seen this picture before, not close up. Drawing it closer towards me I notice they're both wearing friendship bands each with their names on. First I see Aria's then I look at the other girl's one. It isn't very clear but I manage to read it and it says 'Alma'

Alma was the girl her dad ran over and killed. I lift my head up as it dawned on me: both of them are dead. It's a weird thought to think that when this photo was taken neither of them would've thought they'd be dead within a few years. My mind's wondering again, and this time I'm not even going to attempt to stop it.

To me death was everybody's weakness, because no matter what you do, death is going to kill you. It was threat, a threat that would make most people tremble in fear. But not me, to me death was an escape from this cruel world. Death was the loving arms around you, the comforting voice telling you to "rest now". The only reason I stayed alive was through fear, fear that when I die I'll be forgotten, and had left the world without a purpose. I know that some day we'll all be forgotten, but I want something about me that lives on. This is one of the reasons I make music: to save lives. Because without me, they'd be dead, which gives me something worth living for.

At least now Aria won't have to suffer. I know that she's been through a lot, probably a lot more than I've been through, but she stayed strong until the end, and that very thought will stay in my heart forever.

I zone back into the real world and find Josh looking at me concerned.
"Tyler have you had anything to eat or drink lately?" He asks. I think back and eventually remember I hadn't eaten of drank anything since yesterday morning. I shake my head slightly.
"No." I say guilty.
"Come on then, I better get you something to eat." Josh says, gesturing to get out the door. Josh has always taken care of me, even at my darkest moments he's been there guiding me every step of the way. I'm proud to have Josh Dun as a friend. As we walk out Aria's closet catches my eye. And I remember something, something important.
"Wait." I say stopping and heading towards her closet. Josh stops as well and waits for me. I open the closet doors and find Aria's plain black hoodie.
"Why are you taking that?" Josh asks as I put her hoodie on.
"It's the hoodie she wore when we went to the park and.."
"When you and her kissed." Josh smiles sympathetically. "I know. It's ok, if it helps then.." Josh trails off, not really knowing how to finish his sentence. I grab the photograph and walk out her room.

We walk out of her apartment and I look at it for the last time. And as I smile at all the memories that were made here, I shut the door.
"Goodbye Aria." I whisper.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been procrastinating a little bit....

If you have any ideas or questions just ask me I'm happy to talk to you guys! |-/

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