Chapter 2

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"I am really sorry. I was careless." Abby could only hung her head low in embarrassment. She was trusted to do an important task and yet, she messed it up.

Abby spared a glance towards the unconscious girl on the couch.

She only had one job. And that is to protect this girl. But yet, she couldn't even do that.

"No, it's okay."

Abby lifted her head in surprise. This is not the response she had expected. She was about to open her mouth when the door suddenly opened.

Rans came in and when her gaze landed on the girl lying on the couch, Abby noted how the girl’s face instantly turned pale.

Rans cast her a worried look before walking inside and giving her full attention to the man in front of them."Good morning, Sir! Alice said you're looking for me."

"Who in your class still doesn't have a roommate?"

"In our class, only Sheki, Sir."

"Great. Rans, please bring Sela to Sheki's room. Let her rest for awhile and inform Sheki that she's a new student and will be her roommate starting today."

"Yes, Sir." Rans was about to go straight to the girl on the couch when he suddenly spoke again.

"Abby and Rans, you two are the only people who know about this. I have put all my trust in you."

Abby and Rans didn't say anything but he could see how their eyes were brimming with utmost loyalty so he just nodded at Rans, signaling her that she can proceed on doing her assigned task now.

He just watched as Rans quickly went towards the girl in the couch before bringing his gaze back to Abby.

"Abby, I am truly grateful for what you have done. The time you spent protecting Sela from all of the harms were already enough. I want you to know that I am in no way mad about what happened so please stop giving me that regretful look." he paused, chuckling."If ever, I thought this setup is much better for I can monitor her myself without having to trouble you."

Rans couldn't help but let out a breath of relief at what she heard. She intentionally tried to keep her movements slow so she would still hear their conversation.

"As much as you can, try not getting involve with her now. I want her to live here like a normal student while trying to discover her own power. Abby and Rans...I know you're listening too."

Rans almost dropped the girl she was carrying when she heard him mention her name. She slowly turned back around to look at him.

"Both of you are aware that she's my daughter but I want you to forget about that fact. Treat her like how you treat every students here."

"Yes, Sir!"

"That's all. You can now go."


Sela woke up, feeling a terrible headache. She opened her eyes and was greeted by a bright light.

And that's when she remembered the car that hit her.

Right. She must be in heaven now.

'My body in earth must be feeling so lonely right now because there's no one to mourn over her.' she thought as she still tried adjusting her vision to the bright light.


Sela, surprised at the sudden voice, quickly tilted her head over the source of the sound only to see a girl just around her age, wearing a school uniform that is somehow already familiar to her.

She looked around and realized that the place where she is in right now is nowhere near how everyone thought would heaven looks like.

This is just a small room.

"Who are you?"

"Well, I'm your roommate. My name is Sheki. And I don't really like not getting along with someone I'm sharing my room with so... Let's be friends."

'Roommate? How did I get a roommate? Whose room is this anyway? And What happened to me that night?' Sela has a lot of questions running in her mind but she just chose to kept quiet, thinking this isn't real and she's just perhaps... dreaming?

"Anyway, Rans told me that we're in the same class so you better hurry up because we only have an hour left before our first class starts."

"What?" Sela couldn't help but ask. Everything is so confusing."Who is Rans? And..." she paused, looking at the uniform of the girl. Although the girl's uniform seems pretty familiar to her, she's like 101% sure that's not her uniform so they're in no way could be classmates."..I don't know you. I'm not your classmate."

The girl laughed."Of course, you still don't know me. You've just enrolled in our school. That's why I introduced myself to you earlier, right? I'm Sheki, just so you already forgot."

Sela was once again left speechless. She enrolled in their school?

She was about to ask more question when she suddenly saw a fire on Sheki's palm. And what was making Sela more frantic is that the girl seems to be playing with it.

"What the hell?! Why are you--?!"

Sheki then turned her gaze towards her roommate who's now freaking out. Glad at the girl's reaction, she even moved her hand that has a fire near the girl.

"This is my power. I'm glad you look so amused." she said, making the fire even bigger to boast more in front of the newcomer. "Rans, the one who brought you here, has the same fire power as I am but the thing is...." she trailed off, pouting as she put away the fire."...her fire power is on another level. She can even burn herself, you know."

With all of she's seeing, Sela is now sure she is just dreaming. There is no way someone would make a fire out of her palm and talks about having power as if it's just normal.

And so, Sela slapped herself

But she felt it.

The pain.

She felt the pain.

"What? Is that your magic power?" Sheki suddenly asked and when her roommate just looked at her as if asking her if she was joking, she shrugged."Well, there were some students who have to cut themselves so they can transform into a beast. So I thought your power includes slapping yourself before you can show your power."

Sela just woke up but she suddenly felt tired already.


Sela's mouth left agape as soon as she stepped outside their dorm building and saw the whole premises of her supposed to be new university.

There were a lot of buildings, probably used for some other dorms and school hall. The quadrangle is so huge. And there were also a lot of students hanging out.

But the thing that brought Sela the most shock is how some students were floating in the air. Others were making some things float, controlling water. And Oh, someone just passed by her in an unbelievable speed.

Everything. Everything still feels so unreal.

"Hey, let's go!" she suddenly heard Sheki told her. And they started walking together towards the school building.

"Sheki..." Sela suddenly called. There are still a lot of things she wanted to know.


"You said that this is a university that teaches human with special powers how to control their power and make the most out of it, right?"


"But....are we really still human? I mean...having powers like this... is kind of--" Sela trailed off. She doesn't really know what to say.

"That's why we're called special. Why? Do you not view yourself as a human anymore?" Sheki asked and when she didn't receive any response from the girl, she continued,"When I first found out about my power, I felt weird too. But as soon as I got here and met a lot of other people who are born special too, I started embracing this gift that was given to me. And now, my only goal is on how I can improve my power. So you..." she tapped her roommate's shoulder."should just accept the power you have."

"But....." Sela frowned. She doesn't know if she can say this."..I don't have power."

Sheki laughed. She really find this newcomer amusing. She can't wait to introduce her to her friends."That's silly. You wouldn't be enrolled here if you don't have power."

Sela was about to retort but she just eventually decided to keep quiet and think.

The last thing that she remembered is how she was about to get hit by a car.

If we're only talking about possible outcomes. One, she would be in heaven now or two, she would wake up inside a hospital, that is if she got lucky.

But the thing is, she woke up in a room and was greeted by a girl who apparently has special powers.

Could it be that she got reincarnated?


Maybe, just maybe, Sheki was right. About her having a special power that manage to save her from being hit by a car.

It frustrates Sela that she may never got an answer to all of her questions providing that she doesn't know anyone here.

But.. who brought her here?

She remembered Sheki told her someone brought her to their room.

That person might have answers to all of her questions!


"Oh, we're here, Sela!"

Sela got so occupied with her thoughts that she didn't notice that they have already reached their classroom.

"Hello new classmate!" someone loudly greeted her as soon as she entered the classroom which brought all of her classmates' attention on her.

"Shut up, Belle." Sheki scolded the girl. She motioned Sela to occupy the vacant seat on the back row beside the window and her own seat.

"Hey Sheki, don't tell me you won't introduce the new girl to us?"  Belle asked, giving a look to their new classmate who had just occupied the seat that Sheki told her.

"Woah! What's with the rush? You really can't wait for our lunch break?"

"She's pretty so you need to introduce her to me now."

"Ecka!" Sheki called the girl who was seated beside Belle.

Belle then frantically reached out to cover Sheki's mouth but the latter was too quick to produce a fire which left a little burn mark on Belle's hand

"Oh shit."

"What the hell, Sheki?" Ecka asked who quickly went to Belle's aid. She was about to use her power which is able to control the wind to lessen the pain in Belle's hand when she suddenly heard Sheki speak.

"If I were you, I wouldn't help her. Belle just told me that the new girl is pretty and kept on bugging me to introduce her."

"That's not true!" Belle countered, feeling a little bit scared at how Ecka is looking at her now.

"Why did you only give a small burn mark? You should have burn her whole hand, Sheki." Ecka said before going back to her seat, completely forgetting about helping her girlfriend.

Sela who was silently watching them, couldn't help but smile.

She's only been here in this class for a couple of minutes but she can already say that this class is much better than her old class.

The banter from every side of the classroom instantly stopped when two students entered the room and occupied the vacant seat in front.

Sela was left speechless too, but probably because of a different reason. One of the girl who entered the room looks so familiar to her.

Pale skin.

Straight long black hair.

Hazel eyes

And glossy lips.

And plus the uniform!

She now understands why this uniform is familiar to her.  It's because this is the same uniform the girl she met on the waiting shed was wearing.

She couldn't be wrong this time.

Sela might have met the girl for only a brief moment but she was sure that the student who sat in front and the girl she encountered at the waiting shed yesterday are the same.

'So this couldn't be reincarnation' Sela thought as she kept her gaze towards the girl who was just seriously staring at the board in front.

She was about to ask Sheki who was the girl when another person stepped inside who seems to be their professor.



The class ended and it was like any normal class except that the lesson is all about power.

How to control your power, How to improve, The proper way of using and so on and so fort.

To say that I didn't have fun would be a lie. I actually found myself attentively listening while taking down some notes.

If this would be my life now, might as well try to blend in with them, right?

But of course, I still have a lot of questions which needs to be answered.

When I saw the girl whom I've been keeping an eye ever since the class started left her seat, I immediately sling my bag on my shoulder and walked towards the girl, ignoring Sheki who cluelessly asked where I was going.

"Hey, excuse me." I said which made the girl look at me. She was just emotionlessly staring back at me as if this is the first time she saw me and to say that I'm not starting to regret my decision of confronting her right in front of the class would be a big lie.

It also doesn't help that the other girl she entered with which made the class quiet awhile ago is also staring or more like glaring at me right now.

And also, the class started to become quiet again. Although I was just gazing back at the girl in front of me, I can see from the corner of my eyes that all of my classmates were now looking at us.

"I--.." I started, feeling uncomfortable from all of the attention were gaining."..I need to--"

"I'm sorry, Abby. She's just a new student here and I still haven't inform her about the rules here. It's my fault. I'm sorry." Sheki suddenly said and I can tell that she was really nervous.

The girl, who I now know by the name 'Abby', cast a quick glance at me before directing her gaze to Sheki." It's alright. Make sure to teach her the basics and tour her around the campus."

"Yes, we will."

Abby just nodded at Sheki before turning to the girl who entered in the class with her."Lets go." she told her and they both exited the room.

I then slowly turned to look at Sheki who is now glaring at me.

Oh shit.

I don't understand what happened but judging from the way Sheki is looking at me, I feel like I've just made a big mistake.

I smiled at her.

I can't afford to not have a friend in this new life too.

" sorry?"

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